Electra wrote:
Is there anything I should be afraid of when doing a spell or a ritual? I know this may sound weird, but I was raised in a family where all forms of magick is bad. Is there a certain group of people I should be afraid of, referring to the prosecution of many Witches throughout time.Generally speaking, no. You don't need to be afraid of anything. You do need to prepare though. As with any minority, witches can be the target of social persecution which requires a thick skin. If you don't feel you would handle social ridicule very well then just keep who you are and what you do to yourself.
Don't be afraid to do spells or rituals; however, again you'll want to prepare. As your magic grows stronger entities may be drawn to you. Some might be good, some might be bad. That's why it's important to learn cleansing spells, protection spells, banishing spells and invisibility spells. It's also important to learn how to ground excess energy from spells.
So don't be afraid! Be prepared!
Goddess Bless!
Source: candle-magic.blogspot.com