Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Keep Calm And Carry On The Family Business

Keep Calm And Carry On The Family Business

Not your typical sort of travelling folk, they are Hunters. The bane of every creepy, crawly, glowing-eyed monster that dares go bump in the night. As the name implies, "hunters" are (usually) humans who make it their business to track down and eliminate anything of a mystical persuasion, including, demons, ghosts, witches, vampires, shape-shifters, wendigos, etc.

THE ROAD SO FAR...To be a hunter is a life on the road. For a number of reasons, most hunters cannot or will not put down roots. Mobility is key. Constantly on the move, a hunter could be tracking a corpse munching ghoul in Wichita one day then have to beat feet to clear out a nest of vampires in Denver the next. The ability to put a town in their rear view mirror is also essential as the local law tends to mistake the decapitation of a supernatural man-eater for the cold-blooded homicide. This is often why a hunter tends to avoid visiting the same town twice.

While a hunter dedicates his or her life to protecting mankind, the tables can turn whereby the hunter becomes the prey. In the world of the supernatural, a hunter makes quite a few enemies and sometimes that demon they exorcised back to hell takes it personally. It will makes it its business to crawl their way back up from the fiery abyss to murder a hunter in their bed. This stark reality makes it difficult and unwise to linger too long in one place. No, for the average hunter, a house with a white picket fence is out of the question, its endless hours on the road and cheap sleazy motels with roaches on the walls.

SKILLS AND ABILITIES: If a hunter expects to avoid becoming ghoul scat it's generally a good idea to maintain a strong mind and body. This includes and not limited to:

* A thorough understanding of mythology and lore (both world and local)
* Proficiency in various forms of martial arts (or general hand-to-hand combat).
* Expertise with both firearms and melee weapons
* Ability to read and pronounce Latin verses and incantations (knowledge of other dead languages is strongly encouraged).
* Access to research materials such as newspaper articles, journals, books, and other manuscripts (do not fear to use the local library!)
* Knowledge of federal and local police procedure (a fake FBI badge and a cheap suit can open a lot of doors in a supernatural investigation).
* A hearty dose of common sense! If you think it's a trap then it probably is. If you need back up then pick up the phone. Most hunters will set aside the lone-wolf mentality if it means getting a job done right.



* Shotguns with modified shells packed with rock salt are highly effective when used against creatures such as ghosts and demons. While it won't "kill" a ghost it can disrupt their manifested form granting a hunter valuable time to escape.
* A silver bullet from a handgun or rifle will put down a werewolf with ease when aimed at the head or heart.


* Knives, axes, machetes, etc., can all be used to various effect, for example: the only way to kill a vampire is by decapitation (a wooden stake through the heart is like bringing a hotdog to a gun fight, useless). Blades made of or coated in silver, however, can harm or kill a wider range of beasts such as werewolves, shape-shifter, skin-walkers, fairies, and djinn.


* Salt: Many cultures extol the virtues of salt as a purifying element. It is why every hunter "worth his/her salt" will carry a much of the stuff as possible. Demons and ghosts are incapable of crossing a salt line or circle and can in fact be harmed if they come into contact with it.
* Holy Water: It will burn a demon like acid, enough said.
* Iron: Did you ever wonder why old graveyards have an iron fence? It was believed that a wandering spirit or ghost could not pass through an iron barrier thus preventing them from harassing the world of the living. A hunter can use an iron rod against ghosts, demons, and other monsters.
* Fire: There are a few combinations to which fire can be applied:

- Fire: On its own it can kill creatures such as wendigos and rugarus.

- Fire + holy oil: can be used to trap or injure and angel.

- Fire + salt: when applied to the remains of a vengeful spirit will put it to rest once and for all.


* Spells to summon or banish spirits, hex bags to curse or protect, and sigils/ wards to keep evil in or out. A hunter that doesn't use magic is fighting with a severe handicap. It's a shameful waste of a powerful resource that can get them and others killed.

It's not an easy life being a hunter. No place to call home and life expectancy is... well it's a special thing when a hunter can die of old age. A thankless job where the risk is high and the rewards are few. However, sometimes "saving people" and "hunting things" can be all the motivation certain people need.

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