Thursday, January 1, 2015

Galactic Alignments Astrology And The Spiritual Journey

Galactic Alignments Astrology And The Spiritual Journey
Here is the forthcoming Evolver Intensive Webinar titled "Galactic Alignments: Charting The Soul's Journey Through Astrology", featuring Adam Elenbaas, along with guest astrologers VerDarLuz, Eric Meyers, Erin Sullivan, and Ari Moshe Wolfe.

Over the course of six sessions, we will learn to attune our bodies and minds to the heavenly energies of the planets experientially, while simultaneously deepening our understanding of the soul's destiny through our birth charts.

When we look into the night skies, we can see only empty space, planetary bodies, and distant stars - or we can see patterns of correspondence and meaning that influence our lives and society in profound and subtle ways. Astrology is an ancient practice - both science and art form - for learning about our selves, our society, and the cosmos itself.

Astrology has evolved radically in the 21st century. In this course, we will explore new approaches to this ancient discipline. As we gain insight into our lives through studying the stars and planets, we will learn how to access our deepest potential.

Starting this September, join Nightlight Astrology founder and RS Contributing Editor/author of "Fishers of Men: The Gospel of an Ayahuasca Vision Quest," Adam Elenbaas, along with guest astrologers VerDarLuz, Eric Meyers, Erin Sullivan, and Ari Moshe Wolfe.

Over the course of six sessions, we will learn to attune our bodies and minds to the heavenly energies of the planets experientially, while simultaneously deepening our understanding of the soul's destiny through our birth charts.

Adam and his guests will explore not only the founding principles of astrology, but will navigate the many variations of astrological theory, allowing you to develop a broad understanding of astrological practice and theory.

In this series, you will :

* Develop a deep understanding of the Sun and Moon Cycles, and the twelve Houses and Signs of the Zodiac
* Learn how to interpret the Natal Chart, as well as the basics of planetary tracking
* The cycles of the planets, from progressions to retrogrades
* How the elements further flesh out the birth chart and offer tools for evolutionary growth
* The principles of evolutionary astrology and how we can realize our soul's mission in this life and consciously aid in our soul's progression


September 16th 12pm Los Angeles o 3pm New York o 8pm London o 9pm Paris

* The Sun Cycle
* The Moon Cycle
* Lunar/Solar Tracking
* Dream Tracking and Analysis with the Moon Cycle


September 23rd 12pm Los Angeles o 3pm New York o 8pm London o 9pm Paris

* A Shamanic Approach to the 12 Signs and Houses
* Sound Healing through the 12 Signs and Houses
* Guided Meditation through the 12 Signs and Houses
* Understanding the Destiny path of Your Sun and Moon Signs


September 30th 12pm Los Angeles o 3pm New York o 8pm London o 9pm Paris

* Introduction to the scope of Earth, Water, Air & Fire
* A spiritual understanding of the 4 elements
* The elements role in consciousness
* A new classification of the elements (charged ">


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