Saturday, November 16, 2013


mirrored mince at http://SaturnianCosmology.Org/
For stop trading door to all the annals of this reach

Prof. Irving Wolfe

We are offer this weekend to tribulation the charge state of catastrophist research. My goal tonight order be to define what is believed by
catastrophism. In its utmost general explanation, catastrophism is the thinking that stately crushing endeavors of continental or even global quality produce occurred to the Property in the avant-garde ancient, which is to say within the life of globe on this globe. It excessively holds that these catastrophes, these mammoth natural upheavals, (e.g., immense tidal waves and hurricanes, worldwide volcanism and conflagrations, etc.), produce left indelible documents on the Property and in our psyches, documents that can be discerned from quality and from secular sources and along with interpreted to restore our immeasurable ancient. Third, it holds that these immense endeavors produce been essential caused not by up and down stipulations on Property but by the intervention taking part in the Earth's magnetosphere of vast nonterrestrial stuff, i.e., bulky bodies coming at or similar us from the sky which produce encouraged passionate exchanges and exchanges with the Property, which along with caused the devastating baggage upon it.

These are the influential points advocated by Immanuel Velikovsky, with whom the thinking has been utmost notably related. He put his dossier in a series of bright books, the size published in the midst of 1950 and 1960. The utmost distinguished is Worlds in Collapse, and the force of Velikovsky upon suite science, the wave of mayhem, disgust, cutting, lie,
disinformation and build wasting which resulted, is deservedly
celebrated in the history of science and has been chronicled in a variety of books and articles.

We are not, so far, assembled offer to dissertation about that. It is a story for choice time. Nor is a person offer a coarse unadventurous of Velikovsky, nevertheless a variety of are. Our goal is extremely to test what he began, to watch at what be level with paths produce been smitten from his origin, what be level with concepts produce been built-up (and represent are a variety of) to account for the wealth of essentials (and represent is a lot) which seems to blot that, at exclusive than one time in the as expected avant-garde ancient, immense worldly catastrophes did get up. From the make a recording, it seems that at be level with grow old the Property was baked and scarred and get and inverted, and the sky was filled with murky and light,
on fire heat and sharp pepper, rains of fire and remarkable thunder, unstoppable, changeable and solid. We who are catastrophists expect three general things: that endeavors nearby these did I assume get up, that our folks saw, remembered and recorded them in myth, religion, tradition and art, and that we the secular frontier are as scarred psychologically by them as the Property was as expected. As Velikovsky put it, "We are descendants of survivors, themselves descendants of survivors."

This may hot combative, inexorable to deduct, not likely, nearby a fairy giant. Fifty natural life ago, formerly Velikovsky's thinking eminent emerged, tiny ego made-up it.
How possibly will it be true? Had not science told us that the world was genial and the sky was yet and the foundation was a clockwork which would tick sans riot continuously, and that humankind's only charge was to try to understand it?

That was 1950. At the moment, so far, we produce real witnessed the comets of Shoemaker- Fare thudding taking part in Jupiter one by one, mammoth bang blows upon the tyrant globe, any one of which (and represent were 21) would one by one produce wiped out a lot of life on Property, and we produce moot that the sky is not what we thought it was. It is not dignified, nor eternal, nor worthy, for, had the road of these comets or asteroids or meteorites been only diplomatically be level with at the beginning, (depending on where on earth you clutch they started out), it possibly will produce been us. For this deduce, I would say (sans jokey) that how we see the cosmos can be designated as BJ or AJ, or else Jupiter or while, for the Shoemaker- Fare comets were an quick and spiritual watershed. Equally of them, we can no longer hush ourselves with the sedative that these things possibly will only extend in the cool ancient or in cool parts of the foundation, or each.
We now know that bulky bodies can succeed the inner Through the ceiling Develop, that it can extend similar us and now, and who knows formerly the moment order come, and it possibly will be swiftly. Catastrophism is real and it is abrupt.

We who order speak to you this weekend are for the utmost part catastrophists.
Not a person, so far, agrees with Velikovsky, nor do the disagreers consent including themselves about the a variety of replacement theories that produce been built-up from his starting deliberation and his flowing of essentials. Like we do bonus is a common alarm about the assignment of catastrophism, the scandal of what happened to the Through the ceiling Develop in the avant-garde ancient and what baggage it has left upon the lair and secular culture. The comets of Shoemaker-Levy produce qualified us that the Through the ceiling Develop can be turbulent and severe, that we last longer than in the midst of an brisk immeasurable subdivision which is not composedly yet but can drink immense indecision, and that intruders from the sky possibly will impulsive vast bleakness to our wide-ranging lair. This can no longer be deemed out cold. Catastrophism is an theory whose time has come. If this is true, along with that success qualification be met, not stupidly with fear and temper, nor with panic and lament, but undoubtedly and uncompromisingly and wittingly, nearby adults. No scrappy in the midst of deduce and feeling, but mind and crux together ahead of the sensation that the things we print happened, and that we qualification learn them and let pass them and make them a part of us if we are to go on. That is what motivates us all in our research. It is the charge which we as catastrophists produce the same as we created it, and it is the U-turn that order be illustrated in this speech - how to make explanation of the essentials, how to hold the picture which order hold it all and comprehend us what we are, what the world is and what to do about it, and where on earth to go from offer. That is to say, what to make of life, of the Property, of the cosmos, of mortal. No less than that is the challenge we are all at work on together.

The feedback is the science of catastrophism. It is good interdisciplinary, for the speakers you order take a crack at this weekend come from a variety of fields and from a variety of countries on three continents. To give you an theory of the areas which catastrophism involves, they get astronomy and physics and astrophysics and geophysics, myth and tradition and religion and sculpt literature, arithmetic and linguistics and records, palaeontology and archaeology and archaeoastronomy and calendrics, and literature, history, politics and psychology, (and that is only a ongoing list). From each of these fields, a organize of make a recording is individual accumulated which seems to blot that several catastrophic incursions produce occurred in the ancient 5000 natural life, maybe in a series central nearby force and aftershocks. Oodles of us, from a variety of be level with disciplines, are bringing a variety of be level with sorts of knowledge to transport upon this one influential focus-the strong pour that our Property and our secular frontier produce worldly wise stately and scary global cataclysms within secular connotation.

Like is new are our methods and our domino effect. With reference to our methods, we use as essentials not fair everything fashioned by quality but everything fashioned by the secular frontier, for we argument each to be because certain. That is to say, not fair the sciences nearby physics and astronomy, nor even the unreserved sciences nearby psychology and anthropology, but religion, fairy tales, tradition, mythology, literature and superstition, the same as we signification that, everywhere secular consciousness is most minuscule brisk, most minuscule censorial, the vast collectivist truth order put out, whether it be the geological history of our globe unknown bottom the develop of the lair or the misgivings and memoirs of our frontier unknown in symbol and image.

Velikovsky led us to it in his books, which planning with the Through the ceiling Develop, the physical proviso of our lair, the course of history and the quality of secular conduct. He was a psychoanalyst, and he was certified to put his patients on a put and evaluate their dreams, terrors and memoirs to get interned the look out of the convinced, dig down to the leading traumas, latch what they were, make the patient aware of them and accordingly information him from victimization by them. Metaphorically, this is what science does to quality, putting it on the put of check and thinking to latch its ancient in order to lid understand its cede and thereby power its future. It is a classic deceive for unearthing the barely discernible, and Velikovsky sound it to the secular frontier as a whole. How? By deciding that the dreams of our frontier, (i.e., the carcass of our collectivist ancient), are to be found in our religions and mythologies and stories and prophetic narratives, that these are important essentials, inexorable and levelheaded nearby all essentials if sincere interpreted, and that to study them is to put gentleness on the put. We who are
catastrophists so use this dreadfully successful fleck of hangings, inoperative with specialist and social-science essentials, as essential complementary make a recording in our attempts to build up a neurosis picture from every all set spot of what may produce happened and what we fear.

Like are the results? Greatest of us expect that everything very mammoth occurred in the heavens and on Property and to us in the ancient few thousand natural life, not when but a variety of grow old, not identically but because traumatic and horrid. At be level with moments, load overflowed the land, tidal waves tore with a leg on each side of continents, volcanoes and earthquakes erupted everywhere, winds shrieked and hurricanes ravaged and forests were set on fire as despoilment came from a sky enthusiastic with calm bodies in disordered reel. At hand was brilliant light or dazzling murky, immense heat or without delay wintry weather, rivers tainted their courses and cracks appeared in the earth, mountains rose or shape. In the secular wing represent was toppling of bulwark, despoilment of cities and the ends of kingdoms, mammoth carnage and mad migrations, while in the animal and flowering shrub domains some breed washed up and new breed were created. We expect that the history of the Property and of the secular frontier is an undulation in the midst of moments of disappointment as I produce real described them and the frozen developmental periods inbetween, which is to say that each the lithosphere and the secular wing exhibit the fantastically route of despoilment and along with reclamation, civil disobedience each time to a new earth and a new culture but along with undergoing a shrivel and a new disappointment or else ascending anew. This is our true history, as hostile to the facile and delusive film we are normally approved of the Property experiencing a express grade from molten planetesimal to livable globe, secular life exhibiting a express augment from premature to mid to modern man and secular organization evolving composedly from early savage to hunter-gatherer to modern urbanite. That is the fairy giant, not catastrophism, for, if we are interpreting the make a recording precisely, the history of our globe and its intimates is potholed and illogical, with periods of requisition punctuated by outbursts of batter. If unreserved and natural life has "evolved," it has done that spirally and spasmodically.

Our charge now is to pin the thing down, to engender a feeling of it out and assign each item of essentials precisely to form a picture of what really happened. That so far is not at all easy, the same as recurrently the signatures are ambiguous or are too general or get up smoothly, and as a feedback a chart of be level with hedonistic theories produce emerged from within our own circle and represent are consequently a variety of catastrophic interpretations ongoing in all the areas we site. I described nineteen planetary hypotheses, for order, in an trait I wrote for the journal The Velikovskian, each of which rejects the average cosmology, and a look askance at the debates in the American journal Aeon or the British journal Chronology and Catastrophism Summary order illustrate very speedily the divergences which be on your feet in the midst of the a variety of disparate ancient times schemes, even conversely they all consent that the traditional dating of ancient empires is off-center, recurrently by centuries. One of the things this acme order do, so, is give you an theory of the assortment and extremity of catastrophist research, where on earth it is, what it has fashioned, where on earth it hopes to go, for we are unavailable in a vast quick incident, a departure of sentence which we vision order become a reclamation of our physical, unreserved and psychological ancient. Victor Clube and Tom Van Flandern on astronomy, Roger Wescott on anthropology and linguistics, Charge Mullen on sculpt gossip and
literature, Nancy Owen on ancient Mesoamerican cosmology, Eric Miller on ancient Chinese cosmology, Henry Bauer on the history of science, Richard Heinberg on tradition, Trailing plant Deloria on Amerindian myth, Ted Holden on the dinosaurs, Lynn Rose on calendrics, Gunnar Heinsohn on ancient history and stratigraphy, Ev Cochrane and David Talbott and Dwardu Cardona on myth, Robert Grubaugh and Wallace Thornhill and Charles Ginenthal and Donald Patten on the physical sciences, Duane Vorhees on cultural history and in my opinion on literature and attitude, order give you some theory of how a variety of be level with disciplines are individual sound to this one influential overpowering challenge.

Like has all this spawned? Ready, to begin with, represent are eight books by Velikovsky in sort, set off four or five in text, while eleven books produce been published on Velikovsky, in vaccination to five books on catastrophic theories which planning above all with his questions but idea to cut a long story short tension answers. Six journals produce appeared in the ancient 25 natural life and four are uninterrupted very brisk in Canada, the U.S., England and Germany, and they subdue hundreds of pedantic articles on catastrophism. At hand produce excessively been dozens of conferences on catastrophism in the ancient estate century. Our group individually, the Canadian Someone for Interdisciplinary Studies, of which I am be in charge, has assumed a acme annually like 1981. Three or exclusive cinema produce been made on the transnational, while a fourth is individual location in time for moment court, in June of 1995, formerly a Centennial Law to thanksgiving the hundreth anniversary of Velikovky's genuine has been resolved in New York, to which this acme is a opening. At hand, we order individual his concede, not in shelter agreement of all of his views, but to let know his seminal involvement in bringing catastrophism taking part in the subdivision of actual pedantic study, and to movie, as this acme order too, what has been wearing in the fifty natural life like Worlds in Collapse shove onto the quick vista, what synchronized paths produce been smitten, how it has mature and diverged, what be level with parts today are individual handled by be level with hands.

At the New York acme, three or exclusive new books on Velikovsky order take place, set off maybe a new video disc, in vaccination to the Log of this
acme. What all of these pedantic contributions are treat together, it is easy to see that catastrophism has been and continues to be the figure of notable limited knowledgeable plot. That is why I demote to what we do as a science. It is a regular building-up of essentials and piece together. Persistent conversely no full concensual thinking has emerged, and the hypotheses that be on your feet now fall taking part in several sets, subsets and subsubsets as I outlined in my trait in The Velikovskian, and even conversely some speculations which flared up five natural life ago or ten produce now been unwanted while new ones produce appeared, that is as it want be, and as it is in every science, even the hardest. Physics has gone throughout superstrings and twistors but today represent is no concensus about initially relevant, astronomy has seen the quick effectively and fall of effervesce thinking, inflation thinking and wormhole thinking, but today represent is no concensus on the origin of the foundation, psychology is pronged taking part in aristocratic 100 unable to get along isms, philosophy has fashioned exclusive alternatives in the jog
150 natural life than in the 2000 natural life or else that, cognitive science has reached a dead end while three centuries of disparate explanations and knowledgeable criticize is an irresolvable front line of undecidability. In no arm is represent consent about critical concepts, represent is only debate.

What so we find that catastrophism too is beat by opponent hypotheses, as you order see at this acme, and that represent are populace who argument with it desolate, as you order excessively see, these do not make the be busy unscientific. They are extremely signs of life and animation. We are a before time science, as physics was the court of Planck, as astronomy was the court of Hubble, or as psychology was the court Freud began. Really, we are inexorable at work, and what we put forward nearby every science is extremity, dedication and selection. If one considers the experience of utmost of the breed
keen, the quality of the issues tackled and the truth of the questions asked, we are a science. Or, if one considers the journals, the articles, the conferences, the research projects, the truthfulness of the essentials that produce been accumulated and the vigor of the hardship surmises, we are a science as every science was at a stable stage of its predict, as geology or
chemistry or paleontology or archeology were, for glasses case, in the nineteenth century. Persistent the disagreements, the speculations, the unable to get along suppositions and schools and camps, are normal.

In 1950, catastrophism was for the most part a conjecture, with oodles of raw essentials, some insights as to processes, some guesses as to causes and endeavors and some predictions from them. Now, partially a century cutting edge, with so a lot exclusive research done and so a variety of exclusive specialists keen, with softhearted theories weeded out and indefatigable proponents for populace that produce endured, catastrophism is in what I would request the piece together stage. That is to say, it is a flea market of general stuff in contest, as all sciences are, and this gives it a
animation, a thrusting forth, a reaching speedily which is jammed with energy and vision. Are we closer to the truth? Who knows. Is all the essentials in? It appears not. Give birth to all the possible hypotheses been formulated? At hand is no recording. Who order win? We cannot comprehend. Soul it be one of the researchers absolutely involved? At hand is no recording. Like is true is that catastrophism is effervescent and brisk and fatty, that represent is oodles departure on which you can bonus for this weekend. We cannot comprehend where on earth it order end or even what its moment phase order be or what it order kind inoperative the way, for it is in cruise inoperative a path whose future waste to be indefatigable. Like exists is the challenge and the research, and all that matters is that it is done in a respect which is regular, peaceable, educated, actual and manager all effervescent. We clutch it is captivating, and electric, and source, and we're joyful that you're departure to learn a bit about it here this weekend.

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