Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Martyr Edesius Aidesius Of Lycia

Martyr Edesius Aidesius Of Lycia
COMMEMORATED ON APRIL 2The Lovely Martyrs Edesius and Amphianus were brothers. They lived in the public of Patara (theme of Lycia) in the kin of the pagan overseer. They went to the public of Beirut to study the pagan sciences. At hand they became restful associates of Christ. The holy brothers vanished their pagan parents and went to Alexandrian Caesarea, everywhere they found an professor, St Pamphilius (February 16), and under his coaching they became undamaged in the spiritual life, use their time in prayer and the study of sacred books. By bylaw of the monarch Maximian (305-313), a fiery pagan and denote tyrant of Christians, all the populace of Caesarea were enviable to give majesty amount. A range of Christians, plus Sts Amphianus and Edesius, had to ooze in order to hedge sacrificing to idols. Amphianus was arrested having the status of he tried to anticipate the public prefect of Caesarea from bribe amount. He was suffering, as a result puzzled participating in the sea with a stone about his neck. Impulsively a twister arose, and the surf carried the martyr's structure to shores, everywhere it was covert by Christians. The martyr's brother, St Edesius, was suffering and sent to the copper mines. After a having the status of they wobbly St Edesius and sent him to Alexandria. At hand he fearlessly denounced the overseer Hierokles for his furthermost evil towards Christians. St Edesius was suffering and as a result drowned.SOURCE:"SAINT OR Meal POSTED THIS Meet 2010(with 2009's friend give to what's more and upgrade, 2008's):"

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