Sunday, November 24, 2013

Animal Symbols In Magic

Animal Symbols In Magic
Primeval magic is use of an animal for its symbolism and energies. Flora and fauna can extremely be animal spirit guides. Combined to spirit guides, they are cast-off for their strengths, skills, and training. By way of animal symbols in your spell work can be very effective. They can be cast-off to standard natives or situations, and/or to add staying power and hew to what it is you are working to completed. Approximately is a file of abundant broad animals and the public properties coupled with them. You can extremely use this list as an aid being decifering thoughts, omens, shapes in tea grass, etc.

* Alligator-aggression, leftover, adaptability
* Ant-team performer, worker
* Armadillo-active, nocturnal, protection
* Bat-guardian of the night, cleaner
* Bear-power, adaptability
* Draw Paw-strength, mobility
* Beaver-builder, gatherer
* Bobcat-fierce, nonconformist, fullness
* Buffalo-sacredness, life planner
* Bull-strength, warning
* Butterfly-metamorphisis, delicate, transformer
* Camel-weary, eternal
* Cat-independence, fluidity, healing
* Cougar-leadership, daring
* Cow-patience, stoicism
* Coyote-prankster, accomplishment, frolicsome
* Crane-solitude, impartiality
* Deer-love, docility, warmth
* Dog-loyalty, protection
* Dolphin-kindness, lettering, stage man to oceanic
* Dragonfly-flighty, delicate
* Eagle-divine spirit, row to instigator
* Elephant-long life, self-preservation
* Elk-strength, adroitness, coordinate
* Fox-cunning, provider, comprehension
* Frog-connection with water element
* Giraffe-watchfulness, mobility
* Goat-stubborn, omnivorous
* Gorilla-brute staying power, adaptibility
* Goose-faithful, telling, wayfarer
* Grizzly Bear-hunter, nature's pharmacist
* Hawk-messenger, socket of time
* Hippo-linking water and earth, leftover
* Horse-stamina, mobility, staying power
* Hummingbird-messenger, socket of time
* Kangaroo-feisty, funloving
* Lion-power, staying power, appreciation
* Lizard-conservation, adroitness
* Loon-solitude, song, romance
* Manatee-peaceable, pliable
* Monkey-playfulness, adroitness
* Moose-headstrong, unyielding, longevity
* Mouse-timid, cautious, deceitful
* Orca-focus, power
* Ostrich-fickle, fast moving
* Otter-laughter, curiosity, truth, mercy
* Owl-wisdom, oath
* Panda-playful, warmth
* Pelican-ever on the alert, fluidity
* Penguin-playful, constant
* Pheasant-confidence, attraction, oath
* Pig-intelligence, desire
* Wintry Bear-fearlessness, power
* Quail-sacred helix, position, Devout
* Rabbit-alertness, proficient
* Raccoon-bandit, shy, motivation
* Ram-new beginning, lecturer, collector
* Raven-trickster, defective
* Rhino-durability, staying power
* Track Runner-speed, adroitness, aptitude
* Salmon-instinct, intent, motivation
* Seahorse-confidence, fluidity
* Shark-hunter, leftover
* Skunk-wary, conspicious, perceptive
* Snake-shrewdness, variation
* Spider-creative, make of life
* Squirrel-trusting, credulity
* Swan-grace, genuine, festive
* Turkey-smart, ambiguous
* Turtle-self-contained creative bringer
* Water Buffalo-enormus staying power, usual working
* Whale-wisdom, power, filter
* Wolf-loyalty, run into, oath
* Breakfast Paw-freedom, run into, training
* Zebra-family-oriented, alert

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