* Alligator-aggression, leftover, adaptability
* Ant-team performer, worker
* Armadillo-active, nocturnal, protection
* Bat-guardian of the night, cleaner
* Bear-power, adaptability
* Draw Paw-strength, mobility
* Beaver-builder, gatherer
* Bobcat-fierce, nonconformist, fullness
* Buffalo-sacredness, life planner
* Bull-strength, warning
* Butterfly-metamorphisis, delicate, transformer
* Camel-weary, eternal
* Cat-independence, fluidity, healing
* Cougar-leadership, daring
* Cow-patience, stoicism
* Coyote-prankster, accomplishment, frolicsome
* Crane-solitude, impartiality
* Deer-love, docility, warmth
* Dog-loyalty, protection
* Dolphin-kindness, lettering, stage man to oceanic
* Dragonfly-flighty, delicate
* Eagle-divine spirit, row to instigator
* Elephant-long life, self-preservation
* Elk-strength, adroitness, coordinate
* Fox-cunning, provider, comprehension
* Frog-connection with water element
* Giraffe-watchfulness, mobility
* Goat-stubborn, omnivorous
* Gorilla-brute staying power, adaptibility
* Goose-faithful, telling, wayfarer
* Grizzly Bear-hunter, nature's pharmacist
* Hawk-messenger, socket of time
* Hippo-linking water and earth, leftover
* Horse-stamina, mobility, staying power
* Hummingbird-messenger, socket of time
* Kangaroo-feisty, funloving
* Lion-power, staying power, appreciation
* Lizard-conservation, adroitness
* Loon-solitude, song, romance
* Manatee-peaceable, pliable
* Monkey-playfulness, adroitness
* Moose-headstrong, unyielding, longevity
* Mouse-timid, cautious, deceitful
* Orca-focus, power
* Ostrich-fickle, fast moving
* Otter-laughter, curiosity, truth, mercy
* Owl-wisdom, oath
* Panda-playful, warmth
* Pelican-ever on the alert, fluidity
* Penguin-playful, constant
* Pheasant-confidence, attraction, oath
* Pig-intelligence, desire
* Wintry Bear-fearlessness, power
* Quail-sacred helix, position, Devout
* Rabbit-alertness, proficient
* Raccoon-bandit, shy, motivation
* Ram-new beginning, lecturer, collector
* Raven-trickster, defective
* Rhino-durability, staying power
* Track Runner-speed, adroitness, aptitude
* Salmon-instinct, intent, motivation
* Seahorse-confidence, fluidity
* Shark-hunter, leftover
* Skunk-wary, conspicious, perceptive
* Snake-shrewdness, variation
* Spider-creative, make of life
* Squirrel-trusting, credulity
* Swan-grace, genuine, festive
* Turkey-smart, ambiguous
* Turtle-self-contained creative bringer
* Water Buffalo-enormus staying power, usual working
* Whale-wisdom, power, filter
* Wolf-loyalty, run into, oath
* Breakfast Paw-freedom, run into, training
* Zebra-family-oriented, alert