Monday, April 8, 2013

My Elekes

My Elekes
several months ago i had a fear of being laid off from work, i talked to my santera and she consulted a babalawo who said i should receive the necklaces. I received the necklaces on November 23: i was told the initiation came with ire (blessings), ever since: my electricity power went out ( i was only receiving half power-which after a couple of days i got fixed). My heater went out (my a/c unit-that still isnt working).i had to buy space heaters, that have now doubled my electric bill-plus knocked out several (10) of my electrical outlets for about two weeks-but are now working. My alarm stopped working due to low battery-i bought a new battery, and now it's saying something else. ( was trying to avoid having an technician come over cause they cost money) to get an oil change on my car, just for them to tell me i have an oil pan leak that needs an mechanic to fix (300.00- that i don't have) And just today a water pipe busted outside my backyard (it got fixed though). And last... I've been pulled in to my supervisors office twice for her to berrate me for not doing my job well. I guess my question is.... Where are all my blessings i was supposed to receive upon getting my elekes? I feel like the orishas are ignoring my prayers,requests, pleas! Does anyone have any ideas what might have gone wrong?

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