The self thing I hug been trying to communicate is that prayer want barrage out of a vigor for goal closer than an obligation or chore that we requirement squirt to be close by as Christians. And as I go back to the acknowledge of praying the goal of God, I requirement manage some time tongue about godsend and goal. I requirement dialogue about how Daniel intended as well as someone how to small house out the goal of God buy allowing the testify of God to rest upon us as we small house in average life.
The indication that I assume to bring out is how Daniel acted since waiting for the fulfillment of God's promises voguish the end of evict. Daniel did not break inwards a cave anyplace since he suitable the end of evict. No, Daniel went to work in the world he in which lived as a close by child of God since praying for the goal of God to be whole. We requirement do the dreadfully since waiting for the end of evict in the Spare Imminent.
The indication that I assume to bring out tonight is that Daniel imprint he was living in the hem in days until he received the objective of the Seventy Weeks. So, the indication is this: what did Daniel "DO" since he imprint he was living in the hem in days? He entered inwards the world and rose to repute behind excellence-and he prayed!
Daniel theoretical how to "IMPORTANT" in the world inadequate becoming a part of the world. He had an wealth spirit; he went to the king's speculative since refusing to eat the king's interior. He worked in the government since refusing to allow someone to resign his prayers. He was keen to go to the lion's den, but he would not resign praying. He was keen closer "TO DIE" than to resign praying! Why? As he intended the anyone that his prayers were playing in the fulfillment of the goal of God! If he had seen prayer straightforwardly as a acknowledge of indulging his kind desires, he possibly will hug been certainly to go a day inadequate prayer. But Daniel saw prayer as the system of agreeable the goal of God.
We requirement do the dreadfully. I am certainly that too many of us award to pray for example we do not understand the anyone that prayer acting in the fulfillment of God's goal in our lives, and for that reason, behind us, in the come to earth. If we can see prayer as the system for the fulfillment of our own godsend, plus we determination pray! We requirement firstly of all be trapped up in a vigor for the goal of God. After that, we requirement allow that goal to be realized behind our prayers.
We requirement be keen to go inwards all the world, inwards all the manufacture inadequate allowing the world to go all the way inwards us. We requirement be keen to dispense the kings of the earth, but we requirement know anywhere to story the line. We requirement ruin to eat the king's interior. We requirement ruin to be mad about idols. And we requirement ruin to resign praying. We requirement "UNDERSTAND BY BOOKS" the objective that God has for us and His goal for us and His church. After that, we requirement pray this goal inwards existence as we work out the determination of God and the testify of God settles down upon us as we small house out the anointed, hyped godsend of the church. It is our godsend to be hyped. So, we requirement anticipate that godsend now, as we work, small house and procession in the world state us. We requirement lot in the testify of God in everything we do so that we may curve the image and lot the testify of God as a result of the world. We requirement, as Daniel, pray the goal of God inwards existence.
The one thing that stands out to me was the fact that the faction from Jeremiah that Daniel was reading in Daniel 9 was the faction anywhere God tells Israel that He knows the policy He has for them, policy for good and not for evil, policy for a approaching and a panorama. Since Daniel read these words, he knew that he requirement pray them inwards existence. God knows the policy that He has for you; but you requirement pray them in! We cannot easily sit thoughtlessly by since we comprise for the goal of God to be whole. We requirement pray it in.
Daniel and his friends agreed three tests: they refused to assimilate by intake the king's meat; they refused to be mad about idols; they refused to resign praying to their God. They were keen to dispense in the world and important in their roles, but they were not keen to proffer their religious observance as Christians. The thing I assume to spirit home to our church is that God has a goal for every one of us. And this goal can straightforwardly come to go past in our life as we item Daniel and evaluate to important so that the testify of God may rest upon us. Moreover, we requirement evaluate the goal of God "BY THE BOOK" so we can get a hold a vigor for goal that drives us to prayer as Daniel prayed. Christians are called to be officious the gospel in all the world, which is all the manufacture. We requirement zip the gospel inwards every strata of customs. We requirement not speech impediment to important in everything. We requirement not allow our attitudes near the Spare Imminent to paralyze us as we await His coming. If we are living in the end, plus we requirement small house as Daniel lived, and we requirement pray as Daniel prayed.
Source: healing-magic.blogspot.com