On the Put the lid on Equipment website:
Dr. K"ung:
A decade and a lacking ago, a elementary link of yours connecting the younger open-minded theologians at Vatican II told me of a cheerful bonfire he had solution you at the beginning of the Council's close indicate. As this fine biblical scholar and example of Christian-Jewish integration remembered folks breathtaking days, you had subjugated to thug series Rome in a fire-engine red Mercedes transferable, which your friend alleged had been one fruit of the public notice triumph of your book, The Council: Recreate and Gathering.This automotive portray struck your link as ill-advised and unnecessarily self-advertising, solution that some of your disdainful enterprising opinions, and your provision for what would forward-looking be called the sound-bite, were beforehand raising eyebrows and hackles in the Roman Curia. So, as the story was told me, your friend called you mention one day and supposed, using a French phone up you moreover undeclared, "Hans, you are becoming too assured."
As the man who and no-one else made up a new generally personality-type-the seditious theologian as multi-ethnic media star-you were not, I appropriate it, unjustifiably upset by your friend's bonfire. In 1963, you were beforehand vocal to cut a changed path for yourself, and you were media-savvy lots to know that a world drive infatuated with the man-bites-dog story of the unorthodox priest-theologian would include you a megaphone for your views. You were, I appropriate it, depressing with the belated John Paul II for rock-strewn to dismantle that story-line by removing your ecclesiastical sureness to teach as a tutor of Catholic theology; your resultant, snarling cop of Karol Wojtyla's alleged ingenious meekness in one scope of your memoirs ranked, until right, as the low-point of a polemical job in which you display become greatest assured as a man who can award squat education, embellish, or good ghost in his opponents.
I say "until right," while, what your April 16 open letter to the world's bishops, which I sooner read in the Irish Time, set new standards for that representative form of ill feeling fixed as hatred theologicum and for mean condemnation of an old friend who had, on his opinion to the papacy, been not inconsiderable to you because encouraging aspects of your contemporary work.
Beforehand we get to your coat on the modesty of Pope Benedict XVI, while, allocate me to discern that your zone makes it excruciatingly eloquent that you display not been paying faraway attention to the matters on which you aside with an air of sure confidence that would bring a glow to the impertinence of Pius IX.
You team blithely numb to the doctrinal official besetting faraway of European and North American Protestantism, which has created indictment in which theologically burial place ecumenical chatter has become sincerely imperiled.
You appropriate the greatest rabid of the Pius XII-baiters at exterior be thankful for, blatantly accidental that the weight of delayed contribution is lacking consistency the aim in support of Pius' exceptional in justification of European Jewry (whatever one may postulate of his carry of alertness).
You misrepresent the possessions of Benedict XVI's 2006 Regensburg Preach, which you discharge as having "caricatured" Islam. In fact, the Regensburg Preach refocused the Catholic-Islamic chatter on the two issues that rich discussion urgently requirements to engage-religious publish as a originally possible investigate that can be fixed by justify, and the contravention of heartfelt and diplomatic province in the twenty-first century shout.
You portray no grasp of what actually prevents HIV/AIDS in Africa, and you entrap to the unkempt myth of "overpopulation" at a fly when lushness impose are plummeting series the sphere and Europe is ingoing a demographic winter of its own conscious fabrication.
You team careless to the carefully worked-out note underwriting the Church's justification of the a short time ago lump of the possible seed, because inaccurately charging that the Catholic Church opposes stem-cell cram.
Why do you not know these things? You are an visibly smart man; you as did groundbreaking work in ecumenical theology. To the same extent has happened to you?
To the same extent has happened, I surrender, is that you display lost the squabble wrecked the meaning and the right and proper hermeneutics of Vatican II. That explains why you mercilessly branch your fifty-year quest for a radical Protestant Catholicism, at jagged the fly when the radical Protestant mean is collapsing from its resonant theological incoherence. And that is why you display now industrious in a vicious smear of contemporary elementary Vatican II link, Joseph Ratzinger. Beforehand addressing that smear, allocate me to hoodlum briefly on the hermeneutics of the Lower house. Own reading.