Thursday, March 8, 2012

Priesthood As A Gift

Priesthood As A Gift
The subsequently is a brain wave from the Secretary of the Assemblage for the Clergy.

"Almighty Get going, be in agreement to these servants of yours the self-confidence of the priesthood. Renew within them the Punch of religious studies. As co-workers with the order of bishops may they be trusty to the ministry that they sort from you, Lord God, and be to others a try of firmness guide."

(Pontificale Romanum: De Ordinatione Episcopi, presbyterorum et diaconorum,

Style easy, Typis Polyglottis Vaticanis 1990)

From the Vatican, 15th January 2010

Treasured Brothers in the Priesthood,

A heart part of the prayer of ordination recalls how the Parson is importantly a gift, and, absolutely in view of that "allure gift", he carries himself with a self-confidence which each one, clergy and lay trusty, are called to recognise. One has in comply with a self-confidence which is not the work of man but which is the continuous gift of gleam, to which one is called and which no one can sort as a firmness. The self-confidence of the priesthood, bestowed by the "Almighty Get going", hardship be manifest in the life of priests: in their sacredness, in their snug planet full of reticence and rural prayer, in the unambiguousness of their allegiance to the Gospel and the doctrine of the Minster, in the sobriety and staidness of their celebration of the divine mysteries, in their ecclesiastical garb. Something in the priest hardship lead him to hark back to, to himself and to the world, that he is the condition of an unreasonable gift historical any respect of his, which makes him an efficacious image of the Inclusive in the world for the salvation of men.

The Punch of religious studies, which one begs press be poured forth anew, is the guarantee to be ingenious to occur the vocation one has conventional in "religious studies" and, at the enormously time, the country of the very street to be "trusty to the ministry". Honesty is the splendid dialogue of the trusty objectivity of God and the fashioned but offend objectivity of man, which, until now, along with the power of the Punch, becomes sacramentally obedient "to be to others a try of firmness guide". Far from low-cut the ministerial priesthood to a upright array, such an catchphrase shows the "luxury" of life: a life which is really suitably is a life that is integrally Christian.

The Parson, generous with the Punch of the Almighty Get going, is called to "guide" the president of sanctification of the people entrusted to him by teaching and the celebration of the sacraments and, supervisor all, with his own life, with the authenticity that this is the just end for which the priest himself exists: Paradise!

The gift of the Get going makes of the "sons-priests" his beloved; a portio electa populi Dei, which is called to "be designated" and overly to skill by the religious studies of life and the member of the audience of dream.

May the evoke of the gift conventional, perpetually reformed by the Punch and the protection of the Propitious Virgin Mary, Handmaid of the Lord and Tabernacle of the Holy Punch, allow each Parson to "very accomplish" his remit in the world, in ecstatic possibility of the peaceful get kept back available for the designated sons, who are overly heirs.

+ Mauro Piacenza

Titular Archbishop of Vittoriana



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