Eye of Horus on beam of
The Clerical of Anunciation in NazarethA rank for me on our Omega Period falter of Israel was to check out a story I had heard on the order of the altar of the Clerical of the Anunciation in Nazareth, the Galilean community where Jesus grew up. I had been told that the Eye of Horus, the allseeing eye of the Illuminati, was displayed director the altar of this church!On arriving present-day with The Omega Period falter group a few gentle weeks ago, I found very hasty that not recently was this the shell, but was astonished to find the awfully Egyptian/Babylonian symbol displayed director the beam at the main waiting room of the church as well. This then was no accident of chance, but a premeditated design with a pronouncement in consider.This is complete say-so that the Catholic Clerical has beyond doubt been infiltrated by the Illuminati and its Masonic and mystery Babylon guy travellers.Practically up view of the Eye of Horusdirector altar in the Clerical of
Anunciation in NazarethAdam Weishaupt, a Jesuit Preacher and the founder of the Illuminati in 1776, formed a plan to dissolve all differences of belief that would finally power the empty of plunder director the papacy and placing an descriptive of its own in the direct of Peter.This occultic clutch of satanic power was to be symbolized by a triangle or pyramid, a sign of mystical hope, with the open eye of Lucifer, the eternal viewer of the world. This pagan symbol comes from the Egyptian trinity of Osiris, the sun; Isis, the moon goddess and their child Horus. This pagan trinity then is the idolize of Twitch, Virgin mother, and son.The effectiveness of this dispersion of the Catholic Clerical is improbable by the fact that the all-seing eye disregarded the crowds who gathered for the Philadelphia Eucharistic Upper house in 1976, and it appeared on a set of Vatican stamps in 1978! Now it appears at the Nazareth altar higher the images of Jesus Himself and the dove, symbolizing the Ceremonial Spirit.The origin of this Jesuit-led betrayal go apt back to Ignatius Loyola, who was the founder of the Jesuit order. He belonged to the "Los Alumbrados", an Illuminati-styled witchcraft group. (see Encyclopaedia Britannica Vol 14, 1910, pg 320.)About, the Jesuits power their own "Black Pope," the here incumbent anyone Clock Hans Kolvenbach.The conscious triumph mentioned higher on the order of the Papacy is not superior. It has by happened! One time 200 living, the Illuminists of the New Planet Put your name down for in due course achieved their meaning, by installing their own illuminist as Principal Pontiff. This happened since Pope Paul VI came to power. With the creation of Paul VI, the prominence was set to give preferentiality to the new Planet Order's holy grail of One Planet Religion. The Illuminati plan to murder differences of religious belief by the leading of a Pontiff was opening seen since Pope Paul VI went to the meditation room of the UN and undertook an occultic initiation ritual in the place where the all-seeing eye is represented by the 6 world faiths - Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Confucianism and Christianity.UN Musing RoomThe fly reputation the meaning and the stop of the UN meditation room was in print by the Lucis Stock, which was scenery as the Lucifer Stock by the occultists Alice Bailey and Blavatsky in 1922 to bring into the light occult books, but changed its name the impending day to shun program its true natural world. This is now the publishing edifice positioned in the UN apartment which disseminates UN publications!Following the Musing room picture, Pope Paul VI took a downtrodden intersect and occupied it up to be complete by the union, who had no notion this was second hand by Satanists as far back as the 6th century, and by black magicians and sorcerers in the Spirit Ages as a sign of the Mark of the Beast! (The two John Paul's who followed him in the Papacy as well did the awfully thing.) With he appeared at Yankee Stadium popular the awfully styled Ephod as eroded by Caiphas who called for the crucifixion of Christ.On his return to Rome, he rumored that Rome was match to demand a new begin at secret societies. As a empty, on November 27, 1983, the new Pope, John Paul II, issued a Papal Bull which legalized secret revel contribution for Roman Catholics. With in 1986, at the celebrations occupied to honour St Francis of Assisi, the glue tightened go forward. The Pope participated in a multireligious prayer for world array which emphasized unity of all world religions.The population were astonished to see the Pontiff convey a bear with a Tibetan Lama, a Local American mixture man, A Jewish Rabbi, a Hindu swami and a Maori high priest. This careful opening of a religious Pandora's Box now led to the impending phase in the Illuminist plan where in a chitchat in Boston in 1990, the Arranger of the Theosophical Bludgeon brashly called for a New Planet Put your name down for religion to be implemented by the recipe of the Pope traveling to Jerusalem to command a Widespread religious Break, at which he would be free to publicize that all the world's religions would be one.The Clerical of the Anunciation in NazarethThe Papacy and the Catholic Clerical are now compromised and cool by the proponents of the New Planet Put your name down for - led with intent or inadvertently by the adversary of all mankind who Jesus beam of since instructing us how to develop with him by saying "crisscross the devil and he request outflow." This glove-puppet church is now in the hands of the satanic puppeteer, who request lodge to finish equal the strings that request prettiness them, or at smallest possible its skipper, modish the affair of subtitle up the Antichrist's One Planet church.
Flattered status to Minister Gfrey Cann of Experimental, N.S.W.
for supplying inside photographs of the Clerical of Annunciation."By Allan Rasmussen"