DECEMBER 2011 Saintly Existence
* 5
o Ashura * ** - Islam
* 6
o Saint Nicholas Day - Christian
* 8
o Bodhi Day (Rohatsu) ** - Buddhism
o Pure Pact - Catholic Christian
* 12
o Local holiday day - Our Noble of Guadalupe - Catholic Christian
* 16
o Posadas Navidenas including Dec. 25 - Christian
* 21-28
o Hanukkah * - Jewish
* 22 solstice
o Yule - Christian
o Yule * - Wicca/Pagan northern hemisphere
o Litha * - Wicca/Pagan southern hemisphere
* 24
o Christmas Eve - Christian
* 25
o Christmas * - Christian
o Local holiday of the Nativity - Honest Christian
* 26
o Zarathosht Diso (Demise of Judge Zarathushtra) ** - Zoroastrian
o Saint Stephen, Deacon and Object - Christian
* 28
o Saintly Innocents - Christian
* 30
o Local holiday of the Saintly Descent - Catholic Christian
* 31
o Watch Night - Christian
Source: ceremonial-magic.blogspot.com