Thursday, January 5, 2012

Three Heavens

Three Heavens
Earlier today, we looked at the book "SPIRITUAL WARFARE: THE INVISIBLE INVASION" BY THOMAS R. HORN, and discussed why it's critical for us to understand the nature of the enemy and environment we deal with constantly. Now, I got to thinking about something else Horn touched upon in his book.

Did you know that the Bible speaks of three distinct heavens? Yes, it's true! In Nehemiah 9:6 the prophet spoke of more than one heaven since he saw the heavens and the "heaven of heavens."

These were not peripheral heavens as taught in Mormonism, but heavenly divisions as Paul referred to in 2 Corinthians 12:2 saying, "I knew a man in Christ above fourteen years ago, (whether in the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth;) such an one [was] CAUGHT UP TO THE THIRD HEAVEN."

Wow! What was that Paul? What did you say again? Something about a "third heaven" was it!?! Before we continue he's a chart I found that might help you visualize things better. It's a chart by a man named CLARENCE LARKIN, and it was first published over 75 years ago! Unfortunately, it was the best one I could find. Even so, his work has passed into the public domain and has aided Bible study for decades. Larkin's charts are well thought out and Scriptually sound. Some of the more detailed ones are books in themselves. They reveal Larkin's vast knowledge of the Scriptures and phenomenal grasp of prophecy. Practically all of the prophecy teachers today got their basic prophecy knowledge directly or indirectly from Larkin. Larkin's works are definitive, works that will endure until Christ's return. No other book since their publishing over 75 years ago has much improved on them.

Remarkably, I'm willing to bet that most Christians are like me - - left in the dark thanks to the modern-day Church about such important spiritual truths that have a direct impact on our spiritual lives especially in these times we're living in.

It's amazing to me how by leaving out simple teachings about this reality can have such an enormous impact on the world let alone Christianity itself. Here's why. I propose that it's because we've lost our understanding of this truth (the truth about three heavens) that we now find ourselves slipping into the moral decay that is becoming all too common in our communities and daily lives. Then again, even so, everything is going according to God's will for He knew this time would come.

In other words, it's not surprising that the Church has failed to properly teach us about the existence of three distinct heavenly realms in this modern era, and how we might "interact" with them regularly through fervent prayer to evoke significant change because to do so would contradict what it means to be in the last days where spiritual deception due to spiritual warfare runs rampant.

What I mean to say is that I believe that if we had a better understanding of this simple fact (the literal existence of three distinct heavens) then we would have a much better understanding of spiritual warfare (perhaps we would even take the subject more seriously), and fight the good fight day-in-and-day out rather than allowing ourselves to become apathetic to it all.

One of the most well-known phrases of the Bible is from the Book of Ephesians.

EPHESIANS 6:12 - - "Because we have not the wrestling with blood and flesh, but with the principalities, with the authorities, with the world-rulers of the darkness of this age, with the spiritual things of the evil in the heavenly places;"

While we all seem to wholeheartedly believe in this truth about our common enemy, isn't it strange how the extent of our knowledge of spiritual warfare ends with this identification of the enemy?

Sure, after identifying this evil source we might also recall putting on our "battle armor" as we're instructed to. Yet, what if we took the time to also identify not only the location of these spiritual battles, but also the process by which these wars are fought on a second-by-second basis? Wouldn't our concept of such things directly influence (strengthen) our faith and prayer life? I believe it would!

Satan was called "Beelzeboul" or "lord of height" by the Jews. Some Bible expositors believe when Paul referred to a third heaven, he was speaking from his scholarly upbringing as a Pharisee concerning three heavens which included a domain of air (the "kosmos"), or height, controlled by Satan.

In pharisaical thought, the first heaven was simply the place where the birds fly, anything removed from an not attached to the surface of the earth. On the other end of the spectrum, and of a different substance was the third heaven - - the dwelling place of God.

This was the place from which angelic spheres spread outward. Between the first heaven where the birds fly and the third heaven "where dwells the throne room of God" was a war zone called the "second heaven." This was the kosmos - - the Hebrew equivalent of the Persian Arhiman-abad - - the place where Satan abides as the price of the power of the "air" (aer, the lower air, circumambient), a sort of gasket heaven, the domain of Satan encompassing the surface of the earth.

From here "kosmokrators" (a world-ruler, an epithet of Satan) could overshadow cities, intrude upon, and attempt to influence the affairs and governments of men. It was also believed that the kosmos not only influenced earth's governments and puppeted human counterparts, but that Satan's minions sought to close the heavens above the city so that God's blessings could not flow into it.

Later, it was believed that when saints bent their knees in prayer, they had to pray through walls of opposition contained within this gasket heaven. The level of spiritual opposition to the saints' prayers depended on how far the city had fallen under Satan's control.

This continues today. When our prayers leave our lips they go upward through the devil's domain to the throne of God. If Satan considers the prayers significant, he rises up to oppose them, both going to and coming from the throne of God. Therefore, the second heaven is considered a war zone for our prayer life and the residence of the power of the air.

From the air above our cities, evil powers seek to influence church direction, social philosophy, and legislation. The effectual, fervent prayers of the righteous are the battering rams that can push through all demonic opposition en route to and from the throne of God. This was illustrated in Daniel 10, where the prophet prayed for 21 days until the angel broke through and delivered God's answer.

The persistence of our prayers, when they are prayed "according to His will," creates activity within the second and third heavens. In turn, the heavenly responses affect every level of spiritual and physical society. In cities where prayer is active, the heavens can be opened so that the healing power of God flows in freely.

Daniel prayed until he pushed a hole through the walls of demonic opposition and the heavens opened with spiritual revelations. Elijah continued in prayer until the heavens opened and the rains fell. The disciples continued until their prayers penetrated the heavens and the glory of Pentecost came rushing down from the throne of God. Jacob prayed and the heavens opened. Angels ascended and descended. Elisha prayed and his servant beheld the heavens opened and the host of heaven standing upon the mountains to help them.

Clearly, repentant Christians across the globe, in places both big and small, must pray until the heavens open, and the skies are cleansed of demonic rule. Thus, the blessings and restorative power of God will flow freely into our communities.

More importantly, as the world prepares for the trials and tribulations that are about to descend upon us all, we must pray until the heavens open (all three!), and the skies are cleansed of demonic rule so that the PROTECTION of God can flow freely into our communities and families.

Yes, there are three distinct heavens according to the Holy Bible. Just because you've never been taught that in Sunday School or in the pews doesn't mean they don't exist. God's Word is true and it can be trusted. The question is whether or not you want to believe it all or simply pick and choose the parts that you're comfortable with while discarding the rest.

Christians (especially those of us living in these end times) must be wary of these truths and take the battle to the enemy using the spiritual weapons and armor that the Lord gave us.


The "Third Heaven"

The Firmament, Third Heaven, And Structure Of Things Biblical

Are There Different Levels Of Heaven?

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