Folks, let's all pray 1 of the only 2 prayers that Jesus commanded us to pray especially given the political climate we are entering in a few days (the one we're already in right now)...
LUKE 21:36 (KJV) "Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man."
This will be very short today.
Yes, I'm still going to take heed of what I believe the Lord is telling me and will "REST IN HIM" for awhile and take a break from writing here until He tells me otherwise.
However, I just had to add a quick post in follow-up to THE LAST ONE ABOUT JUDGMENT starting with the house of God. In fact, I believe this is meant to be an addendum to that one.
The message? The harsh reality of REVELATION 13:7 seems to be upon us. Actually, the prophesied persecution of Christians across this nation (not just of those targeted by the MIAC REPORT, the DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY, or the DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE recently).
Two headlines in the news today as we quickly approach critical mass. Here's the first...
Terry Jones knows his plan to burn Korans on the anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks is radical, and that's exactly what he wants.
He believes it is what Jesus Christ would do.
"Jesus would not run around burning books," Jones told ABC's "Nightline" on Tuesday, "but I think he would burn this one."
I'm sorry Pastor, but I'm not so sure about that.
As my friend Jeremiah pointed out...
"There is still no reason to burn Quran's though brother. We are to do unto others as we would have others do unto us. Though I would agree with your comparison. It is still wrong that these people are doing this. The only book burning you see in the New Testament is in Ephesus, when new converts burned their own books that they decided to be reprehensible. The christian right of burning is to burn and destroy those idols which consume our own lives, not the lives of others."
I agree and I'm glad he brought that up so that I can explicitly go on the record and further state my position on this. I also don't think that Christians should be engaging in this type of incendiary, politically-motivated behavior, but it does bother me when we see the media and The-Powers-That-Be (and non-believers alike) point the accusatory finger at us Christians again and again.
No, it's not surprising given what the Word tells us to expect as believers in Jesus Christ, but now I can see how easily persecution of the saints can and will become a reality in the very near future, and why we're so close to the fulfillment of that portion of end times prophecy.
REVELATION 13:7 (KJV) "And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations."
Here are some of our previous studies and resulting discussions on this important subject...
Even so, even though this is all to be expected by us, can we add a little perspective here? I mean, let's all use a little common sense please. There's absolutely NO COMPARISON between burning a religion's holy book to "make a statement" and murdering "infidels" by chopping off their heads to "make a statement". Gosh, "The-Religion-Of-Peace" threatens to kill you if you're a Political Cartoonist and you draw any kind of image of Muhammad!
As Christians, we shouldn't be concerned with "making a statement" in the political sense. Yes, we should be the "SALT OF THE EARTH" (MATTHEW 5:13), but primarily as it applies to preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to modeling the Christian life on a moment-by-moment basis -- not to attempt to make a "political statement" of any kind! It's about the Salvation Gospel first and foremost, and the Social Gospel second.
Plus, what do we know?
LEVITICUS 19:18 (KJV) "Thou shalt not avenge, nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people, but thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself: I [am] the LORD."
HEBREWS 10:30 (KJV) "For we know him that hath said, Vengeance [belongeth] unto me, I will recompense, saith the Lord. And again, The Lord shall judge his people."
MATTHEW 5:43-44 (KJV) "Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy. But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;"
By the way, that was Jesus Himself talking in that passage from Matthew.
It's just funny because Muslims are quick to remind us Americans about "our" US Constitution that protects "their" right to build a Mosque near Ground Zero. Fine. I agree, even if I think it's insensitive and in poor taste.
Yet, they have to realize that THE SAME DOCUMENT they're using to justify what they want to do also protects Pastor Jones' right to burn Korans. Plain and simple, cut and dry, no matter how much they dislike it.
Again, isn't it plain to see how the mainstream media is hyping this up though? An obscure Pastor from a small church in Florida with a congregation of only 50 people making this kind of a fuss? In addition, we're talking about 3,000 lives versus 200 books? No comparison. Thanks mainstream media for fanning the flames of this one. Your role as an accomplice to The-Powers-That-Be, or "Satan's Little Helpers", is duly notice once more.
That brings me to my final point. Satan's "Order Out Of Chaos" plan is in full swing as is the run-up to Albert Pike's prescription for "Three World Wars" between the Western World and the Arab World in order to establish their diabolical New World Order. Too bad for them that they all lose in the end even if God allows them to "succeed" for a season.
In all seriousness, please go back an re-read that first news article on Pastor Jones. The writer goes out of their way to cast an intensely negative light upon Christians. Why? Well, not only does this Pastor and his congregation want to burn Korans this weekend (even though it's a right afforded to them by the US Constitution), but they also own and carry guns (another right protected by the Constitution). Oh the horror of it all!
All kidding aside, the question we should all be asking right now is this: "WHEN WAS DOING WHAT THE US CONSTITUTION GRANTS US CONSIDERED "DANGEROUS" OR "ILLEGAL" IN THIS COUNTRY? "
With that question fresh in your mind, please check out this next story from the news today...
President Obama is appealing to a Florida pastor to listen to the "better angels" of his nature, and call off his incendiary plan to burn Korans on 9/11.
The commander-in-chief fears, as many others have said, that Rev. Terry Jones' "destructive" book burning would spark outrage and fuel the fires of hatred that could target American troops.
"If he's listening, I just hope he understands that what he's proposing to do is completely contrary to our values [as] Americans," Obama told George Stephanopoulos on ABC's "Good Morning America" on Thursday.
I don't know. See, I look at the above news item, and consider the President's involvement, and prayerfully consider all the potential outcomes this weekend (or soon after the protest), and I see how easy it could be to criminalize and demonize Christians in this country especially if a "terrorist attack" that dwarfs 9/11 (like we've been told for years is a certainty) occurs "in response to Pastor Terry Jones' Koran burning event" as we're most likely to be told will be the catalyst.
Let me see if I understand this correctly before wrapping things up today. People (non-believers and secularists) are ALWAYS preaching to us about the "separation of church and state", right?
Ok, so then if the federal government is not supposed to show any kind of favoritism to one religion over another, then why do we have a President and an administration that does just that?
> Abolishing "National Day of Prayer" Service [SOURCE]
> Hosted A Ramadan Dinner [SOURCE]
> Publicly Supported Plans To Build A Mosque Near Ground Zero [SOURCE]
> Speaking Out Against Pastor Jones' Constitutional Right [ARTICLE ABOVE]
How can we believe him and others when they say that they want to create a world where "all religions are treated equal", but there's always 1 religion in particular (Christianity) that gets slammed and slighted time and time again?
Many Americans attribute all of these inconsistencies by the President as being emblematic of him simply being "out-of-touch" with the public he serves. No, not really.
He's just following a carefully orchestrated script that seeks to create as much chaos, dissent, disorder, and instability as possible because that will invariably lead to a "crisis" of some sort, and we all know that "you never want to let a good crisis go to waste" as Rahm Emmanuel reminded us early on. Bottom line, this is all just a classic and planned "Problem, Reaction, Solution" event being perpetrated against us.
Let's not fall for the hype or let them prey on our emotions! Instead, let's pray against this spiritual war that's raging and manifesting itself here in the physical realm.
Ladies and Gentlemen, what's happening right now -- what's about to happen -- is spiritually motivated. That's the truth. Read the Holy Bible. It's THE ONLY THING that explains the "Why?" behind everything we're experiencing and witnessing these days.
You want to find comfort in a comfortless world? Start there and take comfort knowing that everything is happening EXACT as planned. Then, run to the open and protective arms of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
The point is that if the Word of God is true about such things (the course of events during the last days prophesied thousands of years ago), then isn't it safe to assume that it's also true in what it says about the things it says about our life, our sins, and how to find forgiveness and salvation from those sins? You better believe it!
Time is short. Repent! Judgement is coming!