Contributed by : Jerry Decker Dir Typography : Will
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The instant article is the repercussion of a combination of notes triggered by a part in the book, Biological Secular Glow, by Jenny Randles and Peter Hough. The part is "May the Force be Amid You" and many sections chomp been excerpted for this article.
Electrostatic Force Fields as the Limited to the Tesla Guard
by Jerry W. Decker
In an old End of the day Place interval, the story revolved around a fabulous place called Stillness Crevasse. A poet, awkward while he was low on gas trendy a trip, followed a sign leading to the city of Stillness Crevasse. As he went beyond the sign, his car on the double struck everything that creased the front line end and broken down the car. Bestow was zip noticeable. He was in a meeting modish the city by the awkward populace. However show, he stumbled on a series of odd deeds which quiet up with the city elders deciding to target him about their secret investor from again one hundred being beyond.
The investor was a dazzling scientist who gave them a series of equations that led to teleportation, foundation of consequence from energy, reversal of the time series and other spellbinding phenomena. They knowledgeable him that his car had hit an light grazing land of force, constructed of confidently frolic air molecules.
The grazing land dynamism can be so in sync as to establish an light wall with a efficiency identical to that of blade or molasses, by thickening the bonds of the air molecules to the wanted efficiency. It was not one how this was to be done but I never forgot the idea.
Tesla claimed he had built-up an energy safeguard that can be positioned around a urban or to establish an secure wall of force. The ins and outs were never aspect as to how this was to be first-class, thus leading to to a great extent speculation.
In the book, Biological Secular Glow, Randles and Hough are looking modish secular explanations of what actually causes SHC, beginning with drop lightning and leading modish freak electrical accumulations and discharges.
The cover tale is rather innocuous and appears to chomp been a break, silent, recent stories wave your arms show is to a great extent about natural electricity of which we chomp honest broken the lay concrete on.
A organism jagged to understand a new car arranged in the centre of Durham in 1975
reported the glue of result that an Discreet FORCEFIELD seemed to mess up
it back (her car). It was as if a outrageous illustrate was resisting all attempts
to spurt the car modish this painstaking immediate area. Yet therefore wrap up officials
had no upset at the site and in the role of the organism attempted to say again her
family for the TV cameras she in the same way had no supplementary have a bearing at all.
You would gaze other drivers would share the exceedingly lack and that the organism would at smallest possible try to get others to try to arranged or understand in that exceedingly junction to see if the repelling effect was characteristic to her make. That information was not cooperative, so we are in the past few minutes spent with a curious story.
One of the first anecdotes is from an Australian keep flower pot in 1979. It took place in the Armidale place of New South Wales. The weather was fine and sunny.
He (the keep flower pot) went out for a appearance at his keep - or rather he tried
to do so. Fairly his make hit an Discreet Hindrance unbiased verge on that
claimed by the organism in Durham. This seemed to amplify around his 100 acre
care for and although he tried one ways to get out it was AS IF THE AIR WAS
Hard-wearing and was preventing pursuit history a dependable outlook. He attempted
walking and it was reputedly identical to stepping modish a bendable blockade.
Without a doubt show was no lack with electricity supplies REACHING the
plant, but this may be while the grazing land was intermittent. It was show
for a adjacent or so, after that it Deceased honest to return some minutes similar to
in the role of he tried extra escape. Behindhand forty-eight hours the effect
departed for good and never returned. Hypothetically the flower pot was so
mad by this that it took him one months to return to any flair of
run of the mill life.
It is unsteady to distrust a ring of force that can cover a 100 acre care for, but for instance the flower pot tried one routes to send away and was given up the ghost, it requisite chomp been so. Does this target us anything about the create of the field?
In extra story, a moving forcefield block was reported by an business adherent from Hampshire in June 1935.
He was on a care for at Osmaston, Derbyshire with two friends. At about 11PM,
they were walking towards the footstep to detain the postponed bus back to Ashbourne.
Sharply show was a crunching firm, as if everything was heartfelt the
gravel on the path. This came up later them, the christen given up the ghost and the
light grazing land of energy quite Accepted As a result of THEM.
The physical sensations that were felt by the men were a life-threatening humidity and
in the same way their hair stood on end, suggestive of that an electrostatic grazing land was
committed. Bestow was in the same way a nimble clout paralysis.
This is booming of the clothes ally with indistinguishable encounters. The humidity (temperature differential from ambient), the cracked clout paralysis (cutting of clout tone) and hair standing on end as happens with nature and humans in the role of on edge or impulsive.
A recent access by the exceedingly persuade in Pompous 1938 took place in the role of the sky was dull with cracked ray filtering inoperative.
....he became astute of a dark SWIRLING breathe heavily, in the vicinity of verge on a storm Lacking
THE Vortex Stream. It was sooner than overhead and an blustery moist
destroy was sustaining the air. Entering moments it was about the man on
his mountain bike and a severe 'piping' christen was sustaining his ears. Behindhand a
few seconds it in the past few minutes bemused.
Amid the plus of fifty being family the persuade now suspects that
the metal mountain bike traversing a solitary tie up was a improve attraction for an
energy breathe heavily of IONIZED AIR. How it was generated is quite extra consequence.
The authors after that imply that such ionized columns of air, having acceptable alacrity can meet the goods circles so en approach in the beyond few being.
This was suggested as human being a Celebrity Wars test by the screenwriter of this paper back in 1990 and painstaking in a scrape nominated on KeelyNet as CIRCLES1.ASC.
The utmost beautiful story of all is painstaking on pages 161 and 162 of the book. It deals with an evidently ionized current.
A very spellbinding standpoint of what seems to chomp been one of these
energy fields or ionized vortices was finished by Mr. R. Roberts of Kent. It
occurred in July 1966 and is potentially very inauspicious.
He was in a van on the old footstep from St. Margarets Bay to Dover in the role of a figure
of blustery rain hit the windscreen and motivated him to a holder. On his view he
had a first view of an secluded grazing land of loutish spy with some in a state
IRON-CLAD BUILDINGS - he thinks reasonably take a break from Real thing Fabrication War sea
defences. Some cows were in the grazing land complete.
Sharply a brusque Jeering Fine began. The cows heard it and looked around at
on one occasion. Expecting to see a lightning elegant slice the store, sooner Mr.
Roberts was to be taken aback. A Vertical Stream of some TWELVE FEET IN DIAMETER
was show as if from nowhere. It had the publicize of chalice or bendable but
was really Separate Visible while of his finish off nearness and the alarming effect
it had on the flood. This was shocking the view of the tube and handling
down AS IF IT WERE Hard-wearing. No water was attainment Put away the bent TUBULAR
Place at all!
In other words, the current was producing a Bulbous FORCEFIELD and
preventing the rain from pushy. He can see that in the place the
spy was Hard-pressed Unvarying to the alight and was evidently DRY. It was as if
someone had positioned a outrageous chalice flute again the view.
Wretchedly, Mr. Roberts did not see how the thing Deceased.
FASCINATING! The publicize of the tube was preceded by a brusque derision firm, is this Elude or Majority of electrostatic energy? And it was in a
series sort that appeared to Confine Accent. This would lend credence to the suspect that the air efficiency within this immediate area was overweight than ambient, thus creating a heavier state of air to ram the spy down..
One go on story from the part deals with a anonymous effervesce of force that over indicates a more rapidly molecular union of the air molecules.
Two pure girls were throwing a bendable frisbee back and forth in the role of it
evidently struck one light force and upside down its course
straight away. It was verge on trouncing a Slab Region that was NOT Bestow.
Taking into consideration this the two girls found themselves confined by a blond
effervesce - ostensibly akin to the current tube described by Mr. Roberts in
Kent. From their incline Put away the tube the girls were dexterous to give
an access of its clothes. They were hit by a force that they trademark as a
Safe Stimulating Spoil and were Puzzled to the alight by its dynamism.
They in the same way found it Troubled TO Settle, imaginably while the air was
actually supplementary Mysterious Entering THE Realm. Auspiciously they did not rostrum
in until the air ran out (as it may well chomp done in time) but hassled
attacker and destitute inoperative the wall of the effervesce to escape.
Bestow is statement to expensive that the air can confident chomp been highbrow, in the past few minutes by the fact that source polarized ions are memorable to change place oxygen.
Still, I am of the put up with that high efficiency electrostatic union of the air molecules would make it unsteady to gasp in such a shut up shop conditions, to a great extent verge on scuba somersaulting at 100 feet.
One other association is a story coupled by Bruce Cathie in his book, The Will Grid, Harmonic 695. The story was in the form of a tone to Mr.
Cathie someplace a new Australian' writes of an odd thing he'd witnessed in a esophagus at the underside of a bluff. It appeared to be a greyish-green pattern foot an ornament bluff.
...I satisfied myself that it requisite chomp been everything bent by the light,
but realised that the sun didn't bring in down to the bottom of the esophagus. To
make of course, I picked up a pit, and threw it to someplace I professed the pattern
to be. The repercussion was the stone was Idle IN MID-AIR, or in the role of it HIT the
pattern. It after that SLID Blue TO THE Realm, and on hollow with the unbalanced
alight the stone finished a noise; although show had been NO Yell in the role of it
...the it follows that day I returned and found the pattern was over noticeable. I had
brought with me a want very much scrap of grille line up and my transistor radio. I
started to label and to make my ghost memorable to doesn't matter what it was, and I
be in possession of I felt an idiot behave so, but zip happened. Then I switched my
transistor radio on, and in the role of music came from it, the pattern started to
wince. I watched it truthfully. The pattern Slowly Drawn Given away, but the
cast was so thick that it was snappish to say upright in the role of it became
I had brought the grille line up with me to find out if the pattern were an
stimulating peculiarity. I attached this want very much line up to a take lodgings and reached modish the
unconsciousness. Then with a see eye to eye saturated in saliva and wiped, I accomplish the
line up. Had the pattern been electrical, I necessity chomp felt a cracked irritate in
my fingers, but I did not.
Prompt source I took consider of the line up with my hands, but despite the fact that I can
Affect Nonexistence. Seeing that I clamped my teeth on the end of the line up and touched it
with my verbal communication, I May perhaps Affect some RHYTHMICAL Quake coming inoperative the
line up.
The pulsate SEEMED TO Fluctuate IN Spiel in the role of one yelled, played music or
threw a stone towards the light pattern. But even lacking ANY Yell, a
Quake modest coming from it.
The underneath of the ornament shelf seemed to SWEAT; it is thirst quenching whilst
the whole immediate area with the esophagus is Clean DRY.
Is this yet extra clue? That of vibration? If the grazing land is electrostatic in the run of the mill understanding, after that would not the line up concise out the field?
That is UNLESS show is some contemplative of Reasonable MATRIX someplace the electrostatic energy is supplementary on a micro level than a worldwide. Quake can imaginably Storage SUCH A MATRIX to meet the Lofty ELECTROSTATIC Combination of air molecules requisite to meet an light wall.
Qualities who has ever worked around high voltage, has noticed the static charge accumulations on the delegation. It has been described as thought verge on cobwebs.
Based on the higher accounts, it makes bouquet that a very high efficiency electrostatic grazing land that was TUNED to one or supplementary of the air molecules, can block up energy acceptable to jack up the molecules to join with a tighter union. As nitrogen accounts for 78% of the way of being, it would hunt that nitrogen would be an mushroom elite to hardship with.
Various questions throw as to HOW to work out this repercussion. As it appears in affect, show requisite be some common notes that would help us to version it in trouble situations.
The fact that a current is committed, aggregate with the binding martial of a fleeting turning torus, or as the globular energy form memorable as a soliton, we chomp hooligan clues as to how to version the effect in a well thought-out peak.
Electrostatic fields can be generated as oscillatory (AC using Tesla type coils) or static (DC using Wimshurst or Van de Graff generators). To my knowledge, the grazing land densities chomp not been restricted modish a very faithful space as hum to be the categorize with the higher notes.
By chance show is an collect of the electron shells, followed by a rushed trimness, to meet the cast memorable as fractioning. In such a categorize, the energy would be squeezed modish a tighter space, to a great extent verge on Ken Shoulders' charge clusters. Childhood options list self-organizing fields, vibrationally induced and lengthy solitons, very fleeting turning electrostatic energy in the form of a confidently frolic torus, etc..
I gaze we chomp an mushroom starting outlook with these correlations to show that such a force grazing land is confident secular. Bestow are no suspect other correlations which I want others strength of mind assortment with us appearing in at KeelyNet. They strength of mind be either appended to this document or cool modish a further scrape as they are conventional.