Thursday, January 19, 2012

Larry The Athiest

Larry The Athiest
Dear Larry,

You have a lot to share - wisdom that people need to hear.

I would really like for you to post on one of my websites. I need people such as yourself to help introduce ideas into the public dialogue.

As you know, I'm not an athiest, but this isn't a good reason to hate me - or teach others to hate me for sharing what i believe to be true. The hateful comments and spam which forced you to pull down your website came from students at College of the Ozarks.

I do not prescribe to this type of behavior. Democracy is for everyone not just those whose beliefs we agree with.

I've debated and won fights in the public domain to ensure state and religion to not weave into a dictatorship - to ensure history does not repeat itself.

Join the dialogue in an open honest manner.

The reality is many so called "Christians" are assholes. They don't fear God and there daily actions resemble nothing close to the love the story of Jesus Christ exhibited as described through the texts. It's embarrasing - perhaps - as embarrasing as some "Christians" feel about a few of my potty mouthed little posts.

Thing is - what offends me - is I put up a post of Rawanda where Christians were being slaughtered with the help of priests. No one noticed or seemed to care about what was happening to human life. They were upset about the word "shit". It blew my mind and helped me understand just how full of it these people are. I went to one of there houses and they couldn't even tell me what the ten commandments were nor what country the slaughter occured.

Help me. Help me be a better man by sharpening my mind with your unique ideas and perspectives on the universe.

When Heather Turner got back from CNN England she didn't want to talk to me or help me get some money I needed because you wouldn't approve. She loves and cares about you. She loves you to the point that she was willing to hold funds from me (still is) even when I was homeless.

I believe Turner is being prepared for great works. God? I don't worry so much about that - If there is a master of the universe - a father in heaven - he can talk to anyone whenever he feels like it. I suppose this priveldge goes along with omnipotence.


Darin Patrick CodonBranson EDGE


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