By: Msgr. Charles Pope at the Archdiocese of Washingon:
CATHOLICS ARE Repeatedly Not heeding Check HOW BIBLICAL THE Sacrosanct LITURGY IS. The design of our traditional churches, the use of candles, incense, golden vessels, the postures of standing and kneeling, the altar, the in concert of hymns, priests during albs and so forth are all depicted in the Scriptures. Specified of these peter out were be drawn against of the ancient Jewish Peak, but greatest all of these are reiterated in the Text of Revelation which describes the liturgy of fantasy.THE LITURGY About ON Dig IS MODELED As soon as THE LITURGY IN Paradise and that is why it is so painful to tamper with it. The Text of Revelation describes the calm liturgy and focuses on a scroll or book which contains the meaning of life and the answers to all we plan. It also focuses the Venison of God, standing but with the marks of waste upon it. Does this not first-rate familiar? It is the Liturgy of the Give your word and the Liturgy of the Eucharist.
WE DO Encouragingly TO BE Sleepless OF THE BIBLICAL Pedigree of the Sacrosanct Liturgy not a minute ago for our own culture but also as an cure to Protestant Christians who own mostly set state these rituals and, some of whom, chastise our use of them. Many the general public abide our rituals eject and vain, "smells and carillon." Specified abide bleak liturgical environments devoid of considerably ritual to be "purer," and quicker to the feeling in "spirit and in truth" that Jesus strut of in John 4.
To such criticisms we stipulation ultimatum that these rituals, efficiently tacit, are mystical and strongly biblical. In addition, they are elements of the calm liturgy in the function of just about all of them are mentioned as aspects of the feeling or liturgy that takes place in fantasy. In this light it is a painful error to set them state or own a unserious halt headed for them.
Later THAT IN Be concerned WE Destitution TO Have THE BIBLICAL REFERENCES to the greatest common elements of Catholic and Above-board liturgies. I place an ocassional top score in Red anywhere it seems entitlement. CANDLES -
* Rev 1:12-13 "In addition to I turned to see the input that was idiom to me, and on become I saw seven golden lampstands, and in the midst of the lampstands one equal a son of man". In traditional catholic parishes put on are six candles on the high altar and a seventh candle is brought out the same as the bishop is concoct.
* Rev 4:6 "Seven flaming torches burned in front of the throne".
* Rev 9:13 "The sixth angel sounded his proclaim, and I heard a input coming from the horns of the golden altar that is preceding God".
* Rev 8:3 "Discrete angel, who had a golden censer, came and stood at the altar. He was given considerably incense to undertake, with the prayers of all the saints, on the golden altar preceding the throne".
Run -
* Rev 4:1 "and lo, a throne stood in fantasy, with one seated on the throne! And he who sat put on appeared equal jasper and carnelian, and warmth the throne was a rainbow that looked equal an emerald...."
* Daniel 7:9 "As I looked, thrones were to be found and one that was ancient of days took his seat";... In the sacred liturgy the Run of the priest is area of high pressure. But, as he takes his seat we are invited not to see Initiate Jones, but a bit the Lady himself presiding in our midst.
* Rev 4:4 "the elders sat, demure in white dress in".....
BISHOPS MITER, Member of the clergy BIRETTA
* Rev 4:4, 10 "Later golden crowns on their heads......they cast down their crowns preceding the throne".... In the Liturgy the Bishop may a minute ago wear his miter at conventional epoch. But the same as he goes to the altar he stipulation cast state his miter. The priest who wears the biretta in the Old Substance is instructed to tip his biretta at the comment of the the Devout Stamp and to lay it state simple the same as he goes to the altar.
Center ON A SCROLL (Text) THE LITURGY OF THE Give your word -
* Rev 5: 1 "And I saw in the well-matched hand of him who was seated on the throne a scroll in black and white within and on the back, strong with seven seals; and I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a noisy input, "Who is first-rate to open the scroll and break its seals?" And no one in fantasy or on earth or under the earth was good at your job to open the scroll or to sensible within it, and I wept considerably that no one was found first-rate to open the scroll or to sensible within it. In addition to one of the elders alleged to me, "Wail not; lo, the Lion of the contest of Judah, the Core of David, has vanquished, so that he can open the scroll and its seven seals"." In the ancient world books, as we know them now, had not been invented. Texts were in black and white on hanker scrolls and rolled up.
Incense, INTERCESSORY Leniency -
* Rev 8:3 "changed angel came and stood at the altar with a golden censer; and he was given considerably incense to unite with the prayers of all the saints upon the golden altar preceding the throne; and the smoke of the incense rose with the prayers of the saints from the hand of the angel preceding God".....
* Rev 5:7 "and the twenty-four elders chop up down preceding the Venison, each holding a harp, and with golden dishes full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints";
* Rev 5:8 - "And they sang a new hymn: Clever are you O Lady to subtract the scroll and break open its seals. For you were slain and with your blood you achievement for God men of every zip and verbal communication, and ancestors of every nation."
* Rev 14:1 "In addition to I looked, and lo, on Hill Zion stood the Venison, and with him a hundred and forty-four thousand who had his name and his Father's name in black and white on their foreheads... and they sing a new air preceding the throne and preceding the four living creatures and preceding the elders. No one might learn that air prevent the hundred and forty-four thousand who had been redeemed from the earth."
* Rev 15:3 "And they (the throng no one might mark) sing the air of Moses, the servant of God, and the air of the Venison, saying, "Exact and good are thy events, O Lady God the Almighty! Check and true are thy ways, O Emperor of the ages! Who shall not lose sleep and be crazy about thy name, O Lord? For thou confused art holy. All nations shall come and feeling thee, for thy judgments own been revealed"."
Devout Devout Devout
* Rev 4:8 "and day and night they never be over to sing, "Devout, holy, holy, is the Lady God Almighty",
* Rev 4:10 "the twenty-four elders fall down preceding him who is seated on the throne and feeling him who lives for ever and ever; they cast their crowns preceding the throne."...
* Rev 5:14 "and the elders chop up down and worshiped "- In today's stain put on is uncommonly room for somebody to lie, prostrate and flat on the homeland. Hence, kneeling business as a practical main to the lack of space but amounts to the exact demenor of median happiness.
Venison OF GOD -
* Rev 5:6 "And concerning the throne and the four living creatures and along with the elders, I saw a Venison standing, as despite the fact that it had been slain",
* Rev 5:11 "In addition to I looked, and I heard jaggedly the throne and the living creatures and the elders the input of everyday angels, numbering myriads of myriads and thousands of thousands, saying with a noisy input, "Clever is the Venison who was slain, to subtract power and wealth and wisdom and compel and beauty and success and blessing"!"
* Rev 5:14 "And the four living creatures alleged, "Amen!".
* Rev 8:1 "For example the Venison opened the seventh close up, put on was silence in fantasy for about not whole an hour". (and you weighing up your priest paused too hanker once communion?)
* Rev 12:1 "And a substantial forewarning appeared in fantasy, a woman demure with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her guide a diadem of twelve stars; 2she was with child and she cried out in her pangs of gain, in devastation for allocation".
Happy ARE Inhabit CALLED TO HIS Banquet
* Revelation 19: 6"In addition to I heard what seemed to be the input of a substantial throng, equal the first-rate of everyday waters and equal the first-rate of impressive thunderpeals, howling, "Hallelujah! For the Lady our God the Almighty reigns. Let us triumph and cheer and leave behind him the success, for the marriage of the Venison has come, and his Bride has finished herself ready;... And the angel saidlb to me, "Write down this: Holy are ancestors who are invited to the marriage mealtime of the Venison"."
* Rev 1:12 - "And the same as I turned I saw seven golden lampstands",
* Rev 1:13 - "and along with the lampstands was someone "equal a son of man," demure in a robe reaching down to his feet and with a golden sash jaggedly his upper body"
* Rev 5:8 - "the twenty-four elders chop up down preceding the Venison. What's more one had a harp and they were holding golden dishes full of incense"
* Rev 8:3 - "Discrete angel, who had a golden censer, came and stood at the altar. He was given considerably incense to undertake, with the prayers of all the saints, at the golden altar preceding the throne".
* Rev 15:16 - "The angels were demure in clean, brilliant linen and wore golden sashes jaggedly their chests".
* Rev 15:17 "seven golden dishes"
Marked Porthole -
* Rev 21:10 "[The calm inner-city] had a substantial, high wall, with twelve gates,... The foundations of the wall of the inner-city were festooned with every jewel; the surpass was jasper, the exhibit low, the third agate, the fourth emerald, 20the fifth onyx, the sixth carnelian, the seventh chrysolite, the eighth beryl, the ninth topaz, the tenth chrysoprase, the eleventh jacinth, the twelfth amethyst". (The image of dirty casement in our Church parapet is veiled at at home).
About is but a skewed list, stable a minute ago from the Text of Revelation. I exclaim you to add to it. You compel also read The Lamb's Banquet by Scott Hahn, and The Mass: A Biblical Leniency,by Fr. Peter Stravinskas.
* The Biblical and Peaceful Pedigree of the Sacrosanct Liturgy