By Tana Hoy
Many people feel a special fondness when it comes to angels. Angels are loved for their symbolism, and the inspiration they bring. But did you that all angels aren't the same? Yes, you heard me right -- all angels aren't the same, and a psychic medium can attest to that."DO YOU KNOW THAT THERE ARE 10 TYPES OF ANGELS?"
To start with, an expert psychic medium will tell you that there are actually different types of angels. Angels are classified into phylums (or levels), and you can identify from which phylum an angel belongs to by looking at the color of their wing tip (angels have different wing tip colors, each phylum has a unique color). The 10 angel phylums are:
The most common of all angels, guardian angels have a silver tip and they surround themselves in white light. This angel phylum is considered to be protectors of human beings.
Archangels have blue tipped wings. Their main purpose is to heal and bring hope. The 4 major archangels are Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, and Gabriel. There are some powerful mediums who work with archangels to help other people. With the guidance and assistance of this angel phylum, a psychic medium can help others with what's troubling them.
The Cherubims and Seraphims are the third and fourth angel phylums. These angels have white wings and rose-colored wing tips. They are well-known for their beautiful singing abilities (the only difference between the 2 phylums is that Cherubims have beautiful singing voices and Seraphims have excellent tonal abilities), and they are said to bring joy and harmony to people on Earth.
Powers are denoted by their greenish wing tip. They are like Archangels -- they heal. However, Archangels use their totems heal, whereas Powers wrap their magnificent wings around a person to heal.
These angels are the protectors of the physical and spiritual worlds from the "Darkness."
Virtues help organize our "life charts". They have pale blue wing tips and a silvery blue luminescent glow.
With maroon wing tips, Dominions responsible for recording every thought, action, emotion or word from us and file them in the Akashic Records. Psychic mediums say that the assistance of Dominions is not found in this realm, but rather in the spiritual realm.
These angel phylums are our most powerful guardians. They belong in the highest phylum of angels, providing us protection in times of great danger as they represent the armies of both Mother God (Thrones) and Father God (Principalities).
These phylums serve distinct purposes and roles, and we must always remember that despite their differences, they all set out to serve one major purpose - to help us. With them, you can expect an abundance of blessings coming your way, and a psychic medium will teach you all about it.
No one knows more about the angelic realm than an expert psychic medium. So if you want to find out more about angels, seeking a reputable psychic medium will help you find the answers you are looking for. Not only will a renowned psychic medium give you all the information you need about angels, a psychic medium can even teach you how to work and communicate with angels!
About the Author:
Tana Hoy is America's foremost psychic medium. Tana is the expert when it comes to the angelic and spirit realm. In fact, he works with over a hundred angels and spirit guides, and he has even taught many people how to work with their angels and spirit guides. Visit Tana's website to learn more about Tana and how he works with the angelic realm.