Friday, February 25, 2011

How To Do Past Life Regression Meditation

How To Do Past Life Regression Meditation
Today, I am quite excited to write about the procedure of doing past life regression meditation. This will teach you simple steps so that you can browse your past lives as per your convenience and at any place. You may not need to visit an expert for getting access to your previous lives. Frequently, I receive messages and emails from keenly interested persons who want to get into their previous lives by their own due to unavailability of a therapist or there are barriers of other kinds. So you can now get ready to learn and understand the procedure of past life regression meditation.

* First of all, get a diary and label it as your "Past Life Journal"

* Now write in this journal about following aspects of your life. What do you want to achieve by getting an access to your previous lives? What purposes would you like to serve? Mention in a bit detail about your strong likings, dis-likings, attractions, aversions, intimate persons in your life, also your enemies, what you want to accomplish in your life and similar things.

* Record all your vivid dreams particularly repetitive dreams you might be having since early age.

* Now choose a place and timings for past life meditation. It may need about 60-90 minutes time. You may required to to do it for several days because mind reveals its secrets to oneself gradually and slowly in divided doses in spells of meditation.

* Once you are through with the above preparations, you are now ready with the procedures of past life meditation.

* Sit in the meditative posture (sukhasana not padmasana). Allow about 60-90 seconds for your body and mind to get adjusted to sukhasana. Simply let it happen by its own. No struggle nothing specific to do.

* Now close your eyes and mentally inspect your body parts from legs to head, gradually, by spending a few seconds on each part. While reviewing the body parts mentally, pay attention to the position, sensation and feelings in following body part - feet, legs, thighs, hands, arms, shoulders, abdomen, chest, back, neck, face, mouth, eyes, forehead and head. Remain gentle, soft and do it effortlessly. You need not fight with any of the steps. Let it happen gradually, slowly and steadily. Your mind would get attuned and receptive to the extra-ordinary and wonderful experience of past life. Just allow your mind to get conditioned in this way.

* Now with closed eyes, feel and visualize that a divine white light is descending from the cosmos and coming towards you you are being enveloped by this divine white light the divine white light is penetrating in each and every cell of your body feel that this light is recharging the cells of your body and mind you are getting energized DE-stressed loose and light feel as if you are developing floating sensations. in your mind's eyes see the whiteness of the divine white light everywhere in and around you spend about five minutes in this divine visualization.

* Now give following affirmations to your mind. I am calm, quiet and comfortableI am at ease my mind is fully ready to have a wonderful experience of past life, my mind is open to all the possibilities the deepest layers of my mind are open and ready to release the content and experiences of my former life

* Now feel and visualize that you are in an ancient place and you are walking on an old road walking. walking and walking on an ancient road

* After walking for a few minutes, look around the place you will find something around you may be people, an old place, a very old home and the like

* Continue to explore in quite details spend as much time as you could do not worry if it is imagination or cooked by your subconscious mind allow the luxury of pure experience get fully absorbed into the experience

* Once you are done, allow your mind to come back to the present time, slowly, gradually and take about 3-5 minutes to come back in a fully alert and waking state.

* You may be required to do this past life meditation for several weeks to get an access to your previous lives.

* Keep recording your experiences in the Past Life Journal including any fresh dreams.

* If you are having any kind of difficulty in doing this meditation, then you can think of considering MP3 audios for past life regression meditation. You can download it free of cost from the download section of this website.

You may consider for sharing your experiences with us through this website or by joining us in Free Support Group on Hypnosis and Past Life Regression.

Have a nice day.

Looking forward to hear about your experiences.


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