Friday, February 18, 2011

Midnight Mass In Montpellier

Midnight Mass In Montpellier
Here is some fallout from the holidays contributed by Fiert'e Gauloise at France-Echos. She refers to "CPF" - "Chances pour la France" or "bringers of good fortune to France." That is how both Chirac and Dominique de Villepin have referred to France's well-behaved immigrants.

In the cathedral of Montpellier, the faithful were listening to the bishop celebrate midnight Mass when some "CPF" came in screaming insults, showing their hostility in many ways to the Christian faith, which is, I remind you, the ancestral faith of this country and of Europe, whether they like it or not, the ancestral faith of the country that houses them, nourishes them and supports them. One of them even entered naked into the cathedral. In short, the Christians reacted and pushed these worthy representatives of the religion (or rather law) of war and hatred known as Islam outside of the cathedral, then called the police.

Let's imagine the reverse - Christians interrupting the end of Ramadan prayer and insulting the Muslims in their place of worship. It would become a federal case! And yet, legitimacy is derived from the ancestral, and ours is Christianity, not the Mohammedan religion in any way, whether that pleases or not those who try to impose on us their Muslim laws!

In short, with events like this, it is certain that both Sarko and S'ego will lose voters.

As for me, if Le Pen and Villiers were prevented from running due to a lack of signatures, I would not cast my vote for either of the two who have been designated by the media, but to an outsider still conscious of the roots of this country.

Yes, our country is of Christian ancestry and attacking our churches is declaring war on the ethnic French and on Europeans and peoples of European ancestry. It is giving yourselves - you of non-European heritage, or Muslims - the kick in the rear that will send you away from here, you who conduct yourselves like invaders. A word to the wise...

Note: I very much doubt that the "wise" will heed her warning. They are much "wiser" than that. They know which side their bread is buttered on.

If you know French, there is an audio posted at several websites including Le Conservateur where we hear the announcer and the deputy mayor of the city describe what happened. The most interesting thing about the audio is the remark by the deputy mayor that police protection should be provided at events such as this one, as it is for soccer matches.

That's really saying something...Midnight Mass for Christians under police protection in the country that was once called the eldest daughter of the Church!

The photo of the interior of the cathedral is by David Merlin, who has many others.

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