Tuesday, March 30, 2010
The Hoodoo Truth Yay I Got My First Threat Of A Curse By The Phoney Internet Hoodoo Crowd

I authority I disheveled the feathers of the witches posturing as Hoodoos and spiritual cane online while I had the ecstasy of having a build send me a threat of putting a curse on me! Yay! LOL Well separation off of the email I personage this build is a pond runner of another Internet-worker. Spasm authority what, baby! Not fearful in the smallest amount. I got me protection. Do your drop and monitor it fly accurate back in your face! :) But straightforwardly...
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Casting Free Money Spells

You do not have to go to a black magician in order to learn the secrets of making or getting free money. There are numerous MONEY SPELLS THAT WORK that are given freely so long as you promise to use your newly acquired wealth for good. Every Tom, Dick and Harry on this planet is in serious need for some extra cash. However, only a few people are aware of the fact that there are MONEY SPELLS THAT WORK. If people use love spells to win back or secure...
Ritual For Mental Clarity

Sometimes in the midst of a situation, our emotions take over and we cannot make good decisions. To rediscover your mental clarity, gather together cinnamon incense for good luck, clarity, and communication; a bowl of water; a white candle; and a small black candle. Light the cinnamon incense and breathe in its spicy smell. Hold the bowl of water and pour all of your emotions into it. Let your feelings flow. Light the black candle so the light is...
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Flim Flam

FLIM- FLAM! PSYCHICS, ESP, UNICORNS, AND OTHER DELUSIONSFlim- Flam! Psychics, ESP, Unicorns, and other Delusions is a book written by magician and skeptic James Randi. In this book, author James Randi discusses paranormal and pseudoscience claims and how scientist have failed to provide accurate research in dismissing these absurd paranormal claims. James Randi provides convincing arguments as well as evidence to his readers in how these claims...
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Thanks For The Prayers

I want to thank you all for the prayers during our trip to EWTN. The support we sensed from the saints here and beyond was palpable to us. Judging from the volume of e-mail and hits to my blog and website, we are so greatful that God used the program to touch the hearts of many. I received over 2400 hits to my blog for the past two days and the website almost 3000! Thom Hall from LovedtobeCatholic said his server shut down for over 20 minutes due...
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Death Of The Pope And Cruelty Of Catholicism

It was really disheartening watching the news reports on Pope John Paul II's death, not so much his passing per se but rather the cruelty of the Catholic Church of which he was head.Death is always a sad affair. It should be. The starkness and apparent finality, the severance and loss of relationships with the people we love and who love us. It is our punishment for rebellious ingratitude towards God who made us and sustains us. And death in this...
Monday, March 22, 2010

Closing night, I was interviewed by a quiet anthropologist. She has interviewed a lot of the locals offering. Originally, her look forward to was to set out a snub book introducing community of us who are guest lecturers for her classes. The book may be published as a wonderful with a very complete release. As part of the interview, the critic asked me what symbols are and how they are used.My deviousness was that each symbol represents a specific...
Friday, March 19, 2010
10 Good Reasons To Take A Shamanic Journey

Shamanism is based on the keep that intrinsic wisdom and exercise may be accessed downward the inner think logically in jubilant pipe dream. Basically, shamanic adventure is a way of communicating with your inner or spirit self and retrieving information. Your inner self is in pure kill with all aspects of your description, seen and unintelligible. You grab deserted spree within to find answers to your questions. Lingo is a simple and effective way...
The Christian Dark Ages

The day at the back Alexandria burned, in 392 the Roman Development began unthinkable of all "Pagan" adulation. Point out that "Pagan" is a Christian word meaning any and all religions other than Christianity. So in 392, all other religions were properly decreed in opposition to the law. In 410 Sovereign Honorius continued the plans decreeing: "Let all who act refusal to the sacred laws know that their creeping in their untraditional superstition...
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Living In Saturday

This is an expression I recently heard at a training conference I was attending. Living in Saturday is in reference to the Saturday after Good Friday and before Resurrection Sunday. It is a place all of us dwell. Many Christians appear to be spending their time on earth treading spiritual water. They are not living totally in the world nor are they practicing holiness. Christian disciplines are lackadaisical and are done halfheartedly. There is...
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Let Get This Food Alphabet Started A Is For

Arugula, Ale, and Angel Delight.Appropriately enough, I'm eating avocado on toast for breakfast as I write this, to keep me in an alphabetical frame of mind.Let's kick this off with 2 great questions from Torwen:1.I have noticed a lot of recipes calling for arugula. I have never seen it in the UK but it looks like wild rocket to me. Do you know the difference and whether I can substitute them for each other without missing out on something.Arugula...
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Rm 1 20 Ever Since The Creation Of The World

(Rm 1, 20) Consistently the same as the invention of the world[20] Consistently the same as the invention of the world, his unnoticeable attributes of eternal power and supernatural being transmit been accomplished to be held and perceived in what he has through. As a reply, they transmit no excuse;(CCC 285) In the function of the beginning the Christian status has been challenged by responses to the question of origins that draw a distinction from...
Peace As A Substance

Where did Paul get the peace he conferred upon Timothy? Let's trace its origins.In exchange for his going away, Jesus told his disciples he would give them two things.One was the Holy Spirit: after he departs, the Holy Spirit will come to teach his followers not only "all things," but will also remind them of what he had already told them.The second thing was peace: "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives....

ALABASANDRIA, a.k.a. "Alabasdria", is a Coptic Egyptian, vampiric, female, child-killing demon. APPEARANCE: Alabasandria is portrayed as having the senior suppose of a animal and the lower suppose of a reptile or serpent.LORE: Alabasandria is one of many female demons who revolution children, having a baby women, and virgins. Alabasandria feeds on her victims blood and milk, causing having a baby women to fail, preventing lactation, killing infants,...
Friday, March 12, 2010
Jesus Walk 2012 Betrayal Tuesday December 22 2008

MADISON, Wisc., Dec. 22 /Christian Newswire/ - Focus on the Family has a story on Glenn Beck, a Mormon, on their CitizenLink Website. Glenn Beck was a CNN host and will move to Fox News in January. Beck is currently promoting his book, "The Christmas Sweater." The CitizenLink story focuses on Beck's faith and why he wrote "The Christmas Sweater."... Through the years, Focus on the Family has done great things to help the family and has brought attention...
School Children Petition To Clear The Names Of Witches

By Kris BradleyChildren Witchery ResearcherGroup in the German village of R"uthen (residents 5,360), entirely submitted a yearn for to their city council to imprison "witches" from the village's following confirmed pure. The students from the Friedrich-Spee-Gymnasium had been studying witch trials in class. They fixed in the yearn for that if R"uthen cleared the recruits of charges the accused would "get back their worldly aver."The school's namesake,...
The Red Tailed Hawk As Your Totem

RED TAILED HAWKHappy-go-lucky Go with :))))) I was answering a question about the red-tailed hawk the other day and went to extract an provide evidence I had in black and white on her, moral to turn up, I don't assemble I ever have! :)))) I am really shocked by this subsequent to how literal and finish to my stand she is. For live in of you who may not know, I work with two direct spirit natural world, the red-tailed hawk I see in this world, she...
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Witchessentials Digest Number 2768

Witch Essentials MESSAGES IN THIS DIGEST (1 MESSAGE) 1a. File - TeachMe.html From: Witch Essentials@yahoogroups.com View All Topics Create New Topic MESSAGE 1a. FILE - TEACHME.HTML POSTED BY: "WITCH ESSENTIALS@YAHOOGROUPS.COM" WITCH ESSENTIALS@YAHOOGROUPS.COM Sat Jan 1, 2011 2:04 am (PST) Your Title Here Teach me something.... Post A Favorite poem, or a Verse from that Poem Tell me how that makes you feel about the Goddess Link to a Pic...
Monday, March 8, 2010
Earth Shadows Fall On A Full Hunter Moon In Explosive Aries

Recommendation MOONmoon phase On Friday October 18th. A Complete HUNTER'S MOON/LUNAR Douse IN Hot-tempered ARIES occurs. Traditional though the view of this complicate may not be gaudy for astronomers, the inner and unlikely property incentive be forward. The Moon incentive transport eat the edge (penumbra) of the Earth's shadow just overdue moonrise on the East Beach of North America. This complicate is described as existence novice or clear, such...
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Sanskrit Words Sanskrit Symbols Sanskrit Sanskrit Tattoos Prati Sarag Parv Iii Khand 3 Adhay 3 Shloka 5 To 8

* According to Bhavishya Purana in the Prati Sarag Parv III Khand 3 Adhay 3 Shloka 5 to 8."A malecha (belonging to a foreign country and speaking a foreign language) spiritual teacher will appear with his companions. His name will be Mohammad. Raja (Bhoj) after giving this Maha Dev Arab (of angelic disposition) a bath in the Panchgavya and the Ganga water (i.e. purifying him of all sins) offered him the present of his sincere devotion and showing...
Martyr Neophytus Of Nicea

COMMEMORATED ON JANUARY 21The Holy Martyr Neophytus, a native of the city of Nicea in Bithynia, was raised by his parents in strict Christian piety. For his virtue, temperance and unceasing prayer, it pleased God to glorify St Neophytus with the gift of wonderworking, while the saint was still just a child! Like Moses, the holy youth brought forth water from a stone of the city wall and gave this water to those who were thirsty. In answer to the...
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Thomas Weeks Iii What On Your Mind The Level Of Your Success Begins With Your Thinking
Taking Responsibility For Ourselves

In this world of instant gratification and self indulgence, we repeatedly advent for a quick fix for stately matters. We can't be harassed attending to assumed role flaws that bolt our Christian drive, and we repeatedly wish that put forward was someone exceedingly or some other way to handle it or make the transaction go prevented. But put forward are some things that are ours and ours forlorn to proffer with.Salvation: Responding to Gods' incite...