Thursday, March 25, 2010

Thanks For The Prayers

Thanks For The Prayers
I want to thank you all for the prayers during our trip to EWTN. The support we sensed from the saints here and beyond was palpable to us. Judging from the volume of e-mail and hits to my blog and website, we are so greatful that God used the program to touch the hearts of many. I received over 2400 hits to my blog for the past two days and the website almost 3000! Thom Hall from LovedtobeCatholic said his server shut down for over 20 minutes due to the volume of hits he received after I mentioned his website.

We felt especially blessed since our appearance on the show was sandwiched between the feast of the Immaculate Conception and the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. We had our blessed Mother working overtime with our prayer requests. She untied many knots for us and Jesus heard her prayers and answered them.

As some of you know, when I first went to confession three and a half years ago after deciding to return to the Church, the priest didn't give me Hail Mary's as my penance. He said, "Go out now and tell everyone what Jesus has done for you." Thank you Lord for giving me the opportunity you have given us to do just that. Only by your grace!

PD and I want to thank you guys for your prayers and support (thanks Japhy for the great question about my music! It loosened us up and helped us relax a bit). Please continue to keep us in prayer as we anticipate some attacks from the old slew-foot.

We will post more about the trip later.

God bless and thanks again.

Links to the show on the archives if you missed it: Here


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