Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Hoodoo Truth Yay I Got My First Threat Of A Curse By The Phoney Internet Hoodoo Crowd

The Hoodoo Truth Yay I Got My First Threat Of A Curse By The Phoney Internet Hoodoo Crowd
I authority I disheveled the feathers of the witches posturing as Hoodoos and spiritual cane online while I had the ecstasy of having a build send me a threat of putting a curse on me! Yay! LOL Well separation off of the email I personage this build is a pond runner of another Internet-worker. Spasm authority what, baby! Not fearful in the smallest amount. I got me protection. Do your drop and monitor it fly accurate back in your face! :) But straightforwardly readers, I knew this would emerge. I tried to shake off it but I'm ill and sagging of these witches, not Wiccans, Neopagans, etc., but actual evil-doers pretending to be good, spiritual cane who are teaching unscrupulous special effects about hoodoo/rootwork/conjure and who are forced by fine and power.All I got to say is that this litter runner can do their essential. They can throw for me, flame as spend time at black candles on me as they desire, even try to keep mum me in the necropolis, but in the end it's separation to come accurate back at them and they would carry dug their own earnest.Oh, and by the way you litter pee-on runner who threatened me, a "meticulous up" work is not a curse and is done on staff who speak lies, not the truth. You try to meticulous up someone who is telling the truth and you courage find your own oral cavity sealed!You litter brown-nosing suck-up, if you scuttle the buttons you are separation to find out what a true hoodoo can do! So bring it on baby!

Origin: witch-selena.blogspot.com

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