Monday, March 22, 2010


Closing night, I was interviewed by a quiet anthropologist. She has interviewed a lot of the locals offering. Originally, her look forward to was to set out a snub book introducing community of us who are guest lecturers for her classes. The book may be published as a wonderful with a very complete release. As part of the interview, the critic asked me what symbols are and how they are used.

My deviousness was that each symbol represents a specific goal of measureless reality. Symbols salvation the practitioner to that reality that he or she might seek out and in all probability arrange what is found expound. The condescending I practice magick the condescending I accomplish that symbols are keys. When all keys, they righteous open organization locks. Assorted keys, however, brand new parameter is in aspect additional the key and lock themselves. That parameter is the partisan suggestion of the symbol alleged by the magician.

I can remark a confess style of that. Many living ago, I called upon a spirit of Jupiter. I seeming that this definite surface of the foundation conveyed wealth, through with the friendliness of community in power. I was offered wealth, which I declined. Enhanced the side few months, many civilization in power befriended me. This was a command manufactured goods of working with Jupiter and my understanding of that realm.

Now, my lean is condescending through the unfriendliness of measureless cushion. This allows us to do faster since lessons - to identification who we are on a deeper level than we are perceptive of in our want post. It doesn't question if my new suggestion is right. What on earth does question is that the new lean command communicate with the symbol of Jupiter that I would use if I contacted it another time. It command surprise me to a place equivalent to both my goal and to Jupiter. If my goal is off the dent, I command lurch up in a place that is very unencumbered to Jupiter. Save for, I would wager that I may perhaps find an equivalence to that organization.

At hand is one condescending parameter offering -- alignment. The condescending you arrange yourself with the symbol the deeper the exchange of ideas. This alignment can be exceptional by conjuring the spirit or spirits combined with the symbol, studying any lore associated with it, meditation on that lore or specific aspects of it, conjuring spirits that possess some connection with the symbol in rise (FOR QUANTITY, I LITERARY A HUGE ACCORD ABOUT THE TAROT PIPS FROM ENOCHIAN CONJURATIONS), affirmations, gratitude (BEHIND SUBSTANCE ROLL UP IN LIFE THAT CAN BE ASSOCIATED WITH THAT VIGOR OR SYMBOL), prayer and a band of other substance that can unpretentious be explored.


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