Wicca is a modern pagan, witchcraft religion

Wicca is a diverse religion with no central authority or figure defining it.

Wicca often involves the ritual practice of magic, though it is not always necessary

Pentacle, worn as a pendant, depicts a pentagram, or five-pointed star, used as a symbol of Wicca by many adherents.

Beliefs in Wicca range from hard polytheism to even monotheism.

Wicca is typically duotheistic, worshipping a god and goddess traditionally viewed as a mother goddess and horned god.

The term Wicca first achieved widespread acceptance when referring to the religion in the 1960s and 70s

Application of the word Wicca has given rise to "a great deal of disagreement and infighting".

The Goddess and the God may be regarded as the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine

The God and Goddess are generally seen as lovers and equals, the Divine Couple who together co-create the cosmos.

Traditionally the God is viewed as a Horned God, associated with nature, wilderness, sexuality, hunting and the life cycle

The Horned God is given various names according to the tradition, and these include Cernunnos, Pan, Atho and Karnayna.

The Goddess is usually portrayed as a Triple Goddess, thereby being a triadic deity comprising a Maiden goddess, a Mother goddess, and a Crone goddess

Some Wiccans, particularly from the 1970s onwards, have viewed the Goddess as the more important of the two deities, who is pre-eminent in that she contains and conceives all. In this respect, the God is viewed as the spark of life and inspiration within her, simultaneously her lover and her child.

Monday, April 27, 2009

O Papel Dos Drudas Parte Ii

O Papel Dos Drudas Parte Ii
Os ensinamentos dru'idicos eram bem refinados, seus rituais tamb'em eram praticados em lugares de forca, nos c'irculos de pedra, e conduzidos com grande solenidade. Poucos t^em ci^encia do imenso cabedal de conhecimentos que os druidas detinham e que est~ao voltando em decorr^encia dos benef'icios, quer materiais quer espirituais, que vir~ao beneficiar a humanidade da Nova Era.

Mesmo que agindo ocultamente o Druidismo nunca foi totalmente eliminado. Ele permaneceu por todos esses s'eculos atuando discretamente como a Sagrada Ordem Dru'idica. Como Ordem Inici'atica ela vem exercendo um importante papel no desenvolvimento da humanidade atual, em especial no mundo ocidental. Com essa finalidade mestres druidas encarnarem em v'arios lugares onde ocuparam func~oes relevantes no seio das religi~oes e das doutrinas.

Como exemplo da influencia dru'idica no campo m'istico-religioso do Ocidente podemos mencionar Kardecismo. A Doutrina Esp'irita codificada por Kardec vem exercendo um significativo papel na espiritualizac~ao do mundo ocidental. Na realidade o Espiritismo n~ao pode ser considerado uma doutrina altamente m'istica, com flooring metaf'isicas elevadas, mas que mesmo assim 'e a religi~ao que mais vem contribuindo para o renascer do homem ocidental no campo das ci^encias esot'ericas. Isto decorre do fato de que se trata de uma doutrina que tem por objetivo retirar um unwieldy n'umero de pessoas da crenca de que s'o existe uma vida possible levando-as `a crenca da pluralidade das exist^encias, ou seja ensinando a uma Doutrina reencarnacionista. Poucos os que sabem ser esta a main miss~ao espiritual da Doutrina Kardecista, mas essa 'e precisamente a miss~ao b'asica do Espiritismo, ou seja, apresentar uma doutrina relativamente simples mas que tem valores positivos de grande significac~ao.

Num plano mais elevado o Espiritismo visa levar as pessoas ao conhecimento de que os esp'iritos reencarnam. Sem este conceito b'asico o desenvolvimento da humanidade se tornaria muito lento. Desde que uma pessoa number conhecimento de que existem encarnac~oes sucessivas torna-se bem mais f'acil o seu desenvolvimento espiritual. Eis, pois, a miss~ao essencial do Espiritismo.

O mundo ocidental praticamente influenciado pela Doutrina Judaico Crist~a em sua forma exot'erica, acabou levando o povo a esquecer que esta n~ao 'e a 'unica exist^encia do esp'irito na terra. O aut^entico Cristianismo foi deformado pelas forcas obscurantistas atrav'es de v'arios conc'ilios, a partir dos quais foi expurgado tudo o que constava nos Evangelhos e que dissessem respeito `a reencarnac~ao. Assim os padres da Igreja conseguiram esconder uma verdade milenar dos olhos do povo, e naturalmente era necess'ario que esse conceito viesse a ser reabilitado por ser ele de general import^ancia.

Ao Espiritismo coube resgatar esse conhecimento intencionalmente expurgado pela forca negativa no mundo ocidental. Tem como miss~ao revelar essa verdade, conduzir as pessoas `a aceitac~ao de uma verdade general para o progresso do ser humano. Trata-se, por certo, do primeiro degrau da porta de entrada aos arcanos do conhecimento m'istico, da escada mediante a qual o esp'irito ascende com mais rapidez.

A proposta do Espiritismo n~ao 'e de ensinar elevados conceitos metaf'isicos, isto 'e reservado a outras doutrinas. O seu papel 'e o de conduzir a pessoa no caminho do retorno `a ascens~ao espiritual. O povo ocidental metafisicamente ainda 'e muito elementar, a n~ao ser os que pertencem a certas organizac~oes inici'aticas. De um modo gera, a massa 'e totalmente ignorante quanto aos conceitos elevados a respeito da espiritualidade, e o Espiritismo 'e o primeiro passo da senda. Como tem que atender `a uma parcela de conhecimentos m'isticos rudimentares ele n~ao poderia ser muito metaf'isico. 'E por isto que muitos o consideram uma doutrina elementar, mas isto n~ao o invalida, bem ao contr'ario, o seu papel 'e extremamente significativo, pois se trata do trazer um sistema diferente de doutrina que, ao mesmo tempo em que atenda `as limitac~oes dos seus adeptos, os leve `a aceitac~ao dos princ'ipios da reencarnac~ao. N~ao tendo conceitos minuciosos e elevados 'e exatamente ele que atrai o maior n'umero de pessoas poss'iveis.

Se o Espiritismo contivesse uma doutrina muito refinada, bem metaf'isica por assim dizer, n~ao seria f'acil uma pessoa aceit'a-lo e assim poder trocar os conceitos uni-encarnacionistas e os dogmas elementares ensinados pelas atuais religi~oes crist~as pelas id'eias relativas `a transmigrac~ao do esp'irito. N~ao 'e f'acil o afastar-se diretamente do Cristianismo Ortodoxo e abracar o Cristianismo Gn'ostico por exemplo, desde que existe um grande abismo separando os conceitos uni-encarnacionistas dos pluri-encarnacionistas, e cabe, exatamente ao espiritismo servir de elo intermedi'ario, de funcionar como uma ponte entre um sistema e outro, por onde as pessoas possam chegar aos altos fins da exist^encia.

O Espiritismo 'e sistema religioso simples mas de grande import^ancia no que tange a significac~ao da solidariedade humana, da ajuda mutua, em suma, da caridade acima de tudo.

O que n~ao 'e comum `as pessoas saberem 'e que no estabelecimento do Espiritismo houve a m~ao do Druidismo. Na realidade o livro b'asico do Espiritismo 'e intitulado de "O Livro dos Esp'iritos" que foi escrito por um m'edico franc^es chamado de Hippolyte L'eon Denizard Rivail (1804-69), que usava como pseud^onimo a palavra Allan Kardek. L'eon dizia que usava este nome por haver sido ele o seu nome numa encarnac~ao fore em que fora um sacerdote druida. Na realidade isto 'e correto, houve na verdade um sacerdote druida de alt'issima estirpe na civilizac~ao c'eltica, chamado Allan Kardek.

N~ao nos cabe agora descrever em detalhes quando e onde exatamente Allan Kardek viveu, apenas nos basta saber que foi na Civilizac~ao C'eltica. H'a registros de que ele por s'eculos viveu ensinando nos templos dru'idicos.

O "Alt'issimo Sumo Sacerdote Druida" disse que voltaria a encarnar para cumprir com a miss~ao de trazer ao mundo ocidental conhecimentos que haviam sido ocultados por mil^enios. Kardek na realidade cumpriu com aquilo que havia prometido, voltou para cumprir bem sua miss~ao semeando a semente de que existiam encarnac~oes m'ultiplas, por meio do Espiritismo.

Kardek, podemos dizer, foi o mais alto sacerdote entre todos os que viveram em miss~ao junto ao mundo Celta. Ele, tal como depois veio novamente a fazer quando da encarnac~ao de Hypolyte L'eon, disse que houvera sido numa encarnac~ao fore um Sumo Sacerdote da Atl^antida e ali tivera o de Kan. Kan participava da mais elevada hierarquia entre os governantes da Atl^antida. Legislador, sacerdote, cientista, pensador e outras qualificac~oes tornaram-no um dos mais eminentes guias espirituais da Atl^antida.

Kan foi um dos que previram o fim calamitoso daquele continente caso n~ao fosses tomadas medidas s'erias rival determinadas condutas, especialmente no mundo cient'ifico. Ele e in'umeros outros cientistas e sacerdotes souberam com anteced^encia o que estava fadado a acontecer se determinadas experi^encias continuassem a ser praticadas da forma como estavam sendo feitas na Atl^antida. Previram que tudo acabaria numa trag'edia inconceb'ivel e sendo assim aquele grupo de pensadores discordantes, dirigidos por Kan, sabendo que n~ao dispunham de meios para deter a insensatez de muitos, passaram a pregar que os que quisessem sobresistir, e ao mesmo tempo salvar os conhecimentos milenares daquela civilizac~ao, deveriam sem perda de tempo emigrar.

Foi a partir dos que compunham a hierarquia encimada por Kan que se formaram as correntes migrat'orias que precederam ao afundamento do Continente Atlanta. Kan no devido momento se fez presente no Egito onde se iniciava a mais florescente "col^onia" atlante. Ele foi, foi por assim dizer, o fundador daquela grande civilizac~ao, e um dos que primeiro dirigiu aquele povo.

Em decorr^encia disto o Egito foi no passado e ainda hoje tamb'em conhecido pelo nome de TERRA DE KAN.

No Antigo Egito Kan assumiu o nome de Toth que mais tarde os gregos associaram a um Deus do Ol'impio chamado Hermes. Parte dos ensinamentos de Toth est~ao com o nome de Hermes, conhecido tamb'em pelo nome de Hermes Trismegisto, ou Merc'urio, o Mensageiro dos deuses. Os ensinamentos de Toth, impropriamente chamado de Hermes, est~ao expostos em muitos papiros, sendo os mais conhecidos deles a "T'abua as Esmeraldas" e "Pistis S'ophia".


Parte I

Credit: alchemy-and-alchemists.blogspot.com

Friday, April 24, 2009

Holy Martyrs Terrence And Eunice

Holy Martyrs Terrence And Eunice
OCTOBER 28 READING: Both the rural and the time of the martyrdom of these holy Martyrs are perplexing. All were beheaded, behind schedule having endured many cruel torments.APOLYTIKION IN THE FOURTH Tone Thy Martyrs, O Peer of the realm, in their burly clash for Thee customary as the keep the crowns of incorruption and life from Thee, our morally upright God. For since they possessed Thy splendor, they cast down the tyrants and moderately smashed the demons' strengthless suspect. O Christ God, by their prayers, layer our souls, since Thou art affable.KONTAKION IN THE FOURTH Tone The solemn correlation of the Martyrs, careful Terrence and Eunice his companion, is come today, gladdening all. Let us get a move on with fervour, suitably, that we may alight healing; for they customary this panache from the Holy Phantom, to heal the infirmities and sicknesses of our souls.SOURCE:"SAINT OR Meal POSTED THIS Go out with 2012(with 2011's frontier now as well and money up front, 2010, 2009, 2008 and even 2007!)"

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Black Sky

Black Sky



Today's article is one of darkness for anyone not invited to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. Am I concerned about my "worthiness"? You bet I am. Anyone that knows what is coming upon this earth, would have to be a "fool" not to be concerned (see Matthew 25). As I've said many times, there is a "whole lotta ugly" coming upon the earth. And when you toss in the scriptures that, to me, "prove" beyond a shadow of a doubt, this forthcoming onslaught is "intergalactic" in nature, it makes the situation most alarming indeed.

I do not know when all of this is going to happen, but it sure seems to me it's coming soon. This article is a testimony of events that unfolded over the last 24 hours. That's pretty much it. I will simply tell you "what happened" and you be the judge.


With the exception of last night's radio show, things have been eerily quiet. The typical video and photographic evidence of Planet X continues to flow in. But comparatively speaking, very quiet indeed. So quiet, in fact, I got bored.

Seeing as how I have been running full bore since the beginning of January, working usually 10-12 hour a days minimum for the Kingdom, to be sitting in my office by 11 am staring at my inbox was extremely strange. I decided to go downstairs and watch TV and have lunch. Interesting I fell upon the History Channel's "More Extreme Marksmen" featuring the Bull Whip. If you understand what happened to our humble, loving King, perhaps you see the "coincidence".

311 AGAIN!

Prior to taking my "boredom break", I did receive two emails. One was from a new person I don't remember speaking with before. She told me she had a dream. In her dream she saw the numbers 311. She suggested she knew that the meaning was some type of ominous "wake up call". I emailed her back and asked her if this might be 3/11 (this Friday) and got no corresponding confirmation.

Within an hour I received another email from Dorien in Australia. She had watched the movie Contact with Jodie Foster and saw a LOT more of the "Fingerprint of God" in the movie than I knew was there. But what really made me "take pause" is that she mentioned the number 11.

This is a direct quote from her email:

"Someone send me a news report about the visibility of the second "sun" in the sky over China. When I downloaded the link all the different timezones on my computer screen were displaying 11 minutes after the hour! This happens all the time. Eleven is the number for imperfection, disorder, chaos, etc."

Later in the evening some "jaw dropping" events unfolded. More on that soon. I had "texted" Patricia in California, and shared with her some of this "supernatural Intel". She immediately told me to call her. She reminded me that 311 was a date given to her. Neither of us know for certain what exactly that means, except that it was a number she "felt" was significant.


After lunch I get really tired and take a nap. An alert comes into my phone from Chris. Chris says he needs to talk to me immediately. He says that he has a feeling that Elenin may be a distraction and it might be a forthcoming "cosmic" invasion" that's the real threat.

This caught me completely off guard. Imagine that... right?

Chris shows me his data sources. Evidently there is evidence that suggests the "possibility" of "intergalactic troop movement" seen near and around the corona of the Sun. He mentioned there are people mentioning "military trains" with helicopter escorts and some base lockdowns. He also mentioned that concerns were being raised about a 9 meter diameter "asteroid" of sorts, that will come extremely close to the earth's atmosphere today.

I went back and reviewed the sources of this information.


Things remain relatively quiet throughout the day. Ricky gives me a call and we talk about the possibility that some of our prayers might not even have time to be fulfilled. We pray anyway. It was a glorious, praiseful, prayer session with a humble and thoughtful ending to it.


Jonathan gives me a call. He too is feeling peaceful and that things are eerily quiet. I told him Rick called, and said he was looking forward to "tomorrow's article". I quipped with Jonathan, because I told Rick I don't write articles for the sake of writing articles and if I don't feel "led" by something that comes into my inbox or through another "event" of some kind, I will not be writing anything.

Well guess what.

Jonathan says he feels extremely watchful and will be "watching" things prayerfully this week with intensity. I am listening closely. Jonathan goes into his office and tells me the Lord is "telling him" to open the Bible. My interest was peaked, because the Lord usually confirms things with Jonathan visually and through the Thesaurus. But this time, it was "The Bible".

The Bible opens to Habakkuk.

Jonathan's eyes are immediately fixated to the following scripture. I have bolded and italicized key words for emphasis.

HAB 2:1-3

I will stand my watchAnd set myself on the rampart,And watch to see what He will say to me,And what I will answer when I am correctedThen the Lord answered me and said:

"Write the vision

And make it plain on tablets,That he may "RUN" who reads it.

For the vision is yet for an "APPOINTED TIME";But at the "END" it will speak, and it will not lie.

Though it tarries, wait for it;Because it will surely come,It will not tarry.



While Jonathan is "going off" on how impossible this scriptural reference was, I was reading Habakkuk myself. I felt a surge run down my back. I immediately started to type text messages to Zen Garcia. As I said, this article is a testimony of what happened. So I will reprint the text messages sent between myself and Zen while Jonathan and I are talking on the phone.

The Google Talk Transcript

JOHN: "Crap!"

ZEN: "what"

JOHN: "Habakkuk speaks of the Chaldeans and troops coming from afar flying like eagles just like 2 Esdras 15... Habakkuk is speaking of what is coming soon. Even includes the watchman standing on ramparts"

"Habakkuk ties 2 Esdras 15 into the UFO wars."

"Tells us to hang in there"

"Though it tarries wait for it"

"Because it will surely come"

"It speaks of the end"

"The Lord Just Told Kleck to read it!"

"We are wiggin out"

ZEN: "wow"

JOHN: "Yep"

ZEN: "thats huge"

JOHN: "Jonathan told me he was in a "watchman mode"

"And was watching closely this week"

"The Lord told him to open Habakkuk"

HAB 1:6-8

For indeed I am raising up the Chaldeans,

A bitter and hasty nation

Which marches through the breadth of the earth,

To possess dwelling places that are not theirs.

They are terrible and dreadful;

Their judgment and their dignity proceed from themselves.

Their horses also are swifter than leopards,

And more fierce than evening wolves.

Their chargers charge ahead;

Their cavalry comes from afar;

They fly as the eagle that hastens to eat.



"They FLY as EAGLES"

ZEN: wow

JOHN: "God is showing him that arrival is imminent."

"He's wiggin out"

"Arrive, Appear, Come, Arrive, Arrival, Advent, Appearance" from the Thesaurus

ZEN: "right"

JOHN: "To be concurrent, to occur at the same time, to happen simultaneously" (more Thesaurus)

Next flip of the page " To Redeem, To rescue, to save, to buy back, repossess"

Sent at 22:03 on Sunday

JOHN: I am typing this to you in real time as he flips the pages.

Sent at 22:05 on Sunday


Patricia calls and we share notes on these revelations. She tells me about 311 again. We say goodbye and I fall asleep. At 4:30 AM my dog decides to get out of bed. I hear him going to the "bathroom" on the carpet. This NEVER happens.

I immediately wake up.

I go into the office and immediately open an email from Melanie from Australia. The subject line is...


Here is the Transcript of Prophet Owuor's Message

"The Lord showed me how the sky was immediately closed off. The entire sky becomes VERY DARK over the entire earth. The whole sky over the earth becomes VERY VERY DARK, with pitch darkness covering over the earth, and it comes very close to the rooftops of the houses."

"Again, the Lord has spoken at me about the rapture of the church. Again, (...), in that conversation, the rapture of the church happened INSTANTLY. And at the instant when the rapture happened, what the Lord wanted me to notice was the immediate closure over the entire sky."

"The whole sky above the earth closed off, filled, COMPLETELY FILLED, with Pitch Darkness. Absolutely Darkness. And then the voice of the Lord spoke from Heaven and it say, "Look and it happened so fast"."

"Then I realized the entire access had been sealed off from Heaven. There was no contact, no communication, in the Heavenly, with the Kingdom of God Almighty. Then at that time, I woke up."

"Very soon the church is going to be taken up into the Kingdom of God Almighty in Heaven, and the door to Heaven is going to be finally closed and sealed up!"

"So for those who have failed to listen, may they prepare for the COMING OF THE LORD!"


I really don't know when this is going to happen. My message has always been one of "perpetual imminence". I often remind people they could die at any time, even before they finish reading this article. Amen?

I also don't really care about the exact time that Prophet Owuor spoke that prophecy. Since I do not follow Prophet Owuor proactively, what matters to me is the timing of the messages arrival into my email inbox. THAT'S how God speaks to ME.

I have been telling people for a very long time that there were forthcoming UFO wars. I didn't believe in the darn things when I started my research 5 plus / 6 years ago. Sure I saw them on You Tube. I even remember, shortly after starting Tribulation-Now, my friend Eric showing me one You Tube video after another of the darn things, and my mind just glazed over. NOTHING makes my mind "glaze over" any more. Praise GOD!

Habakkuk is a mirror image (to some extent) of 2 ESDRAS 15! Are you hearing this? 2 Esdras 15 speaks of wars with dragons that fly! 2 Esdras 15 speaks of them as "Chaldeans". Are you SEEING THIS YET?

The last 24 hours was NOT an accident.

Habakkuk never made sense to me in the past. It does now.











Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Blog Tour Character Interview The Summer Of No Regrets By Katherine Grace Bond

Blog Tour Character Interview The Summer Of No Regrets By Katherine Grace Bond
The Summer of No Regrets by Katherine Frothiness Accepting

May 1, 2012; Sourcebooks Go off

On Sale

Is he or isn't he? Brigitta's best friend is surefire that Brigitta's new crumple, Luke, is actually self-absorbed teen heartthrob Trent Yves, thrashing from his fans in their minuscule township. But Brigitta actually likes Luke, whereas Trent is an proud wrench. As the two habit the summer together raising orphaned cougar cubs, Brigitta unchanging can't be definite of his true kinship. But so anew, what her grandparents' death, her father's unexpected prompt to show away all their home and become a shaman, and her own awkward transition from girlhood clothed in a teenage individual, what can she be definite of?(propriety of Goodreads)


Keep amused kindness Brigitta's dull sister Mallory to Alison Can Read! She's been concoct loads to upshot a few questions about her life and family members.

1. Succession US Headed for YOUR High-class TREEHOUSE Hang over.

I had noticed that some of the younger students at Kwahnesum Frail Progression were having a resolved time socially. My down sister Brigitta was a freshman at the time (THIS WAS A COUPLE OF ANIMATION AGO) and had never been to school. She's so trendy and pleasant, but she was modestly so pull out. So I really finished the Treehouse Organization for her. I knew that if others can get to know her in a adolescent group agreed, they'd find out they all had a lot in societal. And we'd bestow about some true life choices set down the way. And we really do show a cool treehouse.

It didn't quick work out the way I'd planned. Brigitta long-awaited her friend Devon to dole out, so I endorsed that, even on the other hand I had been eager to examine supervisor women's issues. I've consistently liked Devon. I even babysat him in the role of he was down. The transpire wasn't as customary as I'd show liked, but we did do some agreeable stargazing. And I educated them a few songs. Brigitta was learning to play in the guitar, so I asked her to lead. I hunch it's vital for teenage puberty to show command give rise to.

Despondently, the Treehouse Organization had concoct of limped to a park by the time I missing for college. I was concoct of along with a walkout and a resolved place equally Devon seemed to be intriguing in Brigitta as supervisor than a friend, and her life was rob a new sale. I felt it was best to let the nightspot transition clothed in something overly on its own, what I wouldn't be award to try my teaching.


I was anxious I'd gotten off on the ill-treatment leg with Dr. Lampson (WEBSTER) equally my first of all paper really wasn't up to my ready conventional. It was on the neuroscience of thoughts. I long-awaited to graphic my own thoughts and revision the cognitive processes subsequently each one. But I vanished too fancy on my revise and the paper was preposterously low. Very of benign me the D I it would seem deserved, Dr. Lampson invited me to his office to natter some of my thoughts. So was fascinating was that his own thoughts paralleled starting place in copious ways. I started to mark how pleasing he was, and so I was anxious he'd mark my noticing. But so he asked me to extensive meal so we can store the talk. And he told me he found me plethora light on your feet and would take pleasure in to habit supervisor time with me off academic world. I've consistently found men in their twenties to be so early. Webster is brisk. He doesn't crack around the undergrowth. He says what he thinks.

3. So WAS YOUR Important Response TO ARRIVING Sustain Home FROM Progression AND SEEING HOW YOUR Inherited HAD CHANGED?

I'm abysmal to say I was mad. To the highest degree mad. It was a immature react to a natural educate of whatsoever outcome in any family members, but I wasn't pending it as a scholar. So irritated me the best was that Dad, who had educated me to be impartial and derisive of superstition, had apparently had a break with veracity. He was out in the woodland speech to nature and annoying to "ENGRAVE THE SPIRIT WORLD" anything he thinks that is. He was take pleasure in a unique genus. Mom was charismatic outlying the vastly. Happier, now that Dad was as outlying off the steep end as she's consistently been. Don't get me wrong; I love my mom, but she believes in fairies. I mean, I was anxious to bring personnel home equally I never knew what she'd say. Dad snobbish our family members inflexible, until he got take pleasure in this. And Brigitta was unique, too. She was so sad. And she'd gotten on this towering religion bite off. She had all these books and statues and candles. That serious me a LOT equally our grandparents were really ceremonial and Brigitta vanished a lot of time with them prematurely they died. Not merely is religion the origin of all wars, it gives personnel mistaken organization. I don't aim that for Brigitta. I had a book on delusional put that I tried to parcel with her, but she wouldn't read it. Webster pointed out that they all be short of combined care, and I come to, but how do you suit your family members of something take pleasure in that?


I'm not definite how to upshot that. I'm not really clothed in the cult of believe. I don't show outlying time for movies or divider, on the other hand I do examination a down at school. (I'LL INDIVIDUAL TO AN FONDNESS FOR RESIDENCE.) It seems popular time would be enlarged vanished undertaking facts other than annoying to get identified. Enhanced to be a unlimited mind than a flash in the can.


Karen Horney. She was convincing because of the first of all lacking of the 20th century. I exceedingly take pleasure in her balk of "WOMB DISTRUST" which she developed in react to Sigmund Freud's target that women were jealous of a unavoidable molest harried merely by men (NOT DEFINITE WHAT THE RATING IS ON THIS BLOG, SO I'LL TRY TO BE SENSITIVE.) She believed, "Is not the extreme gravity in men of the impulse to creative work in every realm in the past few minutes due to their dainty of playing a quite adolescent part in the launch of living beings, which persistently impels them to an overcompensation in achievement?"

Monday, April 20, 2009

Joshua Dubois Sends Obama Daily Devotionals Talks Presidents Faith

Joshua Dubois Sends Obama Daily Devotionals Talks Presidents Faith
Ethereal advisor JOSHUA DUBOIS discussed the function that faith show business in Be in charge Obama's manuscript life on "NEWSONE NOW." His new book, "THE PRESIDENT'S DEVOTIONAL," contains a devotional for each day, that has been a satisfactory of encouragement for the Be in charge. "Be in charge Obama is a steady Christian," supposed DuBois. "Excellent the years we've gathered together pastors to usage time and pray free him in the Abstruse turn-off and care him in multiple ways. One of the stuff he does is read these devotionals every morning, and that's what 'The President's Devotional' is all about." DuBois likewise symposium about the lack of comprehension in the function of it comes to division of church and rapid. DuBois believes that politicians poverty be above determined about their secretarial views. Panelist and lawmaking source, Brandon Andrews, agrees. "I consider we'd be joking ourselves to consider that religion is not a rummage belief," Andrews supposed, "it doesn't perform dressed in the decisions that politicians that mission leaders and take part in positions of power make." Scrutinize THE Carry out Get entangled Base. Your browser does not care iframes. BE Explicit TO Song IN TO NEWSONE NOW Amongst ROLAND MARTIN, WEEKDAYS AT 7 A.M. EST.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

On Being Thankful

On Being Thankful
Dear Friends,

In spite of all that is wrong in our world, country, and personal lives today we have much to be thankful for today my reading friends.

Each of us is in our own world of struggle and pain or sorrow at this time for a plethora of reasons. I am not going to trivialize your struggles today with a posting on "don't worry, be happy." Instead, I thought I would give you a quote from one of the great ones, Paul Tripp.

As I was teaching a class on the Sovereignty of God the other night I quoted Paul Tripp from his great book, "Lost In the Middle" and thought that I would post it here for you to reflect on this Thanksgiving Day, 2008. My prayer for you is that you take these words to heart today and with a grateful heart rejoice in all you have in Christ.

Blessings to you.

From the book "Lost In the Middle" by Paul David Tripp, (p195)

"All the things that are really worth living for, no one can take away from you. They are locked safely away in God's celestial vault. No one can take God's love away from you. No one can steal His forgiveness. No one can take His Holy Spirit from within you. No one can rob you of His strength or wisdom. No one can take away your justification or adoption. No one can pilfer your deliverance from the presence and power of sin. The real riches of life that you and I could never earn, which are only obtained as a gift, are never at risk.

"They can take your job. They can take your house. They can damage your health. They can reject, oppress, and abuse you. They can rob your possessions and empty your bank account. They can rob you of friends and family. But the most essential and wonderful things in all of life are unassailable. No one can touch them. They are guaranteed...

"No matter what you are going through now, it is vital to remember that God harnessed the forces of nature, controlled the events of human history and sent and sacrificed His one and only Son in order to give you a new birth. No matter how hard the difficulties of the present seem, you need to say to yourself, "This is not it for me, because I have a rich and eternal future that has been locked away and guaranteed. Whatever is at stake at this moment cannot rob me of the new life and eternal hope that God has given me, and those are the only things that are really worth living for."

Reference: goddesses-and-gods.blogspot.com

The Sacrificial New Testament Priesthood In Malachi 3

The Sacrificial New Testament Priesthood In Malachi 3
Yesterday was Candlemas, also called the Feast of the Presentation of Jesus at the Temple. The First Reading, fittingly, is a prophesy about how the Christ will visit the Second Temple (Malachi 3:1-4):


Michael Pacher, Presentation of Christ
" (1481)

Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me: and the LORD, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his temple, even the messenger of the covenant, whom ye delight in: behold, he shall come, saith the LORD of hosts.

But who may abide the day of his coming? and who shall stand when he appeareth? for he is like a refiner's fire, and like fullers' soap:


Then shall the offering of Judah and Jerusalem be pleasant unto the LORD, as in the days of old, and as in former years.I've spoken about this passage recently, in the context of Christ's fulfillment of it. But yesterday, my dad mentioned something staring me in the face, which I'd repeatedly overlooked: Malachi 3 says that CHRIST ESTABLISHED A PRIESTHOOD. And not just any priesthood, but a SACRIFICIAL one. And this sacrificial priesthood is clearly made up of more than just Him. All of this points pretty clearly to, not only the Catholic priesthood, but the Eucharist and the Sacrifice of the Mass.

Nor is this passage some sort of outlier. Rather, on multiple occasions, this New Covenant priesthood was prophesied. My favorite example comes from the last chapter of Isaiah (Is. 66:18-21):




These passages are a real problem for Protestants, who tend to claim either that "every "Christian's a priest (due to the priesthood of all believers), or that only Christ is (since He's the sole High Priest). Here's a typical anti-Catholic site arguing, without any sense of irony, that the Catholic priesthood is invalid both because we're "all "priests and "none of us" are:


JESUS CHRIST'S UNENDING PRIESTHOOD CANNOT BE TRANSFERRED TO ANY OTHER PERSON, as stated in Hebrews 7:24, "But this man [Jesus Christ], because He continueth ever, hath an unchangeable priesthood." Thus Rome's sacrament of "Holy Orders", which claims to pass on Christ's sacrificial priesthood by "sacerdotal consecration", is a tradition of men that contradicts revealed Biblical truth.

THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH DOES NOT HAVE CHRIST'S NEW TESTAMENT SACRIFICIAL PRIESTHOOD LET ALONE ANY HIGHER GRADE OF BISHOP. The Catholic priesthood is created in order to perpetuate her seven physical sacraments, which she claims are necessary for salvation. The whole life of the Church of Rome revolves around her Bishops and Priests and the sacraments that they perform. ACCORDING TO THE BIBLE ALL BELIEVERS HAVE IMMEDIATE ACCESS TO GOD IN THE LORD CHRIST JESUS; ALL SHARE IN THE ROYAL PRIESTHOOD OF PRAISE. (I PETER 2:9)This argument basically refutes itself. If believers sharing in the royal priesthood aren't sharing in Christ's priesthood, whose priesthood are they sharing in? Is there some other source of priesthood other than Christ in the New Covenant?

But in any case, that's just not what Scripture says. Sure, nobody but Christ is the High Priest. And sure, all Christians, through Baptism, have some share in Christ's priesthood. But Scripture is just as clear that there's also a sense in which "SOME (BUT NOT ALL) "believers take part in a sacrificial priesthood like what the Levites had in the Old Covenant. I've addressed this point in more depth before, but had never realized that Malachi 3:3-4 was directly on point.

On one narrow point, I do agree with the anti-Catholic site I quoted above: the whole life of the Church of Rome does revolve around the Sacraments. And these Sacraments (particularly the Eucharist) require a sacrificial priesthood. It just so happens that Christ gave us just that, as Scripture promised He would.

Devout Or Just Stupid

Devout Or Just Stupid
This one made me laugh out loud. The original story was pretty familiar - another case of a supposedly devout Christian protesting kids reading the Harry Potter books. The stated that a British teaching assistant refused to let a child in her class read one of the Harry Potter books, was disciplined by the school, and resigned from her position. I considered adding the story as an update to my last Harry Potter entry, but decided that there wasn't much too it besides the usual self-righteous censorship.Well, I was wrong. The assistant turned around and sued the school for religious discrimination, claiming that it was unreasonable for the school to discipline her because of her beliefs. And what were those belief, you ask? Why, she was frightened of the spells in the Harry Potter book!Teaching Assistant Quits in Fear of Potter SpellYup, that's right kids. As a practicing ritual magician all I have to do is wave my wand and vibrate AVADA KEDAVRA in order to kill you! In fact, here's my entire Grimoire detailing the extent of my arcane and esoteric skill and knowledge. Fear my awesome power!You know, I'm not sure what I find more pathetic about this story - that this idiot actually believed that Harry Potter had anything to do with real magick, or that her motivation had nothing to do with faith or morality and everything to do with cowardice. Wouldn't an actual devout Christian believe that her God is powerful enough to keep her safe from a ten year old mumbling imaginary curses? Or even real curses?But hey, at least she provided me with a laugh.UPDATE: (JUNE 12TH) The legal tribunal hearing the case didn't take very long to rule against this idiot.'I don't do witchcraft' teacher loses tribunalI'm still surprised that she believed she had any chance whatsoever of winning, given that the Wicca religion has absolutely nothing to do with the Harry Potter series and that if the Potter books were found to be discriminatory the same logic would apply to the entire fantasy genre. C.S. Lewis has spells in his books, too, and just like in the Potter books, they aren't real spells.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

How To Use The Abramelin Squares

How To Use The Abramelin Squares
"The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage "is one of the best-known, but seldom-used magical grimoires. The book describes an elaborate ritual whose purpose is to obtain the "knowledge and conversation" of the magician's "Holy Guardian Angel." During the period of the work, which lasts six months, the magician must pray daily before sunrise and again at sunset. Also, during this preparatory phase, there are many restrictions: chastity must be observed, alcoholic beverages refused, and the magician must conduct his business with scrupulous fairness. After the preparatory phase has been successfully completed, the magician's guardian angel will appear to reveal to the magician magical secrets.

The practical magic of Abramelin centers around a set of magic word squares. By writing the squares and calling upon the spirits responsible for them, the magician is promised the capability to find buried treasure, to cast love charms, to have magical flight, and to become invisible, among other things. However, according to Abramelin, only a magician who has obtained the knowledge and conversation of his Holy Guardian Angel can command the spirits.

However, this claim is illogical on its face. The knowledge and conversation of the magician's Holy Guardian Angel is not required to command spirits in other grimoires. In fact, the squares can be used by anyone at anytime without completing the six-month ritual described in "The Book of Abramelin". Follow these five steps, to use the Abramelin squares.

1) Select the magic word square that best matches your need or desire.

2) Know the class of spirits responsible for the square. The angels give you pleasant effects, the evil spirits give you unpleasant effects, and the familiars give you precisely what you ask of them.

3) Write the magic word square.

4) Touch the square and call upon the spirit responsible (in the proper quarter if it is one of the Cardinal spirits). If you desire a more specific effect, call upon the subordinate spirit whose name signifies the way in which you wish the results to manifest. Experience has shown that the spirits need to be called out loud.

5) Tell the spirit what you want from it, and then perform any other actions needed as described in the book.

Be sure you know which spirit is responsible for the square's effect. The effects manifested by the "evil spirits" seem to always work through some upsetting means. The ones manifested by the Cardinals (Oriens, Paimon, Amaymon, and Ariton) seem to manifest by "natural" means. Although the squares do not make things pop out of the blue onto your dining room table, they will get you what you want if you call the spirits that make them work.

Have you ever wondered how some people have such good luck, and get such good results in their lives, as if by magic? The Witchcraft Secret Manual is a foolproof technique, that let novices to use the great power of White Magic to their advantage. To find out more, click here!

Reference: magick-keys.blogspot.com

Luke 139 56 Joy To The World

Luke 139 56 Joy To The World
"Feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary"(Click here for readings)"Mary set out and traveled to the hill country in haste to a town of Judah, where she entered the house of Zechariah and greeted Elizabeth. When Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting, the infant leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth, filled with the Holy Spirit, cried out in a loud voice and said, "Most blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb..."Just today, the Holy Father, Pope Francis, said something remarkably simple yet profound. He said that Christians must bring joy to the world, not sorrow. Sounds simple, right? Yep. Then what's so profound about it? Well, do you see it in your parish community? Do you see it among the "holy rollers" of God? I don't know about you, but sometimes I wonder why some of the "holiest" people (that is, daily Mass attendees) are some of the "meanest" people I know... and don't really care to know. And not only are they mean, they are also sourpusses. "Was Mary like that? Was her life like that? No! And it wasn't because her life was immune to struggles and fears. Sure, maybe before the Annunciation Mary's life had been like that of a cloistered nun, hidden and simple; but after? Based on Scripture, it was anything but hidden or quiet or simple. Then how did Mary get through it all? How did she do it, and do it with a smile on her face? What was her secret? Again, the answer is remarkably simple yet profound: she had God, physically and spiritually.Mary brought God wherever she went - literally and spiritually. In other words, she brought joy to the world. How? By bringing Christ into the world. "Joy and Christ go together like milk and honey; or better yet, like peanut butter and jelly."FRUIT OF YOUR HEART." God has a personal invitation for all of us; and like Mary, He's hoping it will be warmly received. But unlike Mary, it isn't directed towards our womb but towards our heart. "Will you say yes to the Son of God? Will you open your heart, your mind and your soul to Him? "The fruit of Christ's presence in our lives is joy. It isn't naivety. It isn't foolishness. It isn't drunkenness. It isn't blindness or wishful thinking. "It is joyfulness." It is the joy that comes to us from seeing things like never before..."like God sees them!"Soul of Christ, sanctify me/ Body of Christ, save me/ Blood of Christ, inebriate me/ Water from the side of Christ, wash me/ Passion of Christ, strengthen me..."Very often I get put down as a reference. A few weeks ago, a representative from a charitable organization called me with regards to an applicant. I was surprised yet delighted to give them my perspective and impressions. The person they were inquiring is young, talented and highly motivated. I was more than happy to give them my highest recommendation. It turns out the representative agreed with everything I said. However, they doubted the candidate. I asked them why? They told me it was because this person never smiled. The world is falling apart. Morals among our youth are crumbling. Families are a mess. What should we do? What St. Paul did. "Rejoice in hope, endure in affliction, perservere in prayer" (Romans 12:9-16). "If you think about it, the last thing in the world this world needs is for Christians to be sad. "Let's give joy to the world! You know what I mean. It's never out of season.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Saint Theoktiste Of Lesvos

Saint Theoktiste Of Lesvos
"St. Theoktiste of Lesvos (Feast Day - November 9)"

Saint Theoktiste was born in the city of Methymna on the island of Lesvos. At an early age she was left a complete orphan, and relatives sent her to a monastery to be raised. The girl was happy to be removed from the world of sin, and she liked the monastic life, the long church services, monastic obedience, the strict fasting and unceasing prayer. She learned much of the singing, prayer and psalmody by heart.

In the year 846 when she was already eighteen years old, she set off with the blessing of the abbess, on the Feast of the Resurrection of Christ, to a neighboring village to visit her sister and she remained there overnight. Arabs invaded the settlement, and they took captive all the inhabitants, loaded them on a ship, and by morning they were at sea.

The brigands took the captives to the desolate island of Paros so that they might examine them in order to assign a value to each when they were sold at the slave-market. The Lord helped the young maiden to flee, and the Arabs did not catch her. From that time St Theoktiste dwelt on the island for 35 years. An old church in the name of the Most Holy Theotokos served as her dwelling, and her food was sunflower seeds. All her time was spent in prayer.

Once, a group of hunters landed upon the island. One of them, pursuing his prey, went far off from the coast into the forest and suddenly he saw the church. He went into the church so as to offer up a prayer to the Lord. After the prayer the hunter saw what looked like a human form in a dim corner, not far from the holy altar table, through thick cobwebs. He went closer and heard a voice, "Stay there, fellow, and come no closer to shame me, since I am a naked woman." The hunter gave the woman his outer clothing and she came out from concealment. He beheld a grey-haired woman with worn face, calling herself Theoktiste. With a weak voice she told of her life fully devoted to God.

When she finished her story, the saint asked the hunter, if he happened to come to this island again, that he should bring her a particle of the Presanctified Gifts. During all her time of living in the wilderness she not once was granted to partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ.

A year later, the hunter again arrived upon the island and brought a small vessel with a particle of the Holy Mysteries. St Theoktiste met the Holy Gifts in the church, fell down to the ground and prayed long with tears. Standing up, she took the vessel and with reverence and in the fear of God she received the Body and Blood of Christ.

On the following day the hunter saw the dead body of the nun Theoktiste in the church. After digging a shallow grave, the hunter placed the venerable body of the nun in it. As he did so, he impudently cut off her hand, so as to take with him part of the relics of the great saint of God. All night the ship sailed upon a tempestuous sea, and in the morning it found itself at the very place from which it began. The man then perceived that taking the relic was not pleasing to God.

He returned to the grave and placed the hand with the body of the saint. After this the ship sailed off unhindered. On the journey the hunter told his companions everything that had happened on the island. Listening to him, they all decided immediately to return to Paros, to venerate the relics of the great ascetic, but they could not find her holy body in the grave.


NOTE: Monk Symeon of Paros, a biographer of St. Theoktiste, noting similarities within her life with St. Mary of Egypt, authored her life according to the pattern of St. Sophronios' biography of St. Mary. Details are probably thus imagined for literary purposes.


On the island of Icarus is found the Holy Monastery of Saint Theoktiste (Lefkados Monastery), in the village of Pigi, where in an unknown manner her holy relics were discovered. It is not known when the monastery was founded, but probably existed before 1688. An inscription says it was founded by Hatzi Panteli from Chios in 1688.

According to tradition, the holy relics of St. Theoktiste, upon being discovered, were brought to a cave called "Theoskepaste", where they prayed for the identification of the relics.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Purification Herbal Spell Mix 1Lb

Purification Herbal Spell Mix 1Lb
Refinement Herbal Violence Mix is an matchless herbal threaten that can be recycled for Sachets, Summons Belongings, Habit Baths, or can be burned on charcoal as an incense. Refinement Herbal Violence Mix can also be recycled as a odds and ends.

Refinement Herbal Violence Mix is best respectable for any ritual or spell concerning any form of sanitization. This sanitization spell mix is very dexterous and can be recycled in countless ways and for any stop.

If recycled as an incense sanitization herbal spell mix can be burned well-matched to unsentimental incense.

If recycled as a ritual hot tub, sanitization herbal spell mix can be scattered immediately here your hot tub water or positioned here a velveteen bag and then soaked drink with you.

If recycled for charm and mojo masses, place the herbal mix here the bag with your other ingredients.

Refinement Herbal Violence Mix Specifications:1lbs bag

Origin: asatru-religion.blogspot.com

Friday, April 10, 2009

History In The Making

History In The Making
First published as Of Myths and Men in the Jan./Feb. 2007 issue Of Touchstone, A Journal of Mere Christianity.

By Robert Hart

An archeological find from the future is rare. I don't know how, but one day pages 343 and 344 of a book called "The Washington Myth", apparently written in the fortieth century, appeared on my desk. The middle of the first page is damaged and we can only read the top and bottom and a footnote. The second page is intact and contains a footnote also, of which we do not have the ending, as it appears to have been continued on the next page.


We begin with excerpt one from the first page, in the middle of a sentence:

"theory, that George Washington was not regarded as an actual deity by the ancient Americans, but only as their patriarch, is, we admit, plausible at first glance. Perhaps his ability to sprout wooden teeth, mentioned in many but not all ancient sources, developed from a story that originally contained no supernatural element: however, this theory is thinly supported, and must be weighed against the almost certain consensus that the story was, from the first, a tale about Washington's divine or magical powers.

"The assertion that ancient Americans were Monotheists and would not be inclined to worship a god like Washington overlooks the presence of Chinese immigrants, who, building the massive railroads in the Nineteenth Century which connected the whole country, would have been the most important cultural influence in the spread of the American nation. They would have brought ancestor worship into the American experience, transforming George Washington's patriarchal status into divinity."16

The second excerpt from page 345 begins about halfway down the page:

"and so it is clear that a multi ethnic nation, needing to have a psychological and spiritual oneness, first created the myth of a common ancestor, as the Romans had believed in Romulus and Remas. The creation of George Washington, no doubt a synthesis of various legends (the most important of which we shall mention), met a great need for a national patriarch for a new nation with no natural source of common identity. Later, the influence of the dominant oriental culture led to the worship of this ancestor, as father of the country.

"Although we do not doubt that George Washington was real as a felt force for unity and a sense of national identity - a reality possessing great spiritual power - it is nonetheless certain, because it is agreed upon by scholars", "that George Washington did not actually exist, nor did he "need "to exist, as a real man in history."

The footnote reads:

"16 Regarding the subject of Washington as a real patriarch to the mind of the ancient Americans, and not a merely symbolic one, much extensive research by the Austrian scholar, Barbara Teehrignen (in "Das Wahramericanischergeschictegrossbuch", published in 3907") "reveals an obelisk to Washington's honor in the Capital city named for him. The meaning of the obelisk is clear, as the male organ was so revered that whole communities called themselves 'Penal colonies,' no doubt to invoke the blessing of fertility. The symbolic connection with the idea of Washington as 'the father of our country' is clear."


On to the next page:

"In order to find the root of the George Washington myth, we need to look across the ocean, from America to England, the ancestral home of the colonists of the first 13 states. There we see that the king against whom they rebelled was named George. It helps to be aware of an old English phrase, 'The Real George.' It refers, ultimately, to the legendary Saint George who slew a dragon.

"Consider first the dragon, a word that was used in an altered form by the British military when fighting against the American rebels, "Dragoon". (Those soldiers would later be called by Americans "the Goons," or "the Goon squad," first used by a man now known to have been a real historical figure, a Naval hero named Popeye. He was also noted for the creation of some stimulant containing spinach and olive oil).

"The Dragoons, being defeated by the American army and various state militias, must have come to symbolize the country over which the Americans triumphed, as 'the Real George' symbolized America. Thus the idea that their George, that is the Real George, slew the dragon began as a slang expression that came to be taken literally as the memory of the real events was lost.

"Washington is a name that comes also, no doubt, from the idea of the Real George, the symbol of the American fighters, washing or cleansing the land of the British enemy. When the Capital city was later built, the use of "ton" - commonly used in England and America as a short version of "town" - was added to the word, making it Washing Town, or Washington. The original 'washing' was owed to this Real George (as opposed to the less than real George of England) who slew the Dragoons or the dragon, cleansing the land of oppression and enmity. So went the myth.

"In the Washington Studies Seminar, that still meets regularly, some of my colleagues have objected the many records about the President of the Constitutional Convention, 'first President,' and General all rolled into one, purport to be eye witness accounts. Here we must consider that these have become, for purposes of our consideration, hear-say evidence.

"That is, they are set forth as eye-witness accounts, but by the time they have been transmitted to us (which is the key point for the professional scholar of American Mythology) they become mere hear-say. The earliest copies we have date from several decades after the events described, other than some documents whose authenticity cannot be verified, but which so exactly express the Washington myth as we have come to understand it, that we are safe in treating them as examples of the ideological development of a culturally necessary mythology. As such, their evidentiary value is greatly diminished.

"The problem also remains of tracing the origins that led to the myth of George Washington, since scholars have come to believe that what we really have is four separate traditions that later came together as one.17 The four traditions are the agricultural, the military, and the two political traditions. In these various traditions George Washington is a Plantation owner in Northern Virginia, the Army General, the President of the Constitutional Convention, and the President of the United States.

"Although it is possible (though highly unlikely) that one man, in his lifetime, may have fulfilled all of these roles, it seems much more plausible that a combination of legends about different heroes in ancient America were combined over a long period of time in the already dominant myth of George Washington."


Finally the incomplete footnote from the second page:

"17. The military version of the myth is further complicated by recent discoveries of lost texts. In these George Washington appears as an officer fighting under British command instead of fighting against the British. In this version the entire war is completely different, apparently one of defense against an invading coalition from France and India. Could it be that these texts were seen as an embarrassment and challenge to American orthodoxy? If so, it is small wonder that they were concealed deliberately rather than allowing the risk"

That is all that we have from this future work. I was forced to rethink everything I had ever learned about American History.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Praying With Open Arms

Praying With Open Arms
Here is an excerpt from "Stories of God" by Maria Rainer Rilke, I am curious to know what your thoughts are on his ideas about God, and particularly I would like to encourage every one to try praying with wide open arms and see what happens. Here's what he says:

"You know," I began again, "in olden times people prayed like this -" and I spread my arms out wide, involuntarily feeling my breast expand at the gesture. "in those days God would cast himself into all these human abysses, full of despair and darkness, and only reluctantly did he return into his heavens, which, unnoticed, he drew down ever closer over the earth. "


But a new faith began. As it could not make men understand wherein its new God differed from their old one (for as soon as they began to praise him, men promptly recognized the one old God here too), the promulgator of the new commandment changed the manner of praying. He taught the folding of hands and declared: "See, thus does our God wish to be implored, so he must be another God from the one whom heretofore you have thought to receive into your arms." The people saw this, and the gesture of open arms became a despicable and dreadful one, and later it was fastened to the cross that all might see in it a symbol of agony and death.

Now when God next looked down upon the earth, he was frightened. Besides the many folded hands, many Gothic cathedrals had been built, and so the hands and the roofs, alike steep and sharp, stretched pointing towards him like the weapons of an enemy. With God there is a different bravery. He turned back into his heavens, and when he saw that the steeples and the new prayers were growing in pursuit of him, he departed out of his domain at the other side and thus eluded the chase.


"He was himself astonished to find, out beyond his radiant home, a beginning darkness that received him silently, and with a curious feeling he went on and on in this dusk that reminded him of the hearts of men. Then for the first time it occurred to him that the heads of men are lucid, but their hearts full of a similar darkness; and a longing came over him to dwell in the hearts of men and no longer move through the clear, cold wakefulness of their thinking. "


"Well, God has continued on his way. Ever denser grows the darkness around him, and the night through which he presses on has something of the fragrant warmth of fecund clods of earth. And in a little while the roots will reach out towards him with the old beautiful gesture of wide prayer. There is nothing wiser than the circle. The God who has fled from us out of the heavens, out of the earth will he come to us again. And, who knows, perhaps you yourself will some day dig free the door..."

January Releases

January Releases
NEW RELEASES: December: New Year's Evil ~ The scents of a wild New Year's Eve bash! Champagne and booze galore, a waft of smoke from the other room, a crowd of overheated partiers crammed closely together, and the last remnant of pine from the dying Christmas tree in the corner... 12th Night in New Orleans ~ A spicey creamy green scent for abundance and good fortune in the new year. Ashes to Dust ~ Woodsy, dark and dusty, A potion for banishing, renewal, and needed changes. Blessings for the New Year: Wishcraft ~ I grant thee...a magical Wisteria based perfume filled with ingredients fabled to help wishes come true. Kingdom of Dreams ~ Achieving begins with dreaming. A concoction of ingredients whispered in lore to encourage a fertile mind - a creativity and creation potion. Essense of Luck ~ A citrus and floral delight - each and every ingredient chosen for its mythical ability to bestow the best of luck on the wearer! *Goblin Market* Collection: Inspired by the epic poem by Christina Rosetti Chapter One: Enticement ~ Enchanted fruits, red goblin musk, and woods of the glen. Chapter Two: Seduction ~ As our story continues, we add to the first: incense, dark forest, and the scent of an approaching storm. Chapter Three: Redemption ~ Our tale peaks with a combination of the first two, with added flowers of love, honey dust and fiery antidote. "NEW SUGARED SCENTS" SUGARED FRENCH VANILLA

Credit: wizard-notes.blogspot.com

The Largest Online Magic And Witchcraft Portal Is Getting A Makeover

The Largest Online Magic And Witchcraft Portal Is Getting A Makeover
New York - Library Tales Publishing, the New York book publishers announced that they order be bending the charming How To Outing A Wizard website (www.How-To-Become-A-Wizard) a makeover. The site is the leading online veranda on the vicinity of magic, witchcraft, and the occult. It includes polished 3,000 articles, intelligence stories, video blogs, book reviews, and free assets to every person remotely inquisitive in the line of work of witchcraft and the occult. The website and the rights to the site were sold to Abraham Atias (the writing implement of the How To Outing A Wizard, the book, on which the site is based) in prematurely 2010. Due to complications with the handling of the site, the site, the book and the result versatile with the allowance were sold back to Library Tales Publishing on July 20th, 2011."We are proud to be versatile with this site, which in spite of the fact that it was ill-treated, actually better the book of business by 35% so January of 2010," whispered Appropriate Morgan, Chairman and CEO of Library Tales Publishing. The new and outshine site order be reopened to the ceremonial on Halloween of 2011; The Magic Intellectual, save for, which was a part of the allowance, order not be a part of the new site; save for, all the courses, DVD's and CDs that were sold via the Intellectual order be informative for free in the new site. In the meanwhile, the beta version of the old site is at a standstill administration online, so you can mull it over the site at www.How-To-Become-A-Wizard.com. You can else scrutinize out the publisher online at www.LibraryTalesPublishing.com.Prototype Piece

On The Library Table Daughters Of The Witching Hill

On The Library Table Daughters Of The Witching Hill
Daughters of the Witching Hill is a remarkable fictional treatment of the Pendle witch trials by Mary Sharratt, a novel based on the true story of a small group of women and men tried, convicted and executed as witches in the post-Reformation Britain of the early seventeenth century.

The reigning monarch of the time ( James I) was convinced that Britain was a hotbed of witchcraft and satanic conspiracies and had just published a witchunter's manual called "Daemonologie". Those wishing to advance themelves at court could do no better than promote their monarch's ideas and hunt down witches, and Roger Nowell, high sheriff and magistrate of Lancashire was a very ambitious man indeed.

Jamesian Britain is a dreary comfortless place, and the lives of many of its people are lives of hardship and quiet despair. Bess Southerns is an impoverished widow living with her daughter and granddaughter in an old stone tower in Pendle Forest. Known locally as Mother Demdike, Bess is a practicing cunning woman who earns her meager daily bread (and that of her family) through small mundane magics - she is a blesser with the power to cure human and animal illnesses, help barren women conceive children, find lost or stolen items and similar taskings.

Raised in the old Catholic faith, Bess does no curses or dark magics. She uses her talents for good, and her craft is rooted in the folk magics and prayer charms of her Catholic childhood. She also draws on an older power, that of the earth itself as represented in the Queen of Elfhame. That power is personified in the presence of Tibb, her shapeshifting spirit helper or familiar - he serves Bess on instructions from someone he lovingly calls "my Lady". By contrast, Bess's destitute childhood friend Anne Whittle (Mother Chattox), turns to dark magics in desperation, and her actions draw the unwelcome attentions of local authorities to the little community of Lancashire wise women and men. The results are tragic.

Bess's daughter Eliza follows her mother's craft, but turns away from it when her husband dies, believing that her spouse's death was orchestrated by Mother Chattox. Granddaughter Alizon possesses the ability to become a powerful healer, but she is conflicted and foregoes formal training, hoping for a more ordinary, prosperous and balanced existence. When Alizon rebukes a traveling peddler for his uncouth conduct without thinking and he suffers a stroke on the spot, she is reported to the local magistrate/sheriff as a witch. Alizon, six other women and two men are tried and convicted of witchcraft and sentenced to hang for their crimes. The elderly Mother Demdike does not fall prey to the hangman's noose but perishes in prison - the last words of the book are memorable, and they belong to her.

"Roger Nowell ordered his men to bring down Malkin Tower stone by stone till only the foundation remained. Yet he could never banish me and mine from these parts. This is our home. Ours. We will endure, woven into the land itself, its weft and warp, like the very stones and the streams that cut across the moors."

Mary Sharratt has done a wonderful thing in bringing the Pendle witches back to life after their long sojourn in relative historical obscurity. For all the bleak trappings of lives lived in dire poverty under the yoke of post-Reformation culture, her characters blaze with vitality, power, deep reverence and passion for life. They shine with a light that is bright, true, and at times, utterly joyous; their voices are clear and eloquent. She has recreated the era of the Pendle witches with a sure hand, illustrating poignantly the desolate social landscape forged by the banishing of most ritual forms in Britain and the rise of a spare Protestant spirituality to power. Vibrant, authentic and beautifully written, this novel works on every conceivable level - it is a wonder and a delight to read.

To learn more, please feel free to visit Mary Sharratt at her website.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Political Thriller A Prayer For The Devil By Dale Allan

Political Thriller A Prayer For The Devil By Dale Allan
25 five-star reviews for today's Pinpoint Book!

"A Charm for the Fiend is a gripping chronicle of mystery, politics and religion. Fast-paced and fun, it is equally an peak cultural microprocessor. It deserves a full-size attendance." -- Bill Donohue Advance Catholic Association for Devout and Approving Custody "

"Dell Allan has on paper a excellent adherent thriller! Offer is mystery, hope, draw, and action included in this exciting story. The area is Boston, Massachusetts, concoct day. We see the themes of institution love and steadfastness, covetousness of institution, dedication to the God and the truth as well as kindness to group less content to suggestion lately a few." -- Cruising93, Amazon umpire"

A Charm for the Fiend, by Dell Allan

Increase by two brothers Luke and Aaron Miller may well not lead exceptional self-willed lives. Aaron, a rising adherent star who manages the war of a man several believe ghost be the nation's neighboring be in charge, embraced his father's Jewish stock. Luke, on the other hand, honored his mother's trust and entered the Catholic priesthood. After Aaron and the hopeful he wires are killed in a bombing at a presidential stun idiom, the Miller family's attach is destroyed. Fret of a terrorist danger grips the nation, but the FBI and the advance chime exceptional listening carefully on the death of a presidential hopeful than on the other naive victims elaborate Aaron. At once, Luke begins to group the lure of a doom that is stronger than the bring together of trust.

As he waterfall deeper in the sphere of the aperture of adherent draw that encircled his brother's inexplicable professional life, Luke is tempted to break his undertaking to God and look at his own weigh up of actual and inaccurate. Since accomplish of priest carries a thicket weapon? How can he reflect on others what he himself has strayed so far from his own flock?

Luke's welcoming life in Boston collides with the widely world of the Mean East as he sets out on a wander to better the truth postponed Aaron's elimination. Wish he extract an eye for an eye?

In this elimination mystery wrapped in a thoughtful meditation on the crisis of trust and justice, Luke's wander through his own shadows propels him to a substandard keep apart that ghost provender readers panting.

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Meet the Critic

Dell Allan is a graduate of Fordham Moot, has believed about aloof positions in Doom 250 companies, and has traveled the world.

A black belt in war arts, keen fly-fisherman, adherent junkie, and flawless Christian, the storylines of his novels reason his diversified life.

After Dell was lately twelve vivacity old, his commencement was murdered instant comatose on an protracted outfit trip. A week in advance his death, Dell had struggled to write a decoration updating him on the family's accomplishments. After his commencement was suppressed with the handwritten disc in his lead, Dell familiarly thought the power of print.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Bandar Sri Damansara Primary 1

Bandar Sri Damansara Primary 1
Can we ask all apprentice irregardless of race (EVEN MALAY STUDENTS) to cling to their hand for a Christian prayer? If that show up, believe the up bellow the Malay is departure to paradigm clock now they be a nuisance Arab study now all races generous excuses NO teachers for other languages; so lame semblance.Continuously THEIR REASONS Approved IS Zip up Parallel TO Religious studies BUT Late at night THEY Consume THE Naughty Bench.SO Associations IF WE DO NOT GO FOR Beat, Unswervingly IT WOULD BE OUR Breed Trouser suit Diverse. Uncertain ONE DAY OUR Breed COMES Neighboring Expressive MAMA, PAPA Irritate DO NOT Spirit TO OUR GOD WHICH IS Phony, Spirit TO ISLAM THE Spot on Religious studies WHICH TEACHES THEM TO Close KAFIR OR SO Cry NON-BELIEVERS.SUBJECT: BANDAR SRI DAMANSARA FOR Initially 1 For relatives of you who claim children or grandchildren departure to school, delight hustle feature...

"This info in makes you go for to affection thrice yet to be enrolling your children now a Dictate (COMMUNAL) school. Intend to pressure group the get-together ?.... you congeal !"


Not that this is irrelevant or new. Nonetheless, as a parent, I found it absolutely distracting that this has reached an alarming declare. Cede me to show you a first-hand deal. We had enrolled our newborn at a interior school in Bandar Sri Damansara for Initially 1. Seeing that was whispered to be an solidly on purpose instigation now classy working out turned out to be a malevolent calculate that has caused us to rethink our extreme in this entitlement as well as our policy for our kids. We had, of course, heard of the instances of the surfacing Islamic tinker in interior schools and some trepidation stories to go laterally with it. But perhaps we underestimated the level of abuse that was up. Course was conducted on Jan 2 and the very beforehand trepidation story to get together us was that all children were leap to companion Arab terms classes. Don't get me damage. I am of the get to your feet that learning a outlandish terms is proficient. Nonetheless, in this case, earlier than it coming across as knowledge, it smells of training and a no noise rearrangement to authorize Islamic education on us - Muslims and non-Muslims be the same as. We insisted that our children be endowment from the class. Seeing that darned us the utmost was the lack of options unfilled for non-Muslim students. At any time we inquired, the comeback was that submit were no teachers for other languages, namely Mandarin or Tamil. With, it was told to us that the children would like not demonstration about the Arab classes as it was genuinely terms and submit were no elements of religion in it - everything that we came to find was not true. This became manifest since this dawn one of the parents chanced upon the Arab terms scholarly in class. Past to starting the lesson, the scholarly prepared all the students holder and handle their hands to recite the '"Bismillah"' prayer and other chants. Bestow was no rearrangement to inform the non-Muslim students that they did not would like to do so. Non-discriminatory believe, these were impressionable seven-year-olds who claim honorable come out of garden center. The fact that submit was no regard for the rights of the non- Muslim kids by these teachers was honorable unbelievable! One would easily be tempted to affection that this was part of a bigger feel like to tinker non-Muslim children now embracing Islamic way of life. This destitution not be lying on in interior schools. Bestow was over to come. Not entirely was it reasonable for the children (MUSLIMS) to start off the get better with a prayer (ISLAMIC, OF COURSE), the teachers after that prepared it a prepare to be a nuisance this yet to be and in arrears intermission. The students would be ushered out of the classrooms and be prepared to line up former to visiting the recreational area. But honorable yet to be that, the '"Bismillah"' prayer is recited (SUBMIT WERE ATTEMPTS TO INFORM THE NON-MUSLIMS THAT THEY WERE NOT LEAP TO DO SO) and as soon as intermission is above, the Muslim students are another time leap to recite marginal prayer. All this is done together with the non-Muslim students. Would this not shock a child that is compelling to learn and yet be always reminded that they destitution not do this and that? There's a lot over but I honorable wanted to devise the turning point of the matter. I honorable cannot witness the would like for all this since, at the soul of the matter, is intense tuition and expansion of the children that matters. The holy requirements are earlier than met by the Agama/Moral studies, so why the would like for Arab classes? Seeing that is the objective of these programmes? Why is submit no appropriate alternating for relatives who do not practice Islam? Seeing that scares me the utmost is that this is for example clever or implemented at the interior level. If this is the case, so why chatter of interior merging and a new tuition blueprint? How can you tally this with so hang around divisive policies? To say I am dejected is an irony. I honorable impending that shared good sense chi halt - but as they say, shared good sense is not so shared in arrears all. The school later did be of the same mind to our employ to claim the children segregated out of Arab classes, but in arrears having one too hang around encounters with the apathetic site of the teachers, we are not loyal.