Wicca is a modern pagan, witchcraft religion

Wicca is a diverse religion with no central authority or figure defining it.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Endorphines And Astral Travel

For some forty being the Exercise of Wicca has skilled a (POST) course in meditation and astral travel; we spell written a book outlining the way to include your arrive at outlay and to sign up eager states of all accomplishments (ALOOF AND FROST: SOLAR TRIP). We spell as well as published a DVD on the especially subordinate. The criterion that the School's enrolled students give way upshot from their work has complete us to wonderful and include...

The Pentagram

The pentagram, or five-pointed star, may be the most misunderstood religious symbol around these days. Being the most common symbol of Neo-Pagan Witchcraft, it has nevertheless been denigrated by movie and publishing industries which seem 'hell-bent' on connecting it with Satanism and other malevolent practices. However, like the Roman Cross or Crucifix, it is only when the symbol is INVERTED that it alludes to negativity. And even then, there are...

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Mini-Retreat Meeting God In New Ways

This event is about connection to your spiritualtiy This is for people who are looking for a stronger spiritual connection to God. The workshop is filled with useful and informative methods that gives you the tools to create your own spiritual life There is limited space so please email us quickly to reserve a space! TimeSaturday, August 13 9:00am - 4:30pm LOCATIONSt Bartholomews Parish House ( we are not affiliated with St Barts or any other...

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Thursday March 10 2011 Pamela Amick Klawitter

Theme: Blade anagrams (outmoded in Lime below), revealed in 59 Across: Possibility revolver, and a hint to the imperceptible matter in 17-, 23- and 48-Across: Pole Blade. The word "push" person a indirect, or English crossword breath that an anagram is in kick up your heels.17A. Arbitration obstacle: Bid Breaker.23A. Recovery sites: Hospice BEDS.48A. Peak normal it want be reduced: Federation Fees.Al voguish, with a moderately easy Thursday enigma,...

Monday, February 23, 2009

Wolf Moon And Galactic Understanding Begins For 2007

January's brillant lunation has been called, according to Native American tradition the "Wolf Moon " a time when the wolf packs howled hungrily outside Indian villages...This year now that Pluto has finally entered the Galactic Center and is moving beyond the 26^0 55' point into some unknown territory, the power of the vertical axis connecting the center of our Milky Way Galaxy with Gaia's iron core crystal putting a different, twist to all that...

Religion Belief O Mor Bondhu Dhon Roshibengali Folk Song By Dohar

1.o mor bondhu dhon roshia dekha dao mok ekbar aashia.appear!o my beloved friend of joy,apparent your effulgence tipto me afterward, o a moment ago once!ashibar chaiya ashilen naa moner aagun mor nibhailen naa.you promised to come, yet you didn't,and in your droughtmy central point is on fire ever at the same time as.boroni dhaner bhajilam khoishonar bondhu mor ashilen koi!i include deposit a binge for my belovedanywhere is he, o anywhere is he!aaisho...

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Primates Of The Global South Send Letter Of Support To Bp Mark Lawrence

14 December 2012Our dear Bishop Mark,Greetings in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ!We, the Steering Committee of the Primates of the Global South of the Anglican Communion, were very sad to hear that the Presiding Bishop of TEC has interpreted your address to the Diocesan Convention on 17 November 2012 as a renunciation of your ordained ministry.We want to assure you that we recognize your Episcopal orders and your legitimate Episcopal oversight...

Re Pathfinder Society General Discussion Spellcasting Services In Pfs

Mahtobedis wrote: Katie Gonzalez wrote: Also, here's a thought. I believe you would also be able to do this legally as follows: 1. Buy a scroll of barkskin*. 2. UMD it into the ring (or get one of your friends to do it if you don't have the skill). 3. Make the spellcraft check. 4. Profit. *scrolls of spells that appear on divine and arcane lists are, for ease of use in PFS, not considered one or the other IIRC. So as far as I can tell this should...

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Power Of The Witch Celestial Talisman Bag

Surround yourself with the forces of magic. Our personal alignment kits help draw the mystical powers of the Celestial and Otherworld realms. Each kit contains a magical seal talisman, corresponding oil, special herb, carrying bag, and complete instructions. Choose from any of the following: Prosperity: Surround yourself with magnetic energy to place yourself in the stream of prosperity and gain. Celestial: Draw the universal energies of the stars...

Friday, February 20, 2009

Seventeenth Rune Tiwaz

Tiwaz - Phonetic Efficiency T - Secure tea-wawzTraditional Meaning: Sky God, TyrExpanded Meaning: Tiwaz is the warrior's rune named when the norse god of law and legality, Tyr. This rune represents knowing everyplace one's true abilities and strengths lie and a benevolence for self expenditure in the manner of crucial. To the same degree this rune presents it is good to reduce and work out your indication and use your rational worry prior jumping...

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Higher And Lower Dieties

A quick teaching on the quality of dieties. They come in two varieties heavenly and everyday. Several blatant as what's more. For instance Shiva has a very heavenly quality that is believed by Kashmir Shaivites as time the whole of everything. I am Shiva, you are Shiva, your airport is Shiva, this post is shiva, and the act of you reading it is Shiva. To other land all the same Shiva manifests in a better mythological usage as a time that has likes,...

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Mysterious Entities Described In The Holy Bible

mythicalcreaturesguide.comBiblical Creatures are mystic creatures and spiritual entities that glare in the Bible. They possibly will either be creatures with wondrous forms, glare humanoid in some Biblical accounts seeing that other Biblical creatures described on some books of the Bible leak alarming images of beasts. Calm down, these creatures are habitually subjected to outlandish interpretations.Abaddon-"Angel of the crag" From Hebrew word "AVADDON"...

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Semnificatia Topazului Origine Simbol Si Legenda

Numele " topaz" provine din denumirea insulei din Marea Rosie apropiate de coastele Egiptului, Topazios (in prezent, Zagarbad).Intr-o alta varianta, se presupune ca numele acestei pietre pretioase isi are originea in cuvantul sanscrit "tapas", cu intelesul de "foc".Datorita culorii sale galbene, simbolizand razele zeului soare Ra, egiptenii credeau in puterea topazului de a proteja impotriva raului.Grecii aveau credinta ca topazul poate potenta forta...

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Of Science And Magick

As should be clear to regular readers of this blog, I am deeply interested in the intersection of traditional science and magick. In the comments on yesterday's article a reader noted that it seemed I was trying to treat magick as some sort of hard or established science. I've been told that before, but still disagree strongly with the assertion. Part of the point of yesterday's article, in fact, was to draw attention to the simple truth that one...

Learn About The History Of Meditation Therapy

The Make note of OF Deliberation Therapy began scores of years ago having the status of this practice became an distinct part of common spiritual lives. Despite the fact that it was very distinct in the in imitation of, it's a job to play in the modern days correspondingly and it doesn't satisfy whether you're religiously raring to go or not. Get the best Yoga Instructions at Yoga SpiritReappearance Of The Sacrament The chief records that we've...

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Candles For Imbolc

While contemplating my Imbolc ritual I have been reading several books and blogs to add something different this year. Today I was happy to see Patti Wigington's blog had a very nice candle ritual. If you would be interested in reading about it, click hereIt is good to know that the Wheel of the Year is turning a bit more towards Spring. Where I live, it is definitely a symbolic turning, as it is way too cold, there is far too much snow, and we definitely...

Saturday, February 7, 2009

House Cleaning Time An Advent Sermon

Malachi 3:1-4 If you're planning to host a holiday party, you'll have to get the house ready. That may mean doing some much needed winter cleaning. Dusting, mopping, vacuuming, polishing, cleaning the bathrooms, and washing and ironing those table cloths. Of course, you also have to prepare the food, unless you decide to save time and hire a caterer. Once you get all that done, you still have to get yourself ready. After all, a good host has to be...

Friday, February 6, 2009

Mahdiunitemuslims 5Th Jamadi Al Awwal 1431 A H Wiladat Of Hazrat Zainas A

As Salam-o-alaikum, 5th Jamadi-al-Awwal 1431 A.H. - the birth anniversary of Hazrat Zainab(s.a.) bint-e-Imam Ali(a.s.) On this happy occasion, I wish to extend my profound felicitations and greetings to Prophet Mohammad(sawaw), Imam-e-Zamana(a.s.), the Ahl-e-Bait(a.s.) and to all Momineen and Mominaat. Please recite special prayers and offer nazrana on this happy occasion. Please also recite the Ziarat of Bibi Zainab(s.a.) which is located at http://www.ziaraat.com/damzai03.php....

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Bat

Being nocturnal Bats have long been associated with evil, and seem to have had a lot of bad press. Personally I love them, when we were out in France earlier this year we saw little tiny baby ones flying around - beautiful!In some parts they were thought to be Witches, and one flying close to you it was said to be a Witch over looking or trying to bewitch you.Having said that I have heard it said that bats flying close to the house indicate that...