Mahtobedis wrote: Katie Gonzalez wrote:
Also, here's a thought. I believe you would also be able to do this legally as follows:1. Buy a scroll of barkskin*.
2. UMD it into the ring (or get one of your friends to do it if you don't have the skill).
3. Make the spellcraft check.
4. Profit.
*scrolls of spells that appear on divine and arcane lists are, for ease of use in PFS, not considered one or the other IIRC. So as far as I can tell this should work.
The last question asked involving the Ring of Spell Knowledge I was looking at the theoretical possibility of adding divine favor from a witches patron to the ring using a scroll. Mike ruled that you could not use a scroll to do this.
Now I took that to mean you couldn't use scrolls to add spells to the Ring of Spell Knowledge, but maybe I was too hasty in that assumption. My Bard can easily make the DC 23 UMD check to cast barkskin from a scroll.
The Ring of Spell Knowledge is a type of spell storing item. As per the most recent update on those:
PFS FAQ wrote:
Yes. An NPC spellcaster may be paid to cast a spell into a spell-storing item and it can be carried over to the next scenario if unused. The GM should note the purchase on the Chronicle sheet. Once the stored spell is used, it should be noted on that scenarios Chronicle sheet in the Conditions Cleared box.
A PC with the ability to cast spells may cast a spell into a spell-storing item that he owns and it may be carried over to the next scenario. As noted above, the GM should notate on the Chronicle sheet, in the Conditions Gained box, that the spell-storing item contains a spell at the conclusion of the scenario. Once expended, treat as above.
PCs may fill one another's spell-storing items, but if such spells are not cast during the same adventure, they are lost and are not recorded on Chronicle sheets for future use.
So scrolls are not one of the approved means of filling such an item. Also it looks like, unfortunately, having other PCs fill your ring will not last past the scenario.
Credit: master-of-tarot.blogspot.com