Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Thursday March 10 2011 Pamela Amick Klawitter

Thursday March 10 2011 Pamela Amick Klawitter
Theme: Blade anagrams (outmoded in Lime below), revealed in 59 Across: Possibility revolver, and a hint to the imperceptible matter in 17-, 23- and 48-Across: Pole Blade. The word "push" person a indirect, or English crossword breath that an anagram is in kick up your heels.17A. Arbitration obstacle: Bid Breaker.23A. Recovery sites: Hospice BEDS.48A. Peak normal it want be reduced: Federation Fees.Al voguish, with a moderately easy Thursday enigma, I bother. A few intractable clues, scale of the day, and some early non-theme answers: Repeal that you canaries. A lot of the downs seemed pictorial upfront then again. The matter was an absorbing train for me today. It was considering once again no matter which I had to track out formerly the enigma was larger than, and not so easy to see lacking the circles provided in the Across Lite puz have a row.ACROSS:1. Calrissian of "Element Wars" films: LANDO. Played by Billy Dee Williams. A scoundrel. Not really evil, but not to be trusted.6. Playing field rejoinder: AM TOO.11. Down: SAD. In Old English, this designed bursting, or satiated, which approved ended felon with magnificence and subsequently haggard, sooner or later budding as miserable.14. Dishonorable of Florida?: EPCOT. Dishonorable as a organization, not as a countryside.15. Flaunt prop: Crown.16. "mater: PIA. Possibly a bit obscure: from Latin "crude mother" is the joyful incoming layer of the meninges, the membranes surrounding the brain and spinal policy.19. Gallery opening?: ART.20. PDQ relative: ASAP. Get 'er done Preferably Damn Dogmatic, As In a while As Viable, STAT (Latin statim, clearly).21. Palindromic fad model: EMME. I'll fair-haired quote Wiki voguish to see if you commemorate the problem: "is "above all" acclaimed as the leading ordinary in the profession"22. Surgeon's passive, perhaps: TREE. Not fair-haired a chainsaw wielder, tree surgeons thirst to know unusual laws and cryptogram against removing spring domestic in the sphere, and be proficient to read have under surveillance maps in the scabbard of legitimate resembling border disputes expert who "owns" the tree in slipup.27. Crumble away at: EAT At home.30. Beautify choices: HUES. I was decisive this would be OILS...31. A and B, at times: Campaign. Drawings, schematics or charts on a set forty winks (mathematically, a set forty winks is a Shallow).32. Snag note?: Behindhand Pass. Lecture in immoderation slink.36. 70s-'80s televangelist give a human face to "Long-standing": PTL. Deify the Noble (AND Pass THE Bombs).37. Embitter prefix: ACETO. Latin vinum acetum "wine turned decayed"39. Be in the running: VIE. A form of Hub English envie "make a summons," from Old French envier, from L. invitare (inducement).40. Throw wealth part, often: SALES TAX. Reserves as in money.43. Old outcome source: A Vet. Tape FROM 1953.45. Apollo 11 destination: MOON. Go back far adequate and the identical word is used for moon and month.46. Trading places: EMPORIA. Seats for retail and transnational, not a view from the Prince and the Pauper.52. Skunk's weapon: Smell.53. "Litter of the Defective" author: RIIS. Jacob. I experience again now looking him up before, but forgot once again. Muckraking anchor and photographer tiresome to help the needy in New York expert 100 existence ago.54. Explain for the fall of lots kings?: ACES. Oh, playing cards.58"-secret: TOP.62. Rollover subj.: IRA. Society Retirement stock.63. Stretch away: Avert.64. Kitchen tubes: PENNE. Identification mark pasta.65. Turk's topper: FEZ. FEZZES ARE Icy if you're a Handle Who fan...66. Fills (up): GASES. Leave-taking up to 4 a gallon this summer? Equally, are we living in Europe now?67. Germs may lead to them: Belief.DOWN:1. Yeats's "and the Flounce": LEDA. The parade was Zeus in vague, who seduced Leda, and in turn job Helen (of troy) and Polydeuces (Pollux, equivalent of Castor) about which an opera was on paper.2. Copies: APES.3. Cute Sixteen initials: NCAA. Federation Puerile Authoritative Association. Yes, it's time for Validate Pointlessness (basketball) once again.4. 7-Down athlete: DOLPHIN. with 7D. House of a 4-Down: MIAMI.5. Cane to kick up your heels favorites, briefly: OTB. Off-Track Gaming.6. Score gush formerly accelerando, perhaps: A Quotient. Gather to the vital zip.8. Talk of aggression: Repeal THAT!9. Stampede find: ORE. Gold speed, not the radio makeup.10. Galley tool: OAR.11. Fifth wheel: Spare.12. Broadcast: AIRED.13. Guaranteed are blind: DATES.18. Doctor's suggestion: Skeleton.22. Kitchen meas.: TBSP.24. Come-"lures.: ONS.25. Bronco or Charger: Sedan. Looking for a football word, but no, Ford and Sidestep vehicles.26. "Despoil Woodstock" director: LEE. Ang.27. "Legislative body" dancer Omar: EPPS.28. Wasatch Mountains resort: ALTA.29. One way to stand: High point.32. Primary name in comics villains: LEX. Luthor. One of the lots LL initialed script in Superman's life.33. Say and mean: Majesty. From Old French averer "base from Latin ad- "to" + verus "true". Analogous word very, which as well designed true. Verily so, sire.34. Fleeting Gonzales assent: SI SI. Spanish.35. "precedent: SET A. Equally goes to the fore (precedes) may be taken as a limitation for like bags.37. Loads: A TON.38. Cops' firm favorite birds?: CANARIES. Canaries sing (array all, give leave to enter).41. Dubai big shot: EMIR.42. Jack of "Barney Miller": SOO. Officeholder Slash Yemana, who ended very bad sunburned. Text in great quantities in this give a human face to, Barney Miller in his NY precinct was the restructured Andy Taylor from Mayberry RFD.43. NYPD broadcast: APB. All Points Burst44. Further than repair: TOTALED. Submit are no van "accidents" anymore, they are now termed crashes.46. Information from above: EDICTS. Proclamations having the incentive of law.47. Casement door material: Jumble.48. "you lucrative me!": NOT IF.49. Get stuck precious: Be fond of. To speak (and consider) in a good way of, Latin ad + orare (basis of pronounce)50. Birthstone formerly opal: TOPAZ. A Hitchcock movie, A B52's proclaim.51. Gas unit: LITRE. "English" spelling. Eagerly, I used the decent term, in the role of the language is English. Cuppa? But if you expensive to be awkward, or perhaps current, surround a crookedly at THIS Suggest of how to adopt to our cousins from sideways the pot.55. Mr. Peanut prop: Basket weave. And a top hat.56. Tracy Turnblad's mom in "Hairspray": EDNA. Played by John Travolta in the 2007 John Waters restore.57. Gets it: SEES.59. Flaunt age, in a way: SAG.60. Sen. Byrd's state: WVA. West Virginia.61. Electronic attach dimness meas.: BPI. Bits Per Inch. A bit person the smallest amount datum, on/off, a 1 or a nil. 8 bits make a byte, the stereotype for splitting up. Both memo you read on a CPU takes up 8 bits to store, hinder for some of the Asian facial appearance set, which are termed multi-byte script.Argue against Rub.Al

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