Friday, February 20, 2009

Seventeenth Rune Tiwaz

Seventeenth Rune Tiwaz
Tiwaz - Phonetic Efficiency T - Secure tea-wawzTraditional Meaning: Sky God, TyrExpanded Meaning: Tiwaz is the warrior's rune named when the norse god of law and legality, Tyr. This rune represents knowing everyplace one's true abilities and strengths lie and a benevolence for self expenditure in the manner of crucial. To the same degree this rune presents it is good to reduce and work out your indication and use your rational worry prior jumping to conclusions. To the same degree this rune is cast it can be a sign of a motivation to stand humorless by your beliefs as they request be challenged. A motivation for fearlessness in the stage of rivalry. It is time to use all your group wisdom and come across you be the owner of acquired so far in your life time and stand strongly made and strong. This rune may give or take a few if you are goodbye through smart battles, expressive care, health attached battles or doesn't matter what that is of very certain and powerful setting that seems to be unrewarding to throb you down! Tiwaz may besides show off up in parenting issues or in the manner of you point to you motivation to stand humorless to protect individuals you love! From the time when Tiwaz is a positive rune show success or attain it does come with self sacrifice! This is a rune of consideration and putting others prior your own wishes for the high good!


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