Saturday, April 19, 2008

Youre A Star A Lbrp Divergence

Youre A Star A Lbrp Divergence
"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law "While exporing the wonderful world of online I came across the following graphic rendering of the Lesser Banishing Ritual Of The Pentagram on Deviant art at: The artist says: I love Grimoiric magic circles and old style High Magic. I think the modern occult has lost something by stripping magic of its basic elements. The magic circle used to always be drawn physically before a ritual (see The Lesser Key of Solomon or Aggrippa's Fourth Book for examples). Now its all "imagined." After thinking about it for a long time I've decided to update (or possibly reconstruct) some common ritual elements of modern Ceremonial magic. I'm starting with the commonly used Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram.What follows is the physical drawing for the LRP, draw on the floor in chalk around the magus. Within the circle are the basic instructions for performing the ritual. By working his way clockwise and from the center outwards the magus will find the words used in this ritual in their Hebrew forms (both in Hebrew alphabet and in English alphabet) and in their transliterated forms. I have also updated the correspondences to match the original Pythagorian model (and the model I beleive was originally implied in the LRP before it 'evolved' to the modern day). Also, instead of using the Banishing Earth Pentagrams for each corner I have replaced them with the appropriate quarter elemental Pentagrams. Anyone who notes my switching of Air and Earth is encouraged to look at the original and understand that the admonition to begin with Earth in the east implied that association (not that Earth was to be banished in all quarters).I dont agree with him, but loving the idea of a physical chalk circle I thought i'd share the graphic and the link"." "Love is the law, love under will "

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