Monday, April 14, 2008

Ghostly Thirteen Egyptian Gods And Goddesses

Ghostly Thirteen Egyptian Gods And Goddesses
Vague Thirteen is based on the Thursday Thirteen innovation but it's wonderful based in the past few minutes. You can list thirteen ghostly spaces, ghosts, myths, etc.

The biased is a list of thirteen gods and goddesses from the worthy county of Egypt:

1. Anubis - He guided the souls of the dead from the world of the living to the world of the dead. He is considered the creator of embalming and mummification.

2. Bes - God of leisure, music, good dispose of, place, and dancing.

3. Osiris - God of righteousness and highest of the criminal world.

4. Atum - Atum was considered a very protective god. It was his part to proliferate the dead pharoahs trendy the stars.

5. Ptah - Ptah was the god of crafts, skills, and the superintendent of all knowledge. He was the same the financier god of the metropolis of Memphis. Clear priests the same port that he fashioned the world, and yet others recuperate that he was a type of splendor god.

6. Ra - God of the sun and one of the most key members of the Egyptian pantheon.

7. Bastet - Goddess and protectress of cats and the nation who cared for a quantity of cats.

8. Nephthys - This goddess did not stomach any fixed attributes but was sometimes in the flesh as a symbol of the garbage dump edge, evenly vacant but sometimes lucrative. An absorbing thing to observe is that Nephthys and Set never had any children of their own. Although, Nephthys was adroit to con her brother trendy triumph her with child formerly a pay of alcohol. Since her husband attacked and killed Osiris, Nephthys went to the division of her sister Isis and helped her high storm of her husband. As of this, she is now associated with Osiris's compilation of the dead.

9. Isis - Goddess that skilled the Egyptians marriage, home-produced guidance, action, weaving, fatherliness, and the working of magical spells and charms. She represented the earsplitting parts of women: love, nationalism, protection, fatherliness, and sexuality.

10. Set - Set was the god of the garbage dump, storms, disarray, and unfamiliar lands. He was thought to be associated with an animal that has no portray zoological equivalence.

11. Hathor - Goddess of joy, love, horse around, song, and alcohol. Hathor evenly looked formerly sea green ones and children in extensive. She was the same stated to process the dead trendy the criminal world.

12. Thoth - Thoth was the god of wisdom, the moon, and sacred writings. Thoth played a very key part in aiding Isis to transport Osiris and extract him the the arrogant of the dead. Thoth was later to recuperate the throne of Egypt formerly Osiris's son Horus.

13. Maat - Goddess of truth, evenhandedness, purchase, and world order. Maat was the same a supporting of Osiris's verdict paint the town red of the dead. She was fully developed for weighing the souls of the dead in opposition to her greatest ostrich barb. If present-day were too plentiful events that weighed down the consciousness of the stiff, the bully Ammut would eat the dead person and their consciousness. If the consciousness was good and dirt free, they would be promoted to survive with the gods for infinity. She was the same fully developed and was in charge of changeable the seasons and the leaning of the stars.

Source: Gods, Heroes, and Myth: Construction Mythology

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