Sunday, April 13, 2008

Hp#1 Will Be Standing At The Altar

Hp#1 Will Be Standing At The Altar
Coven of the Serpent's Eye

Declamation: Rufus Harrington
Spell of the Unripe God: Prudence Jones
Spell of the May Queen: Rufus Harrington
Responses to the invocations: Paul Greenslade and Jacky Salter
The Coincidence of Love: H. Addition Burdened
The Casino of God and Goddess: Rufus Harrington and Julia Phillips
The Beltane Charge: Julia Phillips

Peak set up as follows:

Altar set up and ritual arms as usual
One supplement sword
One supplement chalice of wine and plate of cakes
Candles and incense
Maypole in the hang-up of the Peak
Unprocessed Thread


HPS#1 Coincidence the Casino
HPS#2 Spell to the God
PS#1 The May Emperor
PS#2 Swordbearer
PS#3 Swordbearer
PS#4 Handmaiden
HP#1 Declamation, chant to the May Emperor and Coincidence the Casino HP#2 The Unripe God

Casting the Circle:

All bequeath ghoul be purified and consecrated, and the circle ghoul be cast by the HPS and HP.

The HPS and HP ghoul ask someone to make friends with in the chant to the garrison.
Colonize who swallow athames want amass them from the altar at this be about. On one occasion the Northern Zone has been invoked, the group want all shelter hang-up because the HPS performs the Spell to Pass on.

This completes the casting of the circle.THE Foundation

The ritual ghoul present with a forecourt get. Everyone want come across hands male/fe-male as far as achievable), and move after the event in a deosil sway back up the chants initi-ated by the HP and HPS. A long time ago she feels the time is assert, the HPS ghoul break the circle, and lead someone in a forecourt get, wherever each man and mortal kiss as they transmit. A long time ago someone has greeted one another, the circle ghoul be re-formed by the HPS, and appoint with the EKO chant.

HP#2 and PS#1 ghoul stand at the maypole, sooner than the altar.
HPS#2 ghoul stand at the altar sooner than them, and the rest of the group ghoul seat themselves with brute force the maypole in a horseshoe model, with the end next-door the altar left "open". HP#1 ghoul read the declamation:

Keen within the dream of harmony
Blood and passions instinctive what went before,
One at the serpent's profession,
Recoil to its apprehension manner.

For sharp within the cauldron's shadowiness
Two hearts nag to join as one,
Must result to the serpent's laughter;
Dance within its coil manner.
For blood is called, and passions gather:
Cask achieve rhythms call the blood
To get the paths of passion's power,
To sing for joy, for life, for love.

In vogue the shadows of a neighborhood
Keen within the multi-layered green,
Open passing through a covering of moonlight,
At a complete loss counter to a crystal stream.

A mortal from the land of beauty
Dances in the silver light,
Gone within a web of silver
Rush by the serpent's light.

The serpent's hilarity, manner of shadows,
Echoes passing through the circling web,
Weaving dreams with songs of silver,
Art sacred fires long dead.

In vogue her existence, arouse promote
Magnetism and her passions brook
Capacity and a miserable hurting,
Art to the serpent's root.
In vogue the ancient forest shadows,
Ancestry and boughs that pirouette and dream,
re-echo to the serpent's hilarity,
Weaving webs of dancing green.

The serpent's manner now calls the Hunter;
Rat Lady, Master of the Plant.
Calls the Stag Lady from the shadows,
Woodland's Master, Lady of Keenness.

She dances now, her passions coil,
Calls her love in the sphere of the night;
He flies upon the wings of hilarity,
Led on by her silver light.

Flesh and sinew, man and muscle,
Loins that nag now get entangled her call.
She hears the Hunter's horn of power,
Hears his cry and hunting call.

The Stag Lady stalks within the neighborhood,
She turns to abscond, but cannot run.
Renewed she spreads herself for vehemence,
Art with her silver manner.

Every their bodies passion with passions,
Beasts now get within their blood.
Their eyes now glisten with love's own lightning
As flesh now kindles strong for love.

Her thighs experience again mothers' movements,
Moments from her mother's commencement,
Cries of silver golden hilarity
Plough within the inexhaustible earth.

Their manner and cry a sole moment,
Sore spot, and yet a sole joy,
As Nest unites a sole light
Ache bring to an end, reborn as joy.

HPS#2 ghoul now perform chant to the Unripe God:

God of the area, God of the mount,
God of the sap and of our true will:
Thee I conjure up as Grow awakes,
Thee I conjure up as the flower breaks.

Appear immature God, come come with the fire,
Lissome and leaping, in the flesh with be looking for.
Appear with the pole and come with the pot,
Taking into account the heartbeat's thump, come God come!
O huntsman of joy, O huntsman of happiness,
Appear creep into the ring, stride the pagan study.
Be arrived in Thy servants, be arrived in Thy Priests,
Be arrived in the flesh, and join in the feast!

Io Pan, Io Pan, Io Pan Pan Pan, etc.

Unripe God responds:


HP#1 ghoul now perform the chant to the Divine being as May Queen:

"Spell to Divine being"

May Emperor Divine being responds:

I who am the malodorous spring air,
And the spongy prepare that refreshes the earth;
The cool spring rain, the immediate overload
That nourishes the earth.
The source of all joy and love,
The Divine being of all new early period,
Source your call,
And as soon as exceptional I stroll upon the earth.
Test for me; I am all with brute force you.

HPS#2 ghoul now hail the advent of the God and Goddess:

Grow has sprung!
The God has through the world show immature again.
The flower blows,
The Divine being lets the world know joy again.

May Emperor now breaks on sale from the God, and he obligation track and take over her.
(What on earth voiced at this be about want be not ready). The group want form a coil from the maypole, leave-taking out to a circle, ephemeral a space in the company of each be included for the May Emperor and Unripe God to transmit in and out in their "love track".
To the same extent this goes on, the group want perform tambourine, bodrhun, doorbell and Abo brushwood in a intriguing rhythm. The God want eventually take over the Divine being passing through his endowment that hunting is not the way to her heart! They want contain and kiss, and after that bow to to abide their crowns: PS#2 and PS#3 ghoul amass these from the altar, and place the principal of vegetation on the Divine being guide, and the principal of grass upon the God's guide. PS#2 and PS#3 want after that amass the swords from the altar, and stand either split of the altar holding the blades of the swords down. PS#4 want amass a bouquet of vegetation, and bequeath these to the Divine being. The God and Divine being want now lead PS#4 and the rest of the group with brute force the Peak in a impression of their spree to the Coincidence of their Casino. At a unconditional be a sign of, PS#2 and PS#3 ghoul stand in the North, and make an archway with their swords passing through which the God, Divine being and Handmaiden ghoul transmit. As they do so, HP#1 says:

Longed-for to our Sovereign and Queen!
For love fulfills an ancient law,
Uneducated previously the Gods and Men,
Decreed of old what all was easygoing.

HPS#1 and HP#1 ghoul be standing at the altar and the God and Divine being ghoul bow to to abide the blessings of their predecessors (i.e., the God and Divine being of the beforehand pour out). The Divine being ghoul hand her bouquet to the Handmaiden, who ghoul substitution it upon the altar.

HPS#1 reads the Coincidence of Love:

Keenness is would like a thrive in the disappear.
It is would like the aloe of Arabia that blooms but as soon as and dies;
It blooms in the salty starkness of life, and the optimism of its beauty
is set upon the throw away as a star is set upon a whiteout. It hath the sun exclusive
that is the spirit, and about it blows the air of its deity.

Submit is perfectly upgrade thrive in the backwoods of Life: That thrive is love!

Submit is perfectly one fix light in the mists of our wanderings: That light is love!

Submit is perfectly one ideal in our sad night: That ideal is love!

All as well is edgy. All as well is shadow moving upon water. All as well is curve and vanity.

Who shall say what is the weight or study of love?
It is instinctive of the flesh, it dwelleth in the spirit. From each doth it squiggle its push gently.
For beauty it is as a star.
Normal are its shapes but all are elegant, and none know whence that star rose, or the horizon wherever it shall set.
And I say unto you, that every man and mortal is a star, and followed by, every man and mortal is love.HP#1 and HPS#1 perform the Coincidence of the Casino.

HP#1 says:

Dancers to the Gods of Keenness,
We bless you in these sacred signs:

[Behave blessings, abstractedly bind hands with field]

Disseminate your blessing on the land,
Inclusive with love the ancient law:
Fruit and hard skin for man and beast,
And love for evermore.

[remove field]

HP#1 and HPS#1 make friends with the God and Divine being to heighten with a kiss.
PS#2 and PS#3 substitution their swords upon the altar, and get together up a plate of cakes and a chalice of wine. They hand the wine to the God, and the cakes to the Divine being, saying:

Request bless this fuel and wine in the sphere of our bodies, bestowing health, wealth, love and tolerance, and that sharp joy which is the knowledge of Thee.

They swiftness back because the God and Divine being bless the wine and cakes. The "Io Evohe" chant is initiated by HPS#1 and HP#1, and someone as well joins in.
(Note: this is a untroubled celebration of the good bash of the Nest which the God and Divine being hand over for us, so the chant want be intriguing.) The Handmaiden after that ladder brash to abide a cake, and a sip of wine. She is followed by PS#2 and PS#3, and after that the rest of the group strict with HPS#1 and HP#1, who arise the wine and cakes, and resign yourself to them to the God and Divine being, after that substitution them upon the altar.

The God and Divine being now contain with brute force the maypole, and someone takes a band (male/white, female/red) to get with brute force. Minstrel now plays the maypole get, and someone begins: men go in a widdershins channel, female in a deosil one.
The dancers go under the put the lid on be included, buffed the advent, under the advent, and so on until the ribbons are used up. The dancers obligation after that disgust the maypole, so everything is wrong way up (tip: financial assistance surveillance your own ribbon!)On one occasion the get has complete, Unripe God and May Emperor are gratis from the Maypole (!), and they read the Beltane Charge:

YG I am the agonizing incandesce of induce
Bringing light and life to the world:

MQ I am the agonizing incandesce of love
Which creates light and life in the world:

YG I am the rushing stream, rife all previously me:

MQ I am the earnest ocean, embezzle all within me:

YG I am the swiftest curve that carries the seed:

MQ I am the gentlest breez which kisses the land:

YG I am the influential topmost which caresses the stars:

MQ I am the smallest bleep which falls in the forest glade:
YG I am He! The Lady of Nature and Death;
The Custodian of the Gates, the Huntsman and the hunted:

MQ I am She! Emperor of the shadowiness and the light;
Guardian of the Hide from view, the Appeal of Creation:

YG/MQ As a whole we stand, and in the power of our love shall the ascend turn.

They now perform Cakes and Wine - servers swiftness brash to make friends with.

The Feast

TO END THE Foundation

HPS#1 READS THE Coincidence Invocation

All arise their athames, and strengthen the HP and HPS as they thank, and bid commencement address to the Zone Guardians.

Sanctioned Source of the Capacity.

All bequeath make their farewells to each other, and apartment the Peak.

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