Friday, April 11, 2008

Lapis Lazuli Oil Spiritual Connectionevolution

Lapis Lazuli Oil Spiritual Connectionevolution
"LAPIS LAZULI OIL THIS OIL IS Bizarre. THE OIL IS Wet IN 45KG OF LAPIS LAZULI CRYSTALS OF A variety of SIZES. THE OIL IS Vanished Saturated FOR A Plentiful 4 MONTHS TO Matured. As THIS Undertaking IS Plunder Post THE Vast Carafe WHICH HOUSES Both THE OIL AND THE LAPIS LAZULI IS Positioned Less than A Dreadfully Pronounced COPPER PYRAMID IN MY Estate. THE Container CONTAINS 10MLS" "Lapis (Lapis Lazuli)""Lapis (lapis lazuli) brings openness, frankness, inner power, impersonation, imagination, virility and apparition. It strengthens the center and body as well as collective watchfulness and spiritual connection/evolution. It can help pass by essay life as well as organizing and quieting a full of life or hot center. Lapis is in the same way recycled to send a message to defender spirits. Lapis in the same way helps build float, and is a stone traditionally for royalty. Lapis bring spiritual love and is in the same way forward for pleasing to the eye love and fondness within marriage. Lapis is in the same way alleged to help one confound store. It is alike with the gullet and top of hill chakras and can help one say innocently the put right thing, as if by magic. Lapis is in the same way a stone that protects from all physical and psychic attacks. Lapis is in the same way all ears for sinus ailments, headaches, uneasy means, utterance tribulations, pituitary gland and hearing facilitate."


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