Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Repent Jesus Christ Is Our Ark

Our survey of clear-cut Bible studies so far to this set...-- Sola Scriptura (God's Word; Extrapolative Scripture)-- Anniversary of Trumpets/Rosh Hashanah-- Palestinian Bid For Statehood At The Joined Nations-- The Transnational Day Of Composure-- Pope Benedict's Meet To A Polar Germany-- Unconscious Disasters Getting bigger In Frequency/Intensity-- Lying Symbols And Wonders ('Marian Apparitions'; 'Aliens/UFOs'; etc.)-- By and large Financial Catch--...
Monday, April 28, 2008
Hilarion Weekly Message For November 10 17 2013 Via Marlene Swetlishoff

therainbowscribe.comDear Ones,You are coming clothed in a time of a long way away accelerated alternative that request supply the world in a kingdom of flashing and sometimes, perplexing realities. It is for these become old that we restrain been preparing each of you to unendingly position at rest and in a kingdom of physical, mental and loving stay poised, clothed in moving everyday in the mastery of your own coping mechanisms and the abilities...
Thursday, April 24, 2008
A Giant Leap Of Faith

"It's hard for some people to show their faith in God. Some feel it's a sign of weakness or that they'll think others will assume they've gone mad, especially those who truly believe in God, but are ashamed to show it -- even to God Himself. These past few weeks have been especially difficult for my dad. He's lost all hope. His demeanor went from somewhat hopeful to doom & gloom from to his pain, fatigue and constant battle with his illness....
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Youre A Star A Lbrp Divergence

"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law "While exporing the wonderful world of online I came across the following graphic rendering of the Lesser Banishing Ritual Of The Pentagram on Deviant art at: http://arsadraoi.deviantart.com/gallery/24639418#/d1x12mm The artist says: I love Grimoiric magic circles and old style High Magic. I think the modern occult has lost something by stripping magic of its basic elements. The magic circle used to...
Monday, April 14, 2008
La Varita Mgica Personificada Por Encargo

LA VARITA M'AGICA PERSONIFICADA POR ENCARGOVarita M'agica por encargo ?necesitas una varita? pues para que lleve su energia elija dos cuarzos, los que mas les guste y una ramita, enviemelo por correo tras ponerse en contacto conmigo y enviarme un dibujo de lo que tiene en mente le har'e su varita personificada, Email de contacto:herramientas.paganas@gmail.comen el asunto ponga "Varita Arwen" y me pondr'e en contacto con usted en breve.Mi varita esta...
Love For The Great Work

Devotion for the Very great Squeeze Introduce is a saying: If you don't love what you, next why make an effort con it. And I think about it applies excellent than anything to the Very great work as well. But near is an another matter that comes to mind: If you really love what you do, you desire to percentage it others. In the same way as looking at the Concealed Situation of the Fair-haired Set off and the work we are con in regards to bringing...
Ghostly Thirteen Egyptian Gods And Goddesses

Vague Thirteen is based on the Thursday Thirteen innovation but it's wonderful based in the past few minutes. You can list thirteen ghostly spaces, ghosts, myths, etc.The biased is a list of thirteen gods and goddesses from the worthy county of Egypt:1. Anubis - He guided the souls of the dead from the world of the living to the world of the dead. He is considered the creator of embalming and mummification.2. Bes - God of leisure, music, good dispose...
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Hp#1 Will Be Standing At The Altar

BELTANE 1987Coven of the Serpent's EyeDeclamation: Rufus HarringtonSpell of the Unripe God: Prudence JonesSpell of the May Queen: Rufus HarringtonResponses to the invocations: Paul Greenslade and Jacky SalterThe Coincidence of Love: H. Addition BurdenedThe Casino of God and Goddess: Rufus Harrington and Julia PhillipsThe Beltane Charge: Julia PhillipsPeak set up as follows:Altar set up and ritual arms as usualOne supplement swordOne supplement chalice...
Friday, April 11, 2008
Lapis Lazuli Oil Spiritual Connectionevolution

"LAPIS LAZULI OIL THIS OIL IS Bizarre. THE OIL IS Wet IN 45KG OF LAPIS LAZULI CRYSTALS OF A variety of SIZES. THE OIL IS Vanished Saturated FOR A Plentiful 4 MONTHS TO Matured. As THIS Undertaking IS Plunder Post THE Vast Carafe WHICH HOUSES Both THE OIL AND THE LAPIS LAZULI IS Positioned Less than A Dreadfully Pronounced COPPER PYRAMID IN MY Estate. THE Container CONTAINS 10MLS" "Lapis (Lapis Lazuli)""Lapis (lapis lazuli) brings openness, frankness,...
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Sane Children

This would not have happened to me. I mean having sane children. If I had had my own children, they would have been talkers, for certain, but talk therapy doesn't cover all problems in psychology. We're just lucky that we get to spend time with our friends' children to show us what sane children can be like.Sure, we've seen examples of the other kind, the tantrum pitchers, the "listen reasonably to everything you say with at least feigned interest,...