Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Seven Candles Wishing Spell

Seven Candles Wishing Spell

You will need:

* 18-20 inches of Black cord or yarn
* 7 white or purple candles
* Maple or Oak leaf

During the Waxing, Full, or New Moon, gather the ingredients above and go to a place where you may be undisturbed for at least 15 minutes. Light the candles and place them around you or place them in a circle.

Lay the yarn out in front of you, placing the leaf in the center. Tie a knot around the leaf while whispering your wish. Tie 6 knots on each side of the leaf, whispering your wish with each knot. If you wish, you can place feathers or charms in the other knots, although it's not necessary. When finished, place them in the center of the candles and say this:

Seven Candles, a circle doth make,

Now summon thy flames, my wish to take.

With this cord, black as night,

By this leaf, knotted tight.

By this circle, by my will,

Take this wish and make it real.

With this, the spell is done. Allow the candles to burn themselves out. Wear the charm as a necklace until your wish has been fulfilled.

Reference: spellscasting.blogspot.com