Wednesday, December 24, 2014


So the moon is heading towards full again, and its just about time to make my next batch of moon water. I am going to use citronella, as I dreamed previously.

From what I've found on the net, citronella promotes friendship and love. Other sources say that its protective, and keeps away unwanted guests. I am looking forward to trying it, and seeing what exactly happens.

I am thinking to make another batch of lavender water as well, and this time keep it in the fridge.

I bought some essential oils, and have great plans for combining them with carrier oils in different combinations to make various potions. Ooh that sounds witchy lol. But I can see a lot of potential with that and it fits my idea of spells--combining elements to make something which hleps the user focus on the ultimate goal. So the oils will be taking a moon bath as well.

I can only wonder what my neighbors think of all these different bowls of things out on my front step all night long. Oh well. They are welcome to ask.

That's where it stands right now. I can't wait for the next full moon so I can get started!

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