Wicca is a modern pagan, witchcraft religion

Wicca is a diverse religion with no central authority or figure defining it.

Friday, May 30, 2014

Monday Medley

April showers today. Hoping for wonderful May flowers! In the meantime, I have spring flowers coming up and the Faerie cam is working again! crocus daffodil tulips crocusWalking around the yard yesterday I found more signs of spring. budding forsythia My namesake, the robin, back from the southI am not sure what happened to this cedar tree, possibly ice, maybe a bird. The bark is pulled off revealing a beautiful wood underneath.Here is something...

The Cult Of The Black Virgin

......The Cult of the Black Virgin Ean Begg (Author)Book DescriptionPublication Date: September 30, 2006There are many icons of Mary that show black faces and hands. In France, these are called Vierge Noires-Black Virgins. Elsewhere, may be called Black Madonnas or the "other Mary." Jung called her Isis, while others claim she is THE SYMBOLIC REMAINS OF A PREHISTORIC WORSHIP OF THE EARTH MOTHER. She is generally connected with Cybele, Diana, Isis,...

Review The Gray Witch Grimoire

"Are you a good witch or a bad witch?" asks the introduction to "The Gray Witch's Grimoire", a new book of witchcraft and spells both dark and light. To that question, author Amythyst Raine replies: "I'm both and I'm neither."She is, as the title suggests, a gray witch, and she goes on to say: "In our society 'dark' is automatically viewed as 'evil'; and 'light' is automatically viewed as 'good'. We're expected to live completely within one realm...

Thursday, May 29, 2014

We Have A Dream

A Commissioning Prayer for Evangelical Friends Church-Mid America Yearly Meeting July 27, 2014 "In the last days," God says, "I will pour out my Spirit upon all people.Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your young men will see visions, and your old men will dream dreams."" - Acts 2:17" We have a dream of the gospel lived out... and that God would use us to do it. We dream that whatever is true in Heaven be true on earth... in our local churches,...

Dunsany Lord Bird Of The Difficult Eye The

The Bird of the Difficult Eye by Lord Dunsany Observant men and women that know their Bond Street wellwill appreciate my astonishment when in a jewellers' shop Iperceived that nobody was furtively watching me. Not onlythis but when I even picked up a little carved crystal toexamine it no shop-assistants crowded round me. I walkedthe whole length of the shop, still no one politelyfollowed. Seeing from this that some extraordinary revolution hadoccurred...

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Magickal Uses For Cardamom

Planetary Association: Venus Gender: Feminine Element: Water Deities: Erzulie Astrological Associations: Libra and Taurus Magickal Uses: Lust, Love. Great for love potions - spicy energy! Sex and passion. Soak ground Cardamom seeds in sweet red wine overnight. Imagine yourself in your lover's arms as you drift off to sleep.On the next day, strain the seeds from the wine, sweeten with local honey and serve warmed during a romantic meal. Other ways...

Tuesday, May 27, 2014


Lughnasadh, also called Lammas, is the Celebration of Harvest. This is the time of the first harvests. At this celebration we give thanks to the Earth for its bounty and beauty. It is from these harvests that we eat through the upcoming winter. The grain Goddesses Demeter and Ceres are also honored. This is a time to harvest the dreams planted earlier in the year.Lughnasadh or 'Festival of Lugh' is a time of thanksgiving and reverence to the Land...

A Look At Meditation Steps And Benefits To Improve The Quality Of Life

By Linda Ruiz Sages questionable that the worldly life may possibly be compared to a garden. The garden was to be scrupulously nurtured to pay for bright plants. If gaily full neatness of, the garden would be overgrown with weeds which would be harmful to the anticipated plants. The worldly illustration is level to the garden it requires to be handled painstakingly for the best outcomes. The concern interior the greatly of domination to the illustration...

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Old Testament God Who Is The Demiurge

Demiurge:The Vengeful Old Testament God A Question from the Christian Wicca e-list: something Nancy said made me curious. What exactly is the Demiurge and what's is the Origin? The Demiurge Is The Name That The Gnostics Christians Gave To The Old Testament God, Often Noted For His Vengeance And Wrath. The Gnostics Did Not Believe Jesus Was Teaching About The Same God That The Old Testament Refers To; Instead, Jesus Preaches The Message Of The "Good...

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Nyc Pagan Lecture Series

Herman Slater Here is an example of the inspirational way of Michael Lloyd's Bull of Heaven: The Mythic Life of Eddie Buczynski and the Rise of the New York Pagan: My friend Gary Suto (a notable community leader in NYC Paganism) was inspired in reading the book to discover that Herman Slater created a Pagan lecture series in November 1972, to promote public awareness of modern Paganism and Witchcraft (and yes, to generate publicity for his store...

Monday, May 19, 2014

Spells To Control The Elements

By Victor EpandControl of the elements is limited somewhat by the laws of nature. You cannot make it snow in the middle of the summer. The Wiccan Rede (and its instruction to do whatever you please as long as it harms no one) prevents you from causing natural disasters like tornadoes or floods. The threefold repayment you would receive from such an action would not be something you would want to deal with. But that doesn't mean you can't have some...

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Purification And Cleansing Tools

*This post is from a special guest writer who wished to spread some of her own knowledge about Purification and Cleansing Tools. Thank you Ronnie!*"The spiritual first-aid kit for home and self"From the very moment I learned about using purification and cleansing tools, and rituals.I began putting them to use. My personal journey with these ancient tools has led to manytimes of empowerment, and are an endless source of strentgh for me.My first, and...

God Hell And Souls G Creighton Bradshaw Fluoride Update Dr Bill Osmunson 17 04 2012 C2C Am

Lifelong student of the paranormal, ancient mysteries and manuscripts, G. Creighton Bradshaw, talked about the origins for humankind, souls, and the spiritual nature of our existence, as well as his notions of the afterlife, including heaven and hell. Influenced by the spiritualist writings of James E. Padgett, Bradshaw also absorbed the work of Zecharia Sitchin, and concurred with his conclusion that a group of ETs called the Annunaki came to Earth and conducted genetic manipulation in order to create humans as workers for their operations.Bradshaw...

Saturday, May 17, 2014

More On Hypatia And Christians And Atheists And Ptolemaic Science

A lot of the stuff on Hypatia out there on teh interwebs is (surprise!) misinformed, misleading or just out and out disinformation. A lot of this is due to Christians desperately trying to rewrite history. Also, the portrayal of Hypatia in the film Agora, while sympathetic after a fashion, is more fiction than fact -- and that is largely due to the fact that Alejandro Amen'abar's atheism is nearly as hostile to Hypatia's Paganism as Christianity...

Friday, May 16, 2014

Rabbinate Never Acts Conversions Linger In The Air Now The Secular Supreme Court Takes Up The Fight G D Forbid

B"HI'm not sure this is good. I wish the rabbinate would have dealt with this issue in a timely manner, I wish Amar would not have stopped with just words and had moved to action, I wish the whole thing hadn't gone as far as it has gone... but, as my dear mother would say, "If wishes were fishes, we would have them to fry; If wishes were horses, then beggars would ride!"Now the Israeli "High Court of Justice" has the case, and they are rearing to...

Thursday, May 15, 2014

The Shift The Revolution In Human Consciousness By Owen Waters

Owen Waters is an sophisticated spiritual expounder who has on hand his insights participating in the New Actuality to hundreds of thousands of seekers. In 1963, instant sprouting up in a mystical part of Britain, he encountered his cover spiritual stimulation. The hit of this mystical make somebody's acquaintance was such that his life became fixed upon a regular scrabble for spiritual answers.Just about forty years of study and solicit votes followed,...

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Pascha On Mount Athos Valaam And Sarov

By Monk Herman (Pascha 1974)"Plentiful are the monastic citadels of Obedience in Greece, Russia, and other lands, and in all of them the Regeneration of Christ is illustrious with special somberness and ball, undimmed by the terrestrial views that universally longed-for the worshipper in a civil political unit the spell he foliage the church dwelling on Pascha. About are three views of Pascha in Streamer monasteries as it was lived in the 19th century...