Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Magickal Uses For Cardamom

Magickal Uses For Cardamom
Planetary Association: Venus

Gender: Feminine

Element: Water

Deities: Erzulie

Astrological Associations: Libra and Taurus

Magickal Uses: Lust, Love. Great for love potions - spicy energy! Sex and passion. Soak ground Cardamom seeds in sweet red wine overnight. Imagine yourself in your lover's arms as you drift off to sleep.

On the next day, strain the seeds from the wine, sweeten with local honey and serve warmed during a romantic meal.

Other ways Cardamom seeds can also be used for enhancing incense and sachets to promote love and love-making.

Burn for mental clarity, concentration, confidence, courage, enthusiasm and motivation.

In Voodoo: CARDAMOM SEEDS are used in cookery and for confections, but also have a widely-held reputation for being of magical use in bringing about Good Luck in Love Affairs and Sexual Relationships. Some of our customers say that they chew CARDAMOM SEED when they they go to a party where they want to meet a new lover. Others tell us that they mix CARDAMOM SEEDS with other so-called Love-Drawing Herbs, such as Rose Buds, Cubeb Berries, Damiana Leaves, Juniper Berries, Catnip Leaves, Red Clover Flowers, Rose Petals, or Lavender Flowers and carry this in a Red Conjure Bag so that when they meet someone new whom they desire, the man or woman they want can be easily led into lust.

Non Specific Love Spell:

You will need a teaspoon or so each of the following herbs: Basil herb, Cardamom pods, Marjoram herb, whole Cloves, Rose petals, and a Tonka bean. If you cannot easily obtain the Tonka bean you may do without it. You will need some red, natural fiber, fabric - a quarter yard will be enough, a needle and thread. Cut two squares out of the fabric. A small piece of rose quartz and/or lepidolite is an optional, but desirable ingredient. Place your materials on the altar. You should have a love incense and if possible, a piece of rose quartz on the altar for this spell.

After the circle is cast and the love incense lit, place the two squares of fabric, right sides together, and sew around three sides of the square. As you are doing this, visualize yourself as a lovable and loving person, in a relationship that is fulfilling and happy. When you are done sewing, place the squares on the altar and state the purpose of the spell aloud in your own words. Something like:

"I seek to have a love in my life, someone special with whom to share the wonders of life, to grow with and learn with, someone to know well and be known by, my ideal partner."

Take up the fabric square and turn it right side out. Spoon the herbs into the bag one at a time saying aloud the appropriate line as you add each one:

"Basil, sacred herb of Mars, I call upon your powers to bring to me the love I seek. Cardamom, sacred herb of Venus, I call upon your powers to bring to me the love I seek. Marjoram, sacred herb of Mercury, I call upon your powers to bring to me the love I seek. Cloves, sacred herb of Jupiter, I call upon your powers to bring to me the love I seek. Rose, sacred herb of Venus, I call upon your powers to bring to me the love I seek. Tonka, sacred herb of Venus, I call upon your powers to bring to me the love I seek."

If you are using the rose quartz say the following as you add it to the bag:

"Rose Quartz, stone of peace and love, I call upon you lend your powers to my quest, assist me in finding the love I seek, open my heart that I may be ready to love and open my eyes that I may see it for what it is."

Take up the needle and thread and sew up the last side of the bag. As you do so, visualize the fruition of the spell, you are in a loving relationship of two equals that is fulfilling and happy. When you finish, form the vision as clearly as possible in your mind, feel the love surrounding you and wrapping you in a pink mist, sense the warmth. Holding the bag in your projective hand (the one you write with), visualize and feel the energy in the form of the pink mist flowing from you into the bag. As you will the energy into it, say:

"I invest this amulet of love with the power of my vision, the power of Venus and Aphrodite, the power of the herbs (and crystal) within it. It will bring me the love I desire and make me ready to receive it. As I will, so mote it be!"

It is done. Dismiss the circle and carry the amulet bag with you at all times.


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