For "~JEWELS~OF~THE~JUNGLE~" A great gallery by Jewel of the 33rd annual March For Life in Washington, D.C. The thumbnail images I included in the cartoon are representative of the 'age' of the March, or in the words of Jewel herself-
"First thing I noticed about the crowds was how many high-school and college age girls there were. They were thick as porridge (I think we should use that expression more often, don't you?) around us. Made me laugh when I remembered how "Planned Parenthood" likes to stereotype us as grey-faced old men.
Someone has listed faithmouse at "COMIXPEDIA." Thanks! Thanks also to Laer for showing a Terri Schiavo toon in this post at "CHEAT SEEKING MISSILES." Amberxo has posted a number of faithmouse pro-life toons on the "GURL.COM" message board. Blessings to Q for posting a recent Neverborn toon on his "INTERESTING TO CATHOLICS." CHRISTIAN NEWS IN MAINE "posted a recent ACLU toon in its January 7th thru January 13th issue. "