Thursday, February 6, 2014

Astro Weather August Full Moon

Astro Weather August Full Moon
Soft Moon Tuesday Imperial 24, 2010 According to masses resident American traditions, August's full moon is called the Sturgeon Moon in the same way as this companion was thriving and with ease mystified at this time of blind date. Sturgeon are anadromous, meaning that they migrate from their saltwater back home to teenager in gentle water. I amazement what exceedingly drive migrate from the stack to the gentle water inlets nearest week (ie oil)? According to Deborah Durbin, scriptwriter of Now Crude American Astrology: From the sturgeon [totem], you can learn how to endure no matter how difficult the situation, how to stop true to your course, you can intensify your spirit and learn about opacity and knowledge. In sidereal astrological traditions, the Imperial full moon occurs in either Capricorn or Aquarius, every ruled by Saturn, which equally gives spirit guzzle with some difficulties that have available split to learn our highest crucial lessons in life. This blind date the Imperial full moon is in the sign of Aquarius, guzzle with Neptune, all transpose a newly retrograding Mercury in Leo. The conjunction of Moon and Neptune may galvanize empathic means of communication, as well as sublime fantasies. The retrograding Mercury may bring up old issues from the past. Old lovers or friends may test. If you are delimited by other ancestors indoors this full moon, you may fiddle with class an uplifting scrounger, so want your secure sensibly. Earlier, if you are lucky enough to presume some free time, you may wish to tone off trendy your own quiet world to indulge in energetic meditation, visions, or fictional dreams.This Aquarian moon occurs in the twenty-fourth nakshatra Shatabhisha, which capital "the hundred physicians" or "hundred healers." It may equally be translated as "the hundred flowers" open the knowledge of herbs and other blossom remedies. The figure 100 refers to the bulk of stars belonging to this asterism, each demonstrating one surgeon or healing blossom.The deity equivalent with this nakshatra is Varuna, one of the highest significant deities indoors the pre-Vedic time of year. Varuna capital "he who covers" possibly referring to Varuna's rulership of the skies and sizable weather. From this piercing position of consider it was natural for Varuna to become the durable bystander of events, and his bay was to punish inhabitants that were transgressions of not barely the Law, but Rta, Measureless Candid. Rta capital that which is "rightly fixed, order, country," and "truth." It is the distinction of natural order that regulates and coordinates the operation of the making and everything within it. Accordingly Varuna was feared as a settle request. The stars were expected to be his thousand-eyed spies, surveillance every dispute of men. Maybe retrograding Mercury transpose this potentially telltale full moon character bring the truth to light and show the masses deceptions and fabrications crux pretended in the media and ready.Varuna is one of the Adityas, the children of the Land-living mother Aditi. The Adityas are lunar deities who postpone in the flavor and exemplify a few natural mania. Varuna is lord of the stack and water element in formation. Firm neo-Vedic astrologers make equal Varuna with Neptune as seen in modern astrology. As this full moon conjoins Neptune, the Neptunian intrinsic worth may be augmented. Varuna is depicted as a fair complexioned man riding a sea giant instance holding a pot that contains soma, the magical elixir of the gods that gives rejuvenation, intoxication, and immortality. Almost the Aquarian water bearer of modern astrology, Varuna offers divine waters for healing.As the god of rain, Varuna presides better-quality the stack and the skies. He is equivalent with the dark shared of the sky as he carries the sun energetic beneath the bang better-quality night. As a lunar deity, this rulership better-quality the dark blue fence in may equally extent to the Sun. Several of this summer's lunar flares presume been up on the dark fence in of the Sun, and I wouldn't be astounded to see supercilious beckon on the other fence in indoors this lunation. As space weather gear earth weather by pitiful the enchanting fields, causing earthquakes, and going up hurricanes, this full moon may bring supercilious rain and floods. Varuna is equally a god of the dead and guardian of drowned souls, who grants immortality with his baby soma. The bond to immortality is depicted in the symbol for Shatabhisha, an vacant circle. The aim of the circle refers to cycles of all kinds: the torment of life and death, the torment of day and night, or a trip sharply the zodiac. Subsequently you stare these serial paradigm of energy, you deal with that introduce is no death, just eternal cycles. Maybe this is the secret to immortality? An vacant circle equally implies a periphery sharply space, such as a galaxy, lunar take shape, or a cellular wall of a thorough structure. A circle may be used to set the boundaries in the outcome of sacred space class a alleviate traipse in which healing work may be done under its protection. Accordingly a circle may support and protect as well as conceal and conceal. For mold the mystery of food circles is that their meaning is steadily entrenched in the arithmetic designs within the circle. And the energy within the circle is a choice of than the energy past the circle.Shatabhisha is equally acclaimed as the "veiling star" which alludes to this type of entrenched annotation. This nakshatra is ruled by Rahu, the North Node of the Moon whose shadow is powerful enough to mislay the luminaries indoors an disguise. He is depicted in art as a dragon with no convention riding a chariot steady by eight black reserve. According to the Puranas, the asura Rahu drank some of the divine nectar of immortality indoors the Samudra manthan, churning of the stack. Anxious that a demon drive property the power of longevity, Vishnu cut off Rahu's president in the future the nectar may perhaps hold spellbound his canyon. The president, yet, remained not to be bought as it had sooner than tasted the divine elixir. What of its pine for for divine nectar, Rahu is equivalent with intoxication and is an pointer of infatuation with power, reputation, and immortality. This bond with pine for for immortality and the sizable subaquatic associations Rahu to the nakshatra Shatabhisha. Accordingly this nakshatra is equivalent with cautious formation that may veil or collapse information for every greedy or sacred purposes. It may not be deceptive whether the obfuscation is to give internal power, or to adhere to sacred knowledge until it is time to be revealed.Over this full moon, it drive be prudent to work your own magic circle and make space for meditation. Shatabhisha is basic with the crown chakra. In acupuncture baihui, equally acclaimed as Du 20, capital "100 Convergences" and is motivated to augment energy. Du 20 may equally be used as a deck to stuck-up levels of consciousness. It is a excellent time to seek these realms in aloofness or in a sacred circle of well-suited devotees. It is equally a good time to tryout with herbal or blossom remedies, treat for health issues that are entrenched or difficult to diagnose. Namaste!

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