Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Is There A Wrong Way To Perform A Smudge

Is There A Wrong Way To Perform A Smudge
Though I don't associate with or subscribe to any organized religious group, I do, however, consider myself to be a spiritual being. I recently moved into a new home. I had recently escaped a stressful, unhealthy, semi-dangerous situation and did not feel safe in my old place. I didn't want to bring any of that negative energy with me when I moved into my new place, so I proceeded to smudge my entire house. I had never performed a smudge before, nevertheless I knew it was something that I had to do. Again, I don't subscribe to any religious groups, so I performed the smudge in relative silence. No chanting, no prayer. I sometimes wonder if that affects the procedure in any way. I continue to smudge my home, on average, once a month (I'm due now as a matter of fact), but I'm still curious to know if I'm defeating the purpose of performing a cleansing by not doing it "correctly".

Is there a "proper" smudging process? Or does it even matter?

~ Bennu el-Ra {Soul of the Sun}

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Alien Abduction, High Strangeness, Paranormal Happenings


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