Wicca is a modern pagan, witchcraft religion

Wicca is a diverse religion with no central authority or figure defining it.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

March For Life Jewelsofthejungle Cartoon

Click cartoon for larger image. Grande. For "~JEWELS~OF~THE~JUNGLE~" A great gallery by Jewel of the 33rd annual March For Life in Washington, D.C. The thumbnail images I included in the cartoon are representative of the 'age' of the March, or in the words of Jewel herself- "First thing I noticed about the crowds was how many high-school and college age girls there were. They were thick as porridge (I think we should use that expression more often,...

The Epistemology Of Deaths Immortality

~The Epistemology Of Deaths Immortality~ Goddess Of Lights latest vlog pog on multidimensional integration and nothing at all, technically she knows all and also nothing as we are all one and also individual, or do you think your separate, now is time to see the true dream within in a dream. This is Goddess's epistemology at this moment of being presence on deaths gift of immortality, enjoy at ye own risk, blessed be and blessed be not,because if...

Uk Medium Readers

UK Mediums are function an bulky job, and they are even getting reply in some Counties and working as Spiritualist Norm Detectives for the Police. Uk Mediums are to be found working in a rank of ways, some UK Mediums can be found function bulky cleansing work wherever give is a crushing. UK Mediums can organize with ghosts and sometimes they work with The supernatural Investigators to spot the truth about a supernatural place. One of the top UK...

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Is There A Wrong Way To Perform A Smudge

Though I don't associate with or subscribe to any organized religious group, I do, however, consider myself to be a spiritual being. I recently moved into a new home. I had recently escaped a stressful, unhealthy, semi-dangerous situation and did not feel safe in my old place. I didn't want to bring any of that negative energy with me when I moved into my new place, so I proceeded to smudge my entire house. I had never performed a smudge before,...

Monday, February 24, 2014

Invitation Poems

Baptism invitation verses and wording.By Christopher F Wise Infant baptism is a wonderful and joyous occasion to be remembered and cherished for a lifetime. To obtain the most out of your child's christening, a hectic and stressful task. Many parents want absolutely everything to be perfect, and when they plan to attend the baptism of their child. Baptism invitations are the first impression your guests will most likely become a cherished reminder...

Sunday, February 23, 2014

The Journey Has Begun

I am so excited about the doors of the Inner Sanctum finally being open, and that you now have an opportunity to learn many ancient secrets. In the coming months we will get to know one another very well. In fact, I already consider you a member of my extended family. Blogging is something of a new experience for me, so I hope all of you will be patient as I find my way. What I hope to be able to do is give you some insight into the life of a Witch...

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Want To Really Learn The Tarot Wear The Cards Around

The word Tarot is a nonexistent word. Elementary it was spelled "Timetable" meaning push. This came about because the Tarot card deck represents all herculean undergo, the push of life. The Tarot is used as a living form coupled arrived the unfilled Cosmos which makes it in the role of a simulacrum of the Cosmos. "THE Up to date TAROT"The interior symbology and concepts in the Tarot go back thousands of living. The modern Tarot was revised by the...

The Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth Pt 2

The other passage from the thirteenth Chapter of St. Matthew's Gospel that we looked at this week was Matthew 13:31-35, which includes two succinct parables:Jesus proposed a parable to the crowds. "The Kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed that a person took and sowed in a field. It is the smallest of all the seeds, yet when full-grown it is the largest of plants. It becomes a large bush, and the birds of the sky come and dwell in its branches."He...

The Lupercalia

Lupercalia is characteristically Roman, but even the Romans of the crown century were at a loss to impart snappish which deity or deities were insect magnificent. It harkens back to the days for instance Rome was not any chief than a few shepherds living on a rise common as Palantine and was enclosed by harsh environment creative with wolves.Lupercus, guard of flocks versus wolves, is a accepted candidate; the word lupus is Latin for wolf, or most...

Friday, February 21, 2014

What I Think Of The Election Of Pope Francis

By John SanidopoulosThe election of Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Argentina as Pope on Wednesday received much attention around the world for various reasons. The attention continues as both Catholics and non-Catholics try to figure out who this "man of mystery" really is and what he stands for. The results, as expected, are either positive or negative depending on the source, though the majority consider it a positive choice in the right direction.Quite...

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Trans Woman Dies After Voodoo Cleansing Ritual

A trans woman from Arkansas has died after apparently taking part in a voodoo ritual.Lucille Hamilton, 21, flew to Jersey on Friday to undergo a ritual that would remove her "spiritual grime".Friends said she was taking part in a 'lave tet' ceremony, which literally translated, means 'head-washing'. It is thought to be a kind of baptism ceremony involving various herbs.The website of voodoo priest Houngan Hector, who carried out the ritual, claims...

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

All Over America Evangelical Christians Are Being Labeled As Extremists And Hate Groups

FROM THE AMERICAN DREAM: Are evangelical Christians rapidly becoming one of the supreme out of favor minorities in America? As soon as upon a time such a want would give birth to been incalculable, but these days background are uncomfortable fabulously. All better the Partnered States, evangelical Christians are ego called "EXTREMISTS" and evangelical Christian organizations are ego labeled as "ABHOR GROUPS". In fact, as I mood elaborate superior...

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Proposed Stations

I am of the opinion that many of the standard forms for Stations of the Cross are riddled with overstatement of sentimentalism. It is very Italian in style, but it poses a problem for those of us who find that forced sentimentality creates for us a bad taste, imposing feigned emotions. We tend to feel things more deeply when they are not over stated. Therefore, for Lent, I am proposing this version, which is more Biblical and better suited to Anglican...

Monday, February 17, 2014

X24 Birthpains And Matthew 24

MATTHEW 24 KING JAMES VERSION (KJV)24 And Jesus went out, and departed from the temple: and his disciples came to him for to shew him the buildings of the temple.2 And Jesus said unto them, See ye not all these things? verily I say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down.3 And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be?...

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Frances Growing Islamist Problem

FRANCE'S Surfacing ISLAMIST Drive backwardsHTTP://FRONTPAGEMAG.COM/2013/RYAN-MAURO/FRANCES-GROWING-ISLAMIST-PROBLEM/ May 21, 2013 By Ryan Mauro Comments (8) 16 Typeface This Task The take-off to a belatedly Muslim keep going of a priest in France is a sad memento of everyplace the catch is headed. A Catholic endorsed high-pitched out, "If it had been an imam or rabbi, he [the Children's home Cleric] would ahead of been on the point." This is no...

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Finding The Best Astrology

By Anne AhiraAstrology is an ancient practice that growed to trip alone in various civilzations at rest the Chaldeans are well-liked with establishing the previous method until that time time 3000 BC. It is the deduction of how celestrial bodies be potent to shade occurrences on globe consequently the confide in that one can foretell the afar with learning the stars. ASTROLOGY demonstrates that the advance of the stars display any person natural...

Saint Meletios Of Lardos Founder Of Ypseni Monastery

February 12Memorial OF OUR Venerable AND GOD-BEARING Get on your way MELETIOS OF LARDOS, Draftswoman OF THE Sacred AND Untouchable MONASTERY OF THE Most Saintly THEOTOKOS OF YPSENIVerses"You raised up a Monastery to the Virgin Mary."You dwelled missing jubilant by Angels."On the twelfth Meletios is revered highly."Our Venerable and God-bearing Get on your way Meletios, was instinctive in the late 18th century in the similarity of Lardos in Rhodes...

Pagans Tonight Z Interview With Lon Milo Duquette Mar 21 2011

DuQuette has written several successful books on Western mystical traditions including; Freemasonry, Tarot, Qabalah, ceremonial magic, the Enochian magic of Dr. John Dee, and spirit evocation, Goetia. He is perhaps best known for his autobiography, My Life with the Spirits, which is currently a required text for two classes at DePaul University, Chicago. Many of DuQuette's books have been dedicated to analyzing and exploring the works of Aleister...