Sunday, December 28, 2014
Decorate Decoration

SPIRITUAL MEANING:Decoration is a way of honouring the divine and there is much symbolism attached to this from the altar cloths in Christian and Wiccan religions to food for the spirits in Thai Buddhist spirit houses. Dreams often access such spiritual knowledge. PSYCHOLOGICAL / EMOTIONAL PERSPECTIVE:When we dream of decorating a room or dwelling place we are aware that changes need to be made in our environment, perhaps to utilize a particular...
Friday, December 26, 2014
The Year Christ Died And Was Resurrected

No one should judge another in respects to a Holy Day or a Sabbathday one keeps.....So many keep Easter today and are not concerned about knowingthe truth of when he died and was resurrected. It bothers me that people that keep Easter, for the most part ignore the fact that Easter is not in the Bible. The wordin the King James, in Acts for Easter....is a miss translation of the word Passover. Yes, as Christians we celebrate Christ's Resurrection....
New Moon Energies In Aquarius

"Seeing that the Sun and the Moon line up, communicate is no noiseless on the moon, thus creating a dark or new moon. I iffy this quote reckoning up the New Moon energies very well: "THE NEW MOON IS A TIME TO PROMOTE SEEDS FOR THE END, AN SOLID BOASTING TO INDUCEMENT IN WHAT YOU'D CLOSE BY TO MAKE REAL IN YOUR LIFE." In entire, you willpower to start possessions during the New Moon that you willpower to echo surrounded by now and the Deceptive Moon....
Thursday, December 25, 2014
Witchcraft History

Infused with mystery, fear, unbelievable and grim facts and records, Witchcraft History can be traced back to centuries.The word 'Witchcraft' has been derived from the word 'Wicca' which means 'the wise one'. witchcraft has been seen as a magical phenomenon, a pagan worship or religion, sorcery, and others, at different periods in Witchcraft History.The earliest records of the concept and practice of witchcraft can be traced to the early days of...
The Trouble With Atheists

1) We don't provide a united front. We are a diversified bunch of people. Some of us support different atheist organizations, subscribe to different atheist magazines, while others don't support or subscribe to any at all. 2) We have no leaders. While there are certainly some standouts in the atheist community there are always disagreements on who we regard as our intellectual heroes. 3) We cannot agree on anything else but religion. We can't...
Wednesday, December 24, 2014

So the moon is heading towards full again, and its just about time to make my next batch of moon water. I am going to use citronella, as I dreamed previously.From what I've found on the net, citronella promotes friendship and love. Other sources say that its protective, and keeps away unwanted guests. I am looking forward to trying it, and seeing what exactly happens. I am thinking to make another batch of lavender water as well, and this time keep...
Catholic Spirituality

There is a danger and flipside to spiritual quest. Some men and women who go into so called spiritual study, practices and thoughts often create around us a pseudo cocoon. We derive pseudo spiritual satisfaction with our selfish study, self centered personal enlightenment seeking.Intellectualization is good but only to a certain degree. Imbalance in any thing including spiritual and religious study is unwanted. One of the major problems of spiritual...
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
From My Heart To Yours Raquia August 2013

Saturday, December 20, 2014
Upcoming Workshops

After a brief respite from offering public workshops, I'm pleased that my schedule is once again sane enough to offer the occasional workshop. I have committed to offering two (well six actually)through Le M'elange Magique in Montreal this Winter. The details are below. The daily practice workshop grew out of my own insights and struggles with a regular daily pracitice over the last several years, and incorporates a lof of the good advice that was...
Day 5 O Oriens O Rising Sun

Tonight's O Antiphon is "O Oriens." The Latin word "Oriens" literally means "Dawn, Rising Sun," or "East." The "O Oriens" prophesy comes from Isaiah 9:1-7,Holman Hunt,"Christ the Light of the World" (1854)But there will be no gloom for her that was in anguish. In the former time he brought into contempt the land of Zeb'ulun and the land of Naph'tali, BUT IN THE LATTER TIME HE WILL MAKE GLORIOUS THE WAY OF THE SEA, THE LAND BEYOND THE JORDAN, GALILEE...
Friday, December 19, 2014
Magic Products

What do I mean by MAGIC PRODUCTS? I am talking about pre-made incenses and candles, all the wands and crystals and potions and supplies that you need to cast a magic spell. How powerful and helpful are all those magic products? It, of course, depends on who made them, and with what intentions. You can imagine that if you came across an ancient little chest of magic products, once made by Merlin himself for his own personal use, they would be good....
Thursday, December 18, 2014
Forehead Pain Treatment Matha Dukhna Ka Dard

FOREHEAD PAIN TREATMENT - MATHA DUKHNA KA DARD - Due to Hot or cold season or any other reason we got strong pain in our forehead. For this we have to take some medicines which can also side effects on us. So We can use this following spells to cure the pain of forehead safely.Forehead Pain Treatment Spells- OM NAMO AADESH GURU KA BAAL MEIN KAPAAL KAPAAL MEIN BHEJA BHEJE MEIN KIDA KIDA KARE PIDA SONE KI SHLAAKA RUPAA KA HATHOODA ISHWAR GADHE...
The Books Of Magic Quest Balance

FAERIE QUEST TO REGAIN BALANCE-Close your eyes and begin breathing in a slow and steady manner. Use whatever methods you need to achieve your shamanic state of consciousness.-You materialize in a small clearing with a well in the center of it. Stand for a few minutes and gaze at your surroundings and become familiar with them. Approach the well.-Allow all of your cares, worries, and stresses to materialize as small pebbles in the palm of your hand....
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Fisking A Cardinal

Perhaps Plus Zuhlsdorf can enter this commerce for me: how faraway time in Purgatory can I have over for fisking some parts of the blog post written by Cardinal O'Malley in this area His Eminence's impart in the Kennedy Interment Mass?As relaxed, my annotations movement be in red. One time a few opening paragraphs in which Cardinal O'Malley mentions his ordination saint's day, the church, the music, and the at the rear Senator Kennedy's attempt of...
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Seven Candles Wishing Spell

You will need: * 18-20 inches of Black cord or yarn * 7 white or purple candles * Maple or Oak leaf During the Waxing, Full, or New Moon, gather the ingredients above and go to a place where you may be undisturbed for at least 15 minutes. Light the candles and place them around you or place them in a circle. Lay the yarn out in front of you, placing the leaf in the center. Tie a knot around the leaf while whispering your wish. Tie 6 knots on...
Saturday, December 13, 2014
List Of Religious Texts Of The World

THE RUMOR MILL NEWS READING ROOM LIST OF RELIGIOUS TEXTS OF THE WORLDPosted By: Nemesis [Send E-Mail]Date: Sunday, 4-Jan-2015 18:46:08(Having read them all recently I decided to sit for a few minutes and ponder what I have learned in order to choose a theology (religion) that I believe is true).*LIST OF THE TEXTS IS BELOW INTRODUCTION (THIS IS FROM WIKIPEDIA).Religious texts, also known as scripture, scriptures, holy writ, or holy books, are the...
Friday, December 12, 2014
How To Use Prayer To Save Your Marriage
It seems lately that, with the growing number of married couples getting divorced, people and marriages have lost plenty of their value and marriage is not a priority any longer. Even marriage therapists, who are supposed to help, usually see divorce as a perfectly acceptable solution.There is another way if your marriage is in trouble. You should make use of prayer to save your marriage, strengthen your relationship, and help you both have a much more satisfying life.There are many organizations that make use of prayer as the tool to rescue a...