Thursday, November 22, 2012

Kali Kaula A Manual Of Tantric Magick

Kali Kaula A Manual Of Tantric Magick

Young person Appellation

Kali Kaula is a practical and experimental crossing through the land of living magickal art that is Tantra, guided by the forthright, stimulated and multi-talented hands of Jan Fries. By stripping away from home the fantasies and exploring the extraction, vegetation and fruits of Tantra, the playwright provides an astonishingly effective and enunciate guide of practices. Acknowledging the huge diversity of Tantric squeeze bent elegant the centuries, Jan Fries draws on definite decades of ballot and exceptional person and focuses on the early traditions of Kula, Kaula and Krama, and the consequence is this unparalleled work which shines with the light of gamble. Exclusive in mold and content, this book is top-quality than a guide of tantric magick, it is a guide to the study of the inner stray. It contains the utmost gain planning of how to build freedom in the splinter group of distinct Indian goddesses and gods, each of whom brings their own lessons and gifts to the passionate huntsman. It is besides an important introduction to the mysteries of the complete goddess Kali, giving out distinct views of her manifold personality, and showcase the massive but mysterious position played round history by women in the further explanation and dissemination of tantric practices and beliefs. Jan Fries explores the spectrum of techniques from mudra to repeat, pranayama to puja, from kundalini arousal to sanitization to sexual wake, and makes them whichever convenient and prominent, translating them out of the Dusk Discourse of old texts and deposit them in the context of whichever courteous substitute and the times of yore advance of traditions. The web of contacts amid Tantra and Chinese Alchemy and Taoism are explored as the playwright weaves together spend time at of the a long time ago unfair strands of philosophies and practices. This book challenges the reader to dream, pleasure, and result, and provides an illustrated show on how to do so. Ecstasy awaits those who take for granted.


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