Friday, November 16, 2012

Using Word Art To Create Sigils

Using Word Art To Create Sigils
"PRELIMINARY: I'd dearest to preface this entry by stating that the sprint I command be dissemination with you today has its origins in a lesson that was as educated to me by one of my in teacher's Mrs. Ferrel. Mrs. Ferrel was apiece my Opening AND High-School art hypothetical and is a endless store of scheme in a lot of my brilliant work. In fact, several of you don't know that I attended college in hopes of becoming an art-teacher for myself but life had other diplomacy for me. ""It's been 20 + soul because I graduated High-School but what reminded me of Mrs. Ferrel's lesson today was a crack along with Kast Excelsior and Cat Yronwode on today's incident of the Lucky Mojo Hoodoo Rootwork Transportation Hour. I'm not separation to go arrived the information of the inform but you can crack in vogue to be there to the today's incident in the history. "For instance ARE SIGILS? " Cross Text pass Countless MeaningsIt has been confirmed that "magic speaks in the colloquy of symbols" and if that is the engagement, furthermore sigils are the abundant alphabet of that colloquy. They represent our planning, our goals, and most importantly
our needs; and they are said to pass the power to separate our wishes. Sigils go down with several forms from simple designs dearest an "X" gauge or a "five-spot" to the Seals of Solomon and Veve's found in the religion of Vodoun. Several sigils pass general meanings such as a simple spirit design with an shaft oppressed through it which is commonly sponge off of with love and the heart's desire; or the challenge sign () which speak of money and wealth. Marginal sigils are fit personality. For style, it is customary that Elvis Presley adopted the symbol of the lightning gorge last his in hero Chief Daydream toting up the initial's TCB to the enlightenment gorge, which stands for "Booty Suspicion of Company"."That is not to say that sigils are district to the practice of magic. Sigils are all reveal us in our regular lives. Big business logos, road signs, even emoticons are all symbols recycled to describe an picture or to hegemony yo in some way (buy my product, be funny, etc...) HOW ARE SIGILS Cast-off IN HOODOOSigils are very wrap up to written petitions in how they can be recycled in the Hoodoo Establishment. They can be to be found under candles, included in mojo tons, to be found in dolls, carried in one's shoe or wallet, etc... In put in they can be printed out and glued to Vigil Lights or spell bottles, they can be oppressed on pigheaded candles or decorated on magic boxes. CREATING SIGILS: TWO METHODS EXPLAINED Organized of SaturnExhibit pass been certain methods devised to interweave sigils. One of the utmost notorious methods of creating a sigil trade by Austin Osman Garbage (1886 - 1956) consists of words your plan on a span of paper as abruptly as possible. The adjoining step is simply to rent any mail that begin added than as in your assertion. Decisively, you go down with the mail that remain and using your uniqueness come together them arrived a cohesive symbol that is tolerable to the eye. Further amateur method of creating a sigil makes use of Kameas, or magic squares. Exhibit are 7 squares which pass on to the 7 sort planets and their spheres of hegemony. For style, the Sun for success; Venus for Love; Saturn for Protection, etc...To interweave a sigil using the Kameas, flow of air a key word or phrase which best describes your plan. In some gear you can actually use a person's name to hegemony them. For style if you wanted Billy Jones to love you, you would interweave a sigil of his name on the Organized of Venus. The mail in the words are furthermore replaced by their matched evict. For style, let's stare at the word "follower" and purloin it on the Kamea of Saturn. L O V E R 3 6 4 5 9Decisively, you would interweave your sigil by chart a line on your sigil in the enormously order as the evict as they begin in the word. Therefore the sigil for "follower" on the Organized of Saturn would stare dearest this:CREATING SIGILS By means of Settee ART A somewhat creative method of creating a sigil using word art is as follows. Recruit down a keyword or hunker down phrase which represents your plan. Let's use "love" as an style. Flanking, you would turn the word counter-clockwise so it stands completely up. Then you would interweave its mirror image and place them trim by trim dearest so. If you wish you can furthermore remove portions of the symbol chunk it arrived sections and re-arrange them. For the aim of this blog, immobile, I command not be acquit yourself that. On every occasion you are done, you can add a bit of color to your design. Decisively, you can furthermore retreat the sigil as it is, or add new symbols that pass meaning to you and your aim. For style, I pass addition symbols less than which speak to a discrimination love that command lead to a funny marriage. Blessings, Carolina Dean

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