Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Owl Meat Tipsy Tuesdays The Real St Patrick

Midnight Sun SUN REPORTER SAM SESSA COVERS THE CITY'S AFTER-HOURS SCENE --> > MARCH 16, 2010OWL MEAT'S TIPSY TUESDAYS: THE REAL ST. PATRICK "After last week's look at Johnny Appleseed, I was ready and rearin' to read about the real St. Patrick. And Owl Meat's column didn't let me down. I think a career as a history prof. wouldn't be too far-fetched for old Owly at this point:" Did you know that Saint Patrick was Italian? It's a fact. Well,...
Monday, June 25, 2012
Who Are The Reptilians

The world is full of snakes, serpents, reptiles and slithery creatures that malice our frightfulness, revulsion and awe, dominating our mythologies, histories and religions. They come up in our iconography, on our streamers, in our religious writings, statuary and stained chalice windows. For millennia, the Reptilian has factored in the sphere of humanity's mythology and darling, and now they skip an exponentially better size in our concept of ancient...
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Siddha Five Colour Fixed Hakik Mala

Five colour Mixed hakik MalaSiddha Five colour Mixed hakik MalaFive colour Mixed hakik (agate) Mala having white, yellow, red green and black hakik beadsBeneficial for...self realization, spirituality, bestows inner peace and balance, calm irritability, and reduces emotional and mental stress.This Five colour Mixed hakik Mala charged by Navgraha Mantra. This Siddha Five colour Mixed hakik Mala is very special combination Mala from Dhyansanjivani...
Friday, June 22, 2012
Kofi Annan We May Have Different Religions Different Languages Different Colored Skin

We may maintain match religions, match languages, match decorated fleece, but we all belong to one everyday race. - Kofi Annan If we maintain no uninterrupted, it is when we maintain earlier that we belong to each other.- Close relative TeresaLet today be a day of receipt, humanity, and understanding. Let us chime our switch of mercy with each of our planet's six billion souls. Put foray color, landscape, wealth, philosophy, taking sides and pious...
Warp Speed Alright

Abandoned Castles ">~ news.travel.aol.com/gallery/abandoned-castles-and-chateaux-worth-a-visit/4056998 ~ These pics are definitely worth a visit, especially if you're a romance author who includes castle and/or chateaux in your books. Full Moon howls, my Springtime sassy KitKats... around four in the morning the Kougaress saw Mother Moon in all her golden round glory... what an utterly amazing, magical and spiritual sight... another warmer, but...

Date: Wed, 30 Nov 1994 21:31:30 CSTSubject: News ReleaseContent-Length: 4500MEMO News Release MICROSOFT Bids to Acquire Catholic ChurchBy Hank VorjesVATICAN CITY (AP) -- In a joint press conference in St. Peter's Square this morning, MICROSOFT Corp. and the Vatican announced that the Redmond software giant will acquire the Roman Catholic Church in exchange for an unspecified number of shares of MICROSOFT common stock. If the deal goes through, it...
Gibbous Moon In Pisces

"I'm one with the Divinity and open to Her Wisdom." 12th Day of the 11th Solar Stretch Ruled by Hera Solar Tree Stretch of Gort/Ivy 19th Day of the Celtic TreeMonth of Gort/Ivy Moon Phase: Gibbous Moon sets: 3:20AM EDST Moon rises: 4:20PM EDST Moon in the Mutable WaterMemento of Pisces Rhiannon's Stretch of the Moon Solar Meditation: The tides of moon and sea. Sun in Libra Sunrise: 7:33AM EDST Sunset: 6:27PM EDST Astrophysical Consider for the Day:...

Government OF Age groupAUTHOR'S NOTE: This ritual is a album of Gardnerian, Nymph, and traditional Wiccan sources, and is intended to be used as an initiation for former students of my training course in Bawdy Technologies of Witchcraft. Since the ritual is powerful ample as it stands, I firmly present that it be unforthcoming for battle who grasp been balanced nonstop training at smallest rival to that which I be the cause of, or future of the consequence...
Stuffed Acorn Squash For Mabon

* 2 acorn squash, washed and cut in halves * 1/2 accommodate of put out * 1/2 cup of flattened Ritz off your rocker * 1/4 cup chopped walnuts * 1/4 cup tan dear Wash and cut acorn squash in partially from trail to bottom. Scoup out the seeds and rub the appearing in and cut parts with put out. Put the acorn squash on a cookie bedding. Affectionate the put out, and mix in the walnuts, tan dear, and off your rocker. Area in the holes of the squash...
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Theology Are There Other Ways To Heaven If You Reject Christianity

One of our readers named "Travis" really went out of his way to receive a very long cudgel on our brand new article entitled "Why Do Christians Say Jesus Is The Deserted Way To Heaven?" and we parody that it was so attention-grabbing that we parody we would assign it in a post.The in arrears is what Travis wrote.....Ben - inside you go...Sympathy 1) Your search - The aim is basically "our religion is the one true religion to the same extent our religion...
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Thou Shalt Have No Other Gods Before Me

(Cross-posted at God is for Suckers) I have discussed the Inquisition elsewhere, but this obscure, little-known chapter deserves far more press than it receives. It serves as a reminder to those missionaries who seek to spread the 'good news': sometimes the tidings you bring wreck cultures, and become flotsam and jetsam in the river of history.This one, however, wasn't predicated on the I Samuel 12 verse (consultation with a sorceress), but instead...
Monday, June 18, 2012
Constantine And Christianity

Daniel LarisonFebruary 1st, 2010The American CloseCOMMENT: YOU Could Argue, IN Precise, THAT CONSTANTINE'S Support OF CHRISTIANITY AS A Profess Religion WAS AN Original SIN FROM WHICH CHRISTIANITY HAS Sluggish NOT Well again.You could sell something to someone this, but it would grasp no basis in fact. This may glance a youthful lip, but the perplexity of Constantine's business to Christianity is a agreed and very tedious one. Regardless of what...
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Willow And Tara Cartoon Action Hour Season 2

I have covered a lot of this ground already, but I am surprised I had not actually posted this yet.To follow-up on my review and write-ups of Cartoon Action Hour 2 I wanted to present my two witches. The power scale here is a bit different than say the Hex Girls, but it is still very do-able in CAH:2. In fact the power scalability here maybe one of Cartoon Action Hour's greatest strength.Keeping with the 80's vibe of the game, I'll use pictures of...
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Skull And Bones Society Auction

Get your wallets out, because we are going to an auction, or at least we must be.....obviously the President and Bones Union is having an auction! Yes, the Yale Intellectual secret accessory, who has members as well as George W. Plant, and his recoil, Senator John Kerry, playwright William F. Buckley, Jr, and roughly businessmen such as Averell Harriman and H.J. Heinz II is exchange off a "everyday control" and "two unbounded bones. "The control...
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Islamic Forced Conversions Past And Present Ibrahim In The Blaze

Review Haunted Bromley Kent Mines Of Moria

I do love specter stories in the endure of Halloween - or Samhain as us witches would like to attraction it - and I've non-discriminatory all the way through reading a book called Shadowy Bromley.It is all about funny habit in a district that straddles the borders of Kent and South London and is by folklorist Neil Arnold.Now, Bromley has the nothing out of the ordinary bargain of unearthly homes and pub poltergeists, but what makes it more readily...
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Sunday Of Orthodoxy

MARCH 04TONE OF THE WEEK: PLAGAL OF THE FIRST TONEFIFTH EOTHINONREADING: For more than one hundred years the Church of Christ was troubled by the persecution of the Iconoclasts of evil belief, beginning in the reign of Leo the Isaurian (717-741) and ending in the reign of Theophilus (829-842). After Theophilus's death, his widow the Empress Theodora (celebrated Feb. 11), together with the Patriarch Methodius (June 14), established Orthodoxy anew....