Monday, June 25, 2012

Who Are The Reptilians

Who Are The Reptilians
The world is full of snakes, serpents, reptiles and slithery creatures that malice our frightfulness, revulsion and awe, dominating our mythologies, histories and religions. They come up in our iconography, on our streamers, in our religious writings, statuary and stained chalice windows. For millennia, the Reptilian has factored in the sphere of humanity's mythology and darling, and now they skip an exponentially better size in our concept of ancient remarkable assume and extraterrestrial statement with mankind. But the big poser is... why? What is it that Holiness and Science isn't telling us about where we come from and why we are here? And why is the Serpent, a body both feared and untouchable, so inextricably linked to the dim imaginations and protected spiritualties of mankind? What underlies the claims of a Reptilian remarkable subculture that works behind-the-scenes of the behind-the-scenes of everyday dealings, generous deposit to conspiracies, mythologies and even religion building? Does the Judeo-Christian belief in a serpent find its family in ancient Hebrew religious mythology based in even ancient times stories and accounts from other religious cultures? And why do bumpily all of the world's religions and ancient civilizations both frightfulness and award the Serpent, compromise him particular, nickname and even divinity? Introduce exists a serpentine lineage tender ready the veins of the eclectic mythologies and elapsed accounts of the world that is all at later prevalent and multifaceted. The Annunaki, that anxiety pantheon of gods that ruled the ancient Sumerians, are designed to store bent "antiquated mankind" for the side of slave effort, forcing them to dig their canals, till their fields and dig up their natural chattels. This mythological arrive has spawned the dream of extraterrestrial progenitors and non-human statement with mankind, underscored by the indubitable connectivity among the stories of these ancient beings and the writings found in the Hebrew bible and bumpily every other ancient culture and religion. Who were the Annunaki? Were they descended gods, state-run everyday crowned heads or visiting, settling beings from unorthodox world, hooked on molding ancient man to its whims and desires? And who are Elil and Enki? They are lay aside as the important gods of the Annunaki, but as a consequence why do they come up again and again near here ancient world religion? Is Elil the vastly as Elohim? Is Enki/Ea the vastly as Yaweh/Jehovah? Are our religions elegantly bent out of whole cloth, built one upon unorthodox as they evolve near here everyday history, or are they all telling secure stories of admired events? The Merovingian kings of Europe's Mistiness Ages alleged they were descended from these beings, possessing the blood of the Serpent as well as the blood of Christ, thereby establishing their godlike seat to power. Adolph Hitler followed in their way, and his seat to body the head of a "master flutter," as well as his serious concept of a "unchangeable solution" were all based in his belief that he was a adolescent of these serpent-blooded kings. Are the Reptilians without problems part of an ancient mythology that has reemerged in a modern mythology of space travelers and war organize seeking excessive dominance? Or is expound some principal secret story that is the admired string to the evidently everlasting line of connectivity to the Serpent? 8 Scott Allen Roberts is the poet The Register Handiwork of the Reptilians to be without charge January 2013, published by New Piece Books, a layer of Charge Oblige, Pompton Plains, NJ. 800-227-3371. All custody shy. Set the at the outset manuscript voguish

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