Saturday, June 16, 2012

Willow And Tara Cartoon Action Hour Season 2

Willow And Tara Cartoon Action Hour Season 2
I have covered a lot of this ground already, but I am surprised I had not actually posted this yet.

To follow-up on my review and write-ups of Cartoon Action Hour 2 I wanted to present my two witches. The power scale here is a bit different than say the Hex Girls, but it is still very do-able in CAH:2. In fact the power scalability here maybe one of Cartoon Action Hour's greatest strength.

Keeping with the 80's vibe of the game, I'll use pictures of action figures.

So I am obviously going to start with my versions of Willow and Tara from BESM 3.0 and OVA. I think they both do a good job of capturing an "animated universe" version of the girls. CAH should actually do a bit of a better job really since it is so flexible.

With BESM 2r I was going more for a different universe deal. Same characters, different situations. With this I think I am more likely to go with the characters as they are in the Dragon and the Phoenix/Season of the Witch time lines. Just different viewpoint on the same characters and events. Plus it makes filling out the sheets easier since I have a very clear idea of who these characters are and what their motives are.

So going with Season 3 here there are somethings that are new to the world. Like for example everyone knows magic is real. While they don't hide they are witches they do hide how powerful they really are.

(For details on this world, you will have to wait till I post all of "Season of the Witch".)


Series: Willow and Tara, Season 3

Group: Willow and Tara

Appearance: Attractive 20-something woman with red hair.


- Is off-the-charts smart

- Fantastic computer hacker

- Is a witch and can do magic

- Is in love with Tara

- Sold her computer company at age 25 so is very rich

- Can still be a bit insecure


- Has anger issues

- Secret: Brought down the veil between worlds (outed magic)

- Fears loosing Tara and loosing control of her powers

- has made a number of enemies


Witch (Spell Caster Cluster), 8 (24 points)

- TK (manipulate)

- Arcane Blast (attack)

- Shield (defend)

- Magical Sight (can see magical creatures, magical forces in the earth) (misc.)

Attractive 2

Computer Expert/Hacker, AF 6

Monster Hunter 2

Occult Scholar 5

Anger issues x1

Secrets x2

Base Oomph 5

Threshold 18

Battle Rating 8


Series: Willow and Tara, Season 3

Group: Willow and Tara

Appearance: Attractive 20-something woman with blonde hair.


- Is empathic

- Artist

- Is a witch and can do magic

- Is in love with Willow

- Is a councilor

- Can heal by touch


- Secret: Brought down the veil between worlds (outed magic)

- Fears Willow loosing control of her powers

- has made a number of enemies


Witch (Spell Caster Cluster), 7 (22 points)

- TK (manipulate)

- Arcane Blast (attack)

- Shield (defend)

- Magical Sight (can see magical creatures, magical forces in the earth) (misc.)

Attractive 1

Books of Spells

- Albus Codex 2

- Journals of Tamara Swift 2

- Journals of Megan Mclay 2

Familar (MKF, adds +2 to Oomph), 4

Healing Touch (revives), AF 3

Monster Hunter 2

Occult Scholar 5

Secrets x2

Base Oomph 5+2 (7)

Threshold 19

Battle Rating 7

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