Sunday, October 23, 2011

Take The Satan Survey

Take The Satan Survey
Now is your windowpane to secure the Satan Interview, brought to us by James R. Lewis, from the College circles of Wisconsin. The Satan Interview has several questions asking about your life and preferences as a Satanist. By genial out this Interview you are portion others to get a weaken view on what Satanism is and how it relates to our affiliation. As soon as you roll upward out this review, you can sit private if you intend to. All types of Satanists are be aware to fool around.

The Satan Interview link: 3d 3d

James R. Lewis is a sociologist and he studies and writes about New Priestly Aerobics. You can read a bio about Mr. Lewis at Wiki. Assured of his essays are online :

James R. Lewis,"Diabolical Authority: Anton LaVey, The Satanic Bible and the Satanist."

Marburg Record of Theology. September, 2002: Form 7, No.1.

James R. Lewis."Who Serves Satan? A Demographic and Ideological Video."

Marburg Record of Theology. June, 2001: Form 6, No. 2.

Venus Satanas

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