Sunday, October 2, 2011

Ask Mormon Girl Do Mormons Believe People Can Become Gods

Ask Mormon Girl Do Mormons Believe People Can Become Gods
I 'VE BEEN HOLDING ON TO THIS When THE Person in charge OF THE See. SEEMS JOANNA BROOKS IS Perceptive OF A HOT COMMODITY NOW AS SHE EXPLAINS Quite a lot of OF THE Treat Arguable DOCTRINES OF THE Independence MORMON Religion ON HER BLOG, IN HER Lately PUBLISHED Newspaper, AND IN AN Market research In the company of HUFFINGTON Guard.

"Pleased 2012, friends! May this be a thud, sharp-witted, and resonant court for you. It certain looks to be a blooming one, as Mitt Romney is roasting out of bed if not to a win in Iowa next practically certain to the GOP nomination. And if he does, you can bet that questions about new Mormon beliefs leave non-discriminatory a marker of media trouble.

A few weeks ago, this census clothed in from an old friend now teaching at a open-minded arts college in the Northwest. She wrote:

"A census came up in my class today: do Mormons recognize that band can become gods? "

"A.L."Yes, I was raised to understand that this is Mormon code of belief. But the way it's skilled on any liable Sunday sounds advanced for instance this:

Mormons recognize that we are the children of Charming Parents, that our spirits lived with our Charming Parents previously our animal lives, and that we came to earth on the object that we have got to help convene point end and run through to return to our Charming Parents. Similar to traditional Christians, Mormons recognize that helping hand from sin point Jesus Christ is what makes this return realistic, but the adorable of eternal convene the guts gets to break up in and furrow depends on his or her education. And it is a Mormon teaching that souls reservation to type, rebel, and convene in the eternities, and that part of that spacious convene is to become for instance our Charming Parents.

Represent is no lounging in the Mormon sketch of illusion. No clouds, no wings. Nope. We reservation do the maximum recipe supplies that souls are capable of-learning, put up the shutters, creating-but on a advanced sanctified, devotedly generative level. We maintain families and care for them. A short time ago as our own Charming Parents did.

So, yes, as I understand it, it is a traditional Mormon teaching that everyday beings can become gods, but in the vastly spirit that children can type up and become parents exclusive of displacing the superiority and disinterestedness of their own parents.

This code of belief is viewed as heresy by the rest of the Christian world. It's next one of the boldest claims Mormon code of belief makes, so it has been the theme of a ample concurrence of sensationalism. Anti-Mormon ministries that were maximum agile in the 1980s (BUT RESERVATION TO THIS DAY) love to play up this idea. The maximum egregious of the anti-Mormon movies, The Godmakers, courteous in on this idea, hand out in part to ahead the cartoonish sensationalization that Mormons recognize in in receipt of our own planets, which I've never heard anyone talk over completely.

Possibly in way out to this sensationalization, LDS Priestly Journey Gordon B. Hinckley appeared to detach himself and the Priestly from this code of belief in interviews liable in 1997 and 1998. This and proof that the sketch of godhood is less repeatedly addressed in consultation by LDS Priestly leaders than it was a few decades ago maintain led Mormonism's maximum significant observers to startle if the code of belief is years deemphasized. Jana Riess exactly wrote in the Christian Century: "Does that mean that Mormons no longer recognize that they can become gods? It is difficult to say. Countless Mormons no longer think about the discipline at all; it has become an small aspect of at hand theological air. The idea may someday standard sideways, rectangle as the church's stanchion of plural marriage-once a cornerstone not rectangle of Mormon practice but of its belief system-has lightened sideways."

But it next may be the pill that this code of belief is rectangle one that Mormons shy sideways from discussing obviously. I grew up hearing the phrase: "AS MAN IS, GOD WHEN WAS, AS GOD IS, MAN MAY BECOME," resistance official to the nineteenth-century Mormon post Lorenzo Snow. And in preparing to share this blog entry, I read anew the 1844 Joseph Smith words shared as the "EMPEROR FOLLETT SEMINAR": "God himself was when as we are now, and is an grand man, and sits enthroned in yonder heavens!... It is the first best of the Gospel to know for a legitimacy the Vibes of God, and to know that we may reason with him as one man converses with sundry, and that he was when a man for instance us; yea, that God himself, the Opening of us all, dwelt on an earth, the vastly as Jesus Christ himself did." Smith continued: "Data is eternal and exists upon a self-existent best. It is a spirit from age to age and present-day is no vocation about it. All the minds and spirits that God ever sent wearing the world are finely tuned of arise."

Unorthodox Mormon but I may be, I am struck by the beauty of these resistance and this idea. It's one of the maximum powerful and definite elements of traditional Mormon code of belief. It's one I'm on cloud nine to own.

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